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Updated Merits: 28MAY09

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To be added to handbook. Effective immediately.

<-------------------------------------------------------[Extend to this length]---------------------------------------------------------->

>>> Chapter 5

>>> Awards and Merits

Not unlike promotions, an individual within the Ordo Imperialis can earn special badges and medallion merits in response to performing some outstanding feat for the good of the group. There are multiple awards, each corresponding to something different. Most of the awards are merely prestige based; however, some of them carry special privileges.

Merits should only be worn on the dress (CLASS A) attire, stacked neatly above the right breast (from the perception of facing one's self).

>>> The current available merits are as listed below:

[1] [The Imperator's Star]: Awarded for paramount sacrifice and selflessness for the betterment of the Ordo Imperialis. Holders of the Star are admitted to all equipment, regardless of cross-branch restrictions. This merit is awarded at the discretion of the Imperator; it is a rare and highly prestigious achievement.

[2] [Custos]: Imperium in imperio. Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.

[3] [Crown of the Preserver]: Awarded to those whom have directly mitigated damaged, prevented damage, or protected the overall group infrastructure and sanctity of the Ordo Imperialis.

[4] [Corona Obsidionalis]: Awarded to those individuals within the heat of battle, whether defensive or offensive, whom perform a feat of valor beyond normal combat expectations and ultimately influence a favorable outcome that would have been otherwise unobtainable without their interference.

[5] [Corona Argentum]: Awarded to those whom are entrusted with individual command elements and secure decisive victories on behalf of the Ordo Imperialis. Sanctioned deployments only.

[6] [Corona Vallaris]: This medal is awarded to those individuals who are denoted as the most-valuable asset during any given deployment. Recommendation for this award is based upon irregular feats in combat that exemplify someone as being worthy of taking the title as "most valuable" during a combat bout.

[7] [Merit of Honor]: Earned by the most respectful and diligent within the group. The Merit of Honor is a badge of loyalty, given to those whom abide and live through the guidelines of the organization. To be awarded this is a high honor, limited to a select few of the Ordo Imperialis' most revered.

[8] [Ordo Achievement Merit]: Provided to those whom have accomplished a general feat worth noting within the Ordo Imperialis-- whether that is longevity of service without conduct concerns, dedicating one's self to guard duty, etc. This award is primarily designed as a commendation to catchall worthy circumstances. For example, if someone was afforded recognition beyond the current Combat Prowess merit levels.

[9] [Architect of Eternity Merit]: The second of the series of merits awarded to individuals responsible for providing contributions to the Ordo Imperialis in the way of material and intellectual development. This award is considered to be higher in prestige to the Architect of Unity, as one must have the Architect of Unity to achieve the Architect of Eternity.

[10] [Architect of Unity]: An award specifically designed for developers of the Ordo Imperialis. It is given to those whom have dedicated their repeated time and efforts toward constructing for the organization. This may be also awarded for the construction of theory and ideology.

[11] [Diplomacy]: This merit is awarded to individuals who provide a positive image externally to other organizations, whether on official assignment or in the commission of day to day activity.

[12] [Praetorian Service]: An award reserved for those whom serve or have served among the Praetorian Guard, the Imperator's personal legion and bodyguard.

[13] [indoctrination]: Awarded based upon presentation of an individual's confidence and faith within the organization. Provided to those who exhibit zeal and passion for their duties.

[14] [Administratio Qualification]: For individuals whom have reached the Administratio denotation within the Ordo Imperialis, recognizing their ascension into the class of administration.

[15] [Alpha Contubernium]: An award for those whom have been honored as members of one of Terra

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