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Keystone Gray

Astra Meeting - 5/11/09

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[17:05] Keystone Gray: Alright!

[17:05] Keystone Gray: Let's get started, shall we?

[17:05] Zerowinged Vasiliev: Yes we shall.

[17:05] Jinxy Fluffball: yes we did

[17:05] Kaname Keng: Mic's yours, Key.

[17:05] Mizar Korobase: lol

[17:05] Vix Venera: gah

[17:05] Mizar Korobase: Nice timing

[17:05] Vincent Lucerne: V_V;

[17:05] Keystone Gray: This meeting will be fairly similar to the weekly meeting, so hold your comments until prompted, please.

[17:05] Zerowinged Vasiliev: Welcome to sparta

[17:06] Kaname Keng: Looks like we've got some rift-raft trying to break into our scene, ha-ha.

[17:06] Keystone Gray: (Shush please.)

[17:06] Keystone Gray: Ignore the attacker, our defenders can take care of him.

[17:07] Keystone Gray: I'd like to begin by asking everyone's opinions on the Navis/Astra merger's aftermath. It's been a couple of weeks, I'm curious as to how everyone thinks it's gone. Has it succeeded?

[17:07] Keystone Gray: Anyone care to add any input?

[17:07] Keystone Gray: Speak freely for now.

[17:08] Tsume Xiao is going through shotgun and bomb withdrawl :(

[17:08] Vix Venera: I miss navis D: but im adjusting alright. :o

[17:08] Detox Exonar: I have not hear of any negatives - in fact - I understand it has been going quite well

[17:08] Vincent Lucerne: Agreed :D

[17:08] Keystone Gray: Well, please be more specific; is there anything we're missing? Or anything we could improve upon?

[17:08] Tsume Xiao: Dropship.

[17:08] Vincent Lucerne: More dakka.

[17:08] Tsume Xiao: More Thanatos Training

[17:08] Jinxy Fluffball: bombers

[17:08] Keystone Gray: Dropship is in the works, Tsume.

[17:08] Keystone Gray: We have a bomber.

[17:08] Keystone Gray: That's the next topic.

[17:08] Jinxy Fluffball: ive never seen it in action

[17:08] Tsume Xiao: I know >.>

[17:08] Jinxy Fluffball: ^^

[17:09] Vix Venera: i've flown it a bit.. i like how it handles :O

[17:09] Sam Troell is Offline

[17:09] Kaname Keng lifts his hand.

[17:09] Jinxy Fluffball: ^^

[17:09] Keystone Gray: Kaname?

[17:11] Kaname Keng: I'd like to see more training drills and exercises - not just for certifications and suchnot - but to simulate different battlefield encounters, for practice, for sport, for something to bond over, and for fun. Already we have at it with occassional dogfights, but those only go so far and fail to really bring much flare to the overral training experience.

[17:11] Keystone Gray nods.

[17:11] Keystone Gray: We're beginning to work on more cohesive training exercises, ones that will invite other military groups into the fray with us.

[17:11] Keystone Gray: That much is being addressed.

[17:12] Keystone Gray: Again, Thanatos training is to start within the week.

[17:12] Keystone Gray: But we'll definitely look into more strategic activities, too.

[17:12] Keystone Gray: Vix, you're originally from Navis, so I'm going to throw the spotlight on you for a moment! How do you think we've been fitting in? Do you have enough to do?

[17:14] Vincent Lucerne: <.<

[17:14] Keystone Gray: Or Ragerat, you may give your input as well, if you wish.

[17:15] Tsume Xiao: >.>

[17:15] Ragerat Sands: I have not been on base much lately, so I cant really say about the fitting in

[17:15] Zerowinged Vasiliev taps table.

[17:16] Keystone Gray: Alrighty. Well, my apologies for pushing you both out into the open then.

[17:16] Vix Venera: sorry. had lost connection for a couple min... missed what was posted.

[17:16] Ragerat Sands: not at all keystone

[17:16] Keystone Gray: Onto the next topic: Thanatos training!

[17:16] Keystone Gray: I'm going to pass each of you a notecard on how the training / orientation on the craft will be.

[17:16] Vincent Lucerne: \o/

[17:16] Keystone Gray: It's a rough outline, nothing more.

[17:17] Keystone Gray: But it encompasses the basics behind how it will be happening.

[17:17] Keystone Gray: And soon. I promise. ;)

[17:17] Vincent Lucerne: >:D

[17:18] Keystone Gray: The Thanatos training program, in its current iteration, will be available to anyone who has passed basic Astra training.

[17:18] Keystone Gray: The Thanatos, for those of you who are unfamiliar with it, is a small, moderate-speed attack craft.

[17:18] Keystone Gray: With ample firepower for precision strikes.

[17:19] Vincent Lucerne: Hi Razi :D

[17:19] Niiya Narayan: who's in charge of organizing training for the Thanatos?

[17:19] Vix Venera: Heya Razi.

[17:19] Razi Soyinka: heyas

[17:20] Jinxy Fluffball: this looks nice *sets the paper on fire to keep it secret*

[17:20] Keystone Gray: Any questions on how the Thanatos training will be carried out?

[17:20] Keystone Gray: It's okay to distribute.

[17:20] Jinxy Fluffball: ^^ not anymore :D

[17:20] Detox Exonar: Question

[17:20] Niiya Narayan: who's in charge of organizing training for the Thanatos?

[17:21] Keystone Gray: Niiya: Rei and myself.

[17:21] Keystone Gray: Detox?

[17:22] Razi Soyinka: wasn't I supposed to be given training, in order to become a Thanny trainer? or was that something else?

[17:22] Keystone Gray: Yes Razi, that is the next topic of discussion. :)

[17:22] Detox Exonar: Once someone goes through training - and that person is a Red Tails fighter pilot - will he be able to fly both - praedas/nems and Thanatos - or will he exclusively be inthe bomber squadron from then on out

[17:23] Vincent Lucerne: \o *hand raise*

[17:23] Keystone Gray: There will not be an individual bomber squadron. The only squadron being added to Astra is the dropship squadron, which is the project we will be tackling once the Thanatos training is complete.

[17:23] Keystone Gray: In short: Yes, all members of Astra will be able to access the Thanatos, given that they meet the requirements listed.

[17:23] Kraa String: Apologies for being late

[17:23] Keystone Gray: Vincent?

[17:23] Detox Exonar: thanks Key

[17:23] Vincent Lucerne: When can we sign up for training <-<?

[17:24] Jinxy Fluffball: yea

[17:24] Keystone Gray: I'll make a thread in the Astra forum about that, Vincent. It should be up five minutes after this meeting ends.

[17:24] Kraa String raises a paw

[17:24] Keystone Gray: Kraa?

[17:25] Kraa String: Are you looking for trainers to assist with training people with the Thanatos?

[17:25] Vix Venera raises a paw

[17:25] Keystone Gray: Yes! That's the next topic.

[17:25] Keystone Gray: Vix?

[17:25] Vix Venera: are we going to have assigned crews for the bomber?

[17:25] Vincent Lucerne: Ah yea :o

[17:25] Vix Venera: like we did for the other ships awhile back in navis

[17:26] Keystone Gray: No, all people will be trained to work with anyone, but if the person you want to fly with is available and authorized for whatever field of combat the bomber may be deployed in, feel free to tagteam.

[17:26] Vix Venera: kk

[17:26] Keystone Gray: The training is entirely cooperative-based.

[17:27] Keystone Gray: We believe that the vehicle's effectiveness is only as good as the cooperative skills of the pilot and copilot.

[17:27] Keystone Gray: As well as how well they work together with ground crews.

[17:27] Keystone Gray: Any other questions?

[17:27] Vincent Lucerne: So then, this aircraft is exclusively anti-ground?

[17:28] Keystone Gray: Yes. But we'll get into how it may be deployed during training.

[17:28] Kraa String: The Thanatos is not very good at air combat

[17:28] Vincent Lucerne: Ah ok then

[17:28] Keystone Gray: Okay, final topic! The Thanatos project is in need of two trainers.

[17:28] Detox Exonar: How long has the Thanatos been around - some history if you will

[17:28] Kaname Keng shoots hand up, volunteering. >_>

[17:28] Kraa String: I would like to put my name down for that sir

[17:28] Keystone Gray: Oh.

[17:28] Keystone Gray: Sorry.

[17:29] Detox Exonar: np

[17:29] Vix Venera: I would like to put my name down for that as well sir.

[17:29] Keystone Gray: The Thanatos was developed as Navis decided to branch out into aspects of combat not involving nuking everything lololol.

[17:30] Keystone Gray: We brought the air-to-ground combat from strategic to tactical level.

[17:30] Vincent Lucerne: oooo :O

[17:30] Kraa String: Thanatos

[17:30] Detox Exonar: nice!

[17:30] Kraa String: For those who dont know what it is

[17:30] Vincent Lucerne: <#....

[17:30] Vincent Lucerne: i think im in love

[17:30] Detox Exonar: ditto

[17:30] Keystone Gray chuckles.

[17:30] Vix Venera: just wait till ya fly it <3

[17:30] Detox Exonar: I'm pumped

[17:30] Kraa String: Have you highlighted its armaments sir?

[17:30] Vincent Lucerne: Im so there.

[17:30] Keystone Gray: We'll go into that during training, Kraa.

[17:30] Detox Exonar: is is sit based or attachemnt?

[17:30] Kraa String: Sit

[17:31] Vix Venera: weapons attach

[17:31] Kraa String: Aye

[17:31] Kraa String: Pilot has rockets and the gunner has a vulcan cannon and bombs

[17:31] Detox Exonar: sign me up

[17:31] Blaze Wiles: my the imperator have mercy on those who see a combined flight of Nemisis and These coming at them :>

[17:31] Detox Exonar: lol

[17:31] Keystone Gray: Technical specifications of the vehicle will be handled when the time comes. For now, let's get into discussing the trainer slots available.

[17:32] Vincent Lucerne: Mercy is not for the Heretic.

[17:32] Kraa String: I want to put my name forward for this

[17:32] Kaname Keng: As do I.

[17:32] Keystone Gray: Razi has stepped up (thanks, Razi!) and asked to be a part of the training program.

[17:32] Vix Venera: we clense them with fire and steel :o

[17:32] Keystone Gray: He too is sharing some of the administrative oversight of the Thanatos project.

[17:33] Keystone Gray: I'm also considering pulling Thanatos trainers from the pool of Navis transfers, as they have had the most practice with the craft. Prior training skill, however, is a must.

[17:33] Keystone Gray: I'll contact those of you who I feel are eligible in private later.

[17:33] Keystone Gray: And we'll go from there.

[17:33] Vix Venera nods.

[17:34] Keystone Gray: Please don't feel excluded if you don't fall under those categories; there are opportunities available in the future when the training implementation is complete.

[17:34] Keystone Gray: For now, getting the project going is our top priority.

[17:34] Keystone Gray: Any further questions?

[17:34] Niiya Narayan: when will training begin?

[17:35] Keystone Gray: Within the week. I'm predicting that I can get the trainers up to speed with the craft within a day or two. Three days at the least, six or seven at the most.

[17:36] Keystone Gray: Okay. I know I said that the last topic was the last one, but lo and behold, I am human and I forget some things.

[17:37] Keystone Gray: Just a quick mention: The dropship project will be coming hot on the heels of the Thanatos training project.

[17:37] Keystone Gray: As soon as we finish solidifying the training efforts, we're diving right into revising how our dropships will be used in combat.

[17:38] Keystone Gray: No specifics on that yet.

[17:38] Keystone Gray: Any final questions before we close?

[17:38] Niiya Narayan: i can add some

[17:38] Keystone Gray: Please do!

[17:39] Niiya Narayan: The drop ship will be an airbus of sorts with good manouvering caipabilities as well as vertical take off...

[17:39] Vix Venera: Will the training be like the training we had in navis? or will it be any different?

[17:39] Kraa String: The training for the Thanatos was never complete

[17:39] Kraa String: Until now

[17:39] Tsume Xiao: I doubt dropship will have big happy funtime cannons

[17:39] Vincent Lucerne: Um....Capn...?

[17:39] Tsume Xiao: e_e

[17:40] Vix Venera: well i meant like simular to the other ships we flew..

[17:40] Keystone Gray: Shhh please.

[17:40] Niiya Narayan: it'll have a 6-8 passenger cargo hold that carries squads of Invictus for drop pods or regular soldiers for transport to diffrent areas on the battlefield

[17:40] Niiya Narayan: it's likely to have a small cannon for limited defence caipabilities and the overall size will be small

[17:41] Niiya Narayan: the squad of pilots who fly the ship will be overseen by Keystone and myself

[17:41] Niiya Narayan: as the places are limited we will only be allowing the most active of pilots to participate

[17:41] Niiya Narayan: and training in all other craft will be preferred if not mandatory

[17:42] Niiya Narayan: as it stands the actual build has not begun

[17:42] Niiya Narayan: Syl Kiranov and myself will be working on it together

[17:42] Niiya Narayan: with imput from both Astra and Invictus #

[17:42] Niiya Narayan: please don't IM us with "is it done yet?"

[17:43] Niiya Narayan: Syl and I are both icredibly busy people

[17:43] Niiya Narayan: and nagging us will just slow us down

[17:43] Niiya Narayan: that's all, any questions?

[17:44] Keystone Gray: None from me! But I'd like to mention a big massive "omaigawdsoworthhuggingyou" thank you for all the work you and Syl -have- been doing.

[17:44] Niiya Narayan: thanks :]

[17:44] Vincent Lucerne: Here here :D

[17:45] Kraa String: Kudos to Niiya and Syl :3

[17:45] Niiya Narayan: any more topics for discussion?

[17:46] Keystone Gray: I think everyone's well informed!

[17:46] Keystone Gray: If there are not any more questions, you're all dismissed. Thanks for coming! I'll have the Thanatos training application thread up in a few minutes.

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