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Ordo: Weekly Schedule: March 9th to 15th

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This schedule is not exclusive. It is intended to encompass only matters personally scheduled by the Imperator. If any other events are to be noted, feel free to comment them in.

[March 9th]

-- Combat in the evening: after 6:00 PM SLT.

[March 10th]

-- Combat in the evening: after 7:00 PM SLT.

[March 11th]

-- Titan Industries, Inc meeting at 3:00 PM SLT.

[March 12th]

-- N/A.

[March 13th]

-- Combat in the evening: after 5:00 PM SLT.

[March 14th]

-- Promotion recommendations due by 3:00 PM SLT.

-- Weekly meeting; 6:00 PM SLT.

[March 15th]

-- Combat likely throughout the day-- not for sure!

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