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Ordo Training: Monday, June 29th, & Friday, July 3rd

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As the topic title suggests, I'll be holding a pair of training sessions on Monday, and Friday. Monday's time will be likely more EU friendly, around 1-2 PM SLT. Friday's will take place at 5PM SLT.

Both will likely make use of Rostok or Titan (and maybe Chronus for the hell of it). Your typical team skirmishes with various interesting twists and turns thrown into it.

As Gulliver mentioned, both of us talk regularly and are still in the process of filling out our rosters, so those in Terra interested in Alpha squad duty, it's highly recommended you come and show us what you can do!

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Friday's exercise at 5pm SLT will be a team combat exercise.

>>There are attackers and defenders. Attackers set up their spawn in the HUB, while defenders setup their spawn in the armory.

>>The goal of the attackers is to reach an objective within the base, placed on the floor below the hangar room and reachable by the ramp or elevator. Defenders must defend the objective.

>>Indefinite number of lives. Round ends if the objective is reached, or 20 minutes have passed.

>>At the end of each round, both teams switch.

>>Basic weapons only. No shotguns and no miniguns.

>>HUD Grenades permitted. No other explosives of any kind permitted (that includes mines and detpacks).

>>Jetpacks permitted.

>>Again, everyone has indefinite lives until attackers reach objective or time limit is up.

>>Markers will be issued denoting team.

Edit: (And thank you for posting, Keller. :D)

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