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[Ordo] Weekly Schedule: July 27th to August 2nd

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[July 27th]

>> Early day raid: 1 PM ish?

>> Evening raid: 7:00 PM SLT.

[July 28th]

>> Evening raid: 7:00 PM SLT.

[July 29th]

>> Evening raid: 7:00 PM SLT.

[July 30th]

>> Evening raid: 7:00 PM SLT.

[July 31st]

>> Evening raid: 7:00 PM SLT.

[Aug 1st]

>> Weekly Ordo meeting: 6:00 PM SLT. Promotion/merit recommendations due by 3:00 PM SLT.

>> Large scale combat planned 8:00 PM SLT: multiple deployments.

[Aug 2nd]

>> Up in the air-- likely no meeting; Aryte has to pick up his girlfriend.

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