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Sera Otoro

My Production log...

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this list is solely for the purpose of tracking what i have done... so if you have any problems with them, providing they were scripted by me, then post up a message here...

Ordo Imperialis - MP5K - v2.5 - Scripts Only - STATUS : IN SERVICE

Ordo Imperialis - Powersword / Chainsword - v2.0 - Model and Scripts - STATUS : IN SERVICE

Ordo Imperialis - Censura - v3.5 - Model and Scripts - STATUS : IN SERVICE

Ordo Imperialis - Cruor - v3.5 - Model and Scripts - STATUS : IN SERVICE

Ordo Imperialis - Poena - v3.5 - Model and Scripts - STATUS : IN SERVICE

Ordo Imperialis - Occisor - v3.5 - Model and Scripts - STATUS : IN SERVICE

Ordo Imperialis - Trucido - v3.5 - Model and Scripts - STATUS : IN SERVICE

Ordo Imperialis - Ultionis - v3.5 - Model and Scripts - STATUS : IN SERVICE

Ordo Antesignani - Aggressor Mech - MK2 - Model and Scripts - STATUS : IN SERVICE

Ordo Antesignani - Predator Tank - MK1 - Scripts Only - STATUS : IN PRODUCTION

Ordo Antesignani - Venerator Mech - MK4 - Scripts Only - STATUS : IN SERVICE

Ordo Fulminata - Talon M12/M203 - v2.5 - Scripts Only - STATUS : IN SERVICE

Ordo Fulminata - Talon M12 Heavy SMG - v2.5 - Scripts Only - STATUS : IN SERVICE

Ordo Invictus - Ultionis - v3.5 - Model and Scripts - STATUS : IN SERVICE

Ordo Invictus - X-AR9 - v2.5 - Scripts Only - STATUS : IN SERVICE

Ordo Navis - FW900K-1 Battle Rifle - v2.5 - Scripts Only - STATUS : IN SERVICE

Ordo Navis - FW900K-1/M203 Battle Rifle - v2.5 - Scripts Only - STATUS : IN SERVICE

Ordo Navis - FW900K-2 Assault Rifle - v2.5 - Scripts Only - STATUS : IN SERVICE

Ordo Navis - MP9 SMG - v2.5 - Scripts Only - STATUS : IN SERVICE

Ordo Navis - W-13 Shotgun - v2.5 - Scripts Only - STATUS : IN SERVICE

Ordo Navis - X-AR9 - v2.5 - Scripts Only - STATUS : IN SERVICE

Ordo Praetorian Guard - Malleus Tonitrus - v2.0 - Scripts Only - STATUS : IN SERVICE

Ordo Schola - FW900K-T Battle Carbine - v2.5 - Scripts Only - STATUS : IN SERVICE

Edited by Sera Otoro
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