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Meeting - 06/23/08

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[19:10] You: Thank you all for coming.

[19:11] You: I will make this short and sweet, but the message is important enough!

[19:11] Maldavius Figtree is Offline

[19:11] Gunau Sodwind is Offline

[19:11] Trevor Russell is Online

[19:11] Poon Voom is Online

[19:11] You: Foremost, as I've been saying . . tomorrow, I leave on a five day vacation, during which I will largely be unavailable for contact.

[19:11] You: During my absence, business will conducted as per the norm.

[19:12] Jayce Iredell is Offline

[19:12] You: Joseph Spearmann, Legates of Astra, will assume command authority in most situations.

[19:12] You: If you have any basic concerns, feel free to bring them to him.

[19:12] You: The Praetorian Guard will temporarily act under his lead.

[19:13] You: Kitsy Bunnyhug, as per the norm, will be available to receive any incident reports.

[19:13] Fen Fouroux is Online

[19:13] You: During my absence, I will try to pop on just to check up on everyone. However, I will not be making it a habit. Hah.

[19:13] You: If you have anything extremely pressing, drop me an offline IM. I reply as quickly as I can via my phone.

[19:14] Intus Infinity: (epik ordo fone ;) )

[19:14] You: Which I am away, one individual will file a report for me daily on the forums, so I may stay up to date.

[19:14] You: Sukasa has volunteered for that?

[19:14] Vicious Redgrave is Offline

[19:14] Sukasa Rydell: Aye sir.

[19:14] Celgar Hax is Offline

[19:14] You: Be sure that you keep him up to date.

[19:14] * (COM) Striker Dryke (Age: 1 year 2 months; Group: Ordo) at spawn *

[19:14] You: Leaving you all is always very difficult.

[19:14] Striker Dryke (COM): :o Ohnoes!

[19:15] Vicious Redgrave is Online

[19:15] You: Not because I lack faith in your capabilites, but I hate the sense of being aloof from the organization I so dearly <3.

[19:15] Tsume Xiao: <3

[19:15] ShadowFang Blessed: <3

[19:15] Lauraa Dench: ((arw *sniffles*))

[19:15] Matt Tempel: \o/

[19:15] Jinxy Fluffball: do not worry, we will not fail you

[19:15] You: Quiet, please.

[19:16] You: I do ask, however, that you all redouble your efforts while I am away. You would really honor me by trying your damndest to stay out of trouble-- the less incident reports, the less problems that occur, the happier I am.

[19:16] You: In the past, when I was away . . not one problem happened.

[19:16] You: I look forward to being able to say that again.

[19:16] Jayce Iredell is Online

[19:16] Intus Infinity: (If you're bored, contact me! I have plenty for you to do.)

[19:17] You: I am sure you all will behave just fine, you always do.

[19:17] You: Just . . try harder for me, ha ha. I would honestly appreciate being able to enjoy my vacation without worry.

[19:17] You: If you have anything you need to address before I leave, I will be available off and on this evening.

[19:17] Razi Soyinka is Online

[19:17] You: Simply drop me a message.

[19:18] Synth Fhang arms some C-4. >:3

[19:18] You: Instructors, try to get any cadets you can passed tonight. Ha ha.

[19:18] Synth Fhang: Wait, I'm going...

[19:18] Tsume Xiao backhands synth

[19:18] You: Otherwise, it may take a couple days.

[19:18] You: Before I forget: Zero Tolerance will be abolished as of this evening. I do not believe it is needed anymore.

[19:19] Mason Heiden is Online

[19:19] You: Just use it as a reminder.

[19:19] * (COM) Mason Heiden (Age: 3 years 5 months; Group: Ordo) at spawn *

[19:19] You: You bring respect to the group by respecting others.

[19:19] You: Any questions?

[19:19] Synth Fhang: Nope.

[19:19] Renji Bikcin is Online

[19:19] Solomon Draken: No sir.

[19:19] Vicious Redgrave: I have a question.

[19:19] Kenji Solvang is Online

[19:19] Lauraa Dench: No sir.

[19:19] Remy Dubrovna: nosir

[19:19] Intus Infinity: No, Sir! Enjoy your well deserved vacation!

[19:19] ShadowFang Blessed: ^

[19:19] Revenant Graves: No, sir.

[19:20] Knightblade Fayray: Should i bring coffee on thursday?

[19:20] NeonFlash Caliber: None here, Sir

[19:20] Sukasa Rydell: No questions here, sir...

[19:20] Vicious Redgrave: But... I have one!

[19:20] You: Vicious?

[19:20] Vicious Redgrave: FUCK SWORDS!

[19:20] You: . . Indeed.

[19:20] Jinxy Fluffball: ??

[19:20] You: You're all dismissed.

[19:20] Revenant Graves: XD

[19:20] Razi Soyinka: sorry I'm late

[19:20] Aryte Vesperia draws up his arm, snapping a fist to his chest to provide a salute.

[19:20] Lilium Supermarine: xD

[19:20] Intus Infinity present a quick, steady, strong salute.

[19:20] Rei Kuhr salutes.

[19:20] Sukasa Rydell salutes.

[19:20] ShadowFang Blessed salutes!

[19:20] Trevor Russell salutes!

[19:20] Jinxy Fluffball salutes!

[19:20] Tenaki Kupferberg salutes!

[19:21] Jayce Iredell salutes!

[19:21] Revenant Graves salutes! "Yeah, dude."

[19:21] Eazy101 Wilber salutes!

[19:21] Lauraa Dench Provides a Strong Salute.

[19:21] Vix Venera: thats not a question 0.o

[19:21] Lilium Supermarine salutes! "Grenade!"

[19:21] NeonFlash Caliber salutes!

[19:21] Xovit Svarog salutes!

[19:21] Lestat Umarov snaps to attention, delivering a clean salute!

[19:21] Aelus Janus raises his left arm parallel to his chest sharply in a salute of respect.

[19:21] Vladimus Nikolaidis salutes.

[19:21] Solomon Draken salutes!

[19:21] Knightblade Fayray salutes!

[19:21] Vicious Redgrave salutes! "Zip zip alla bog bix nood!"

[19:21] Mack Rachter salutes!

[19:21] Krow Ames salutes!

[19:21] Vix Venera salutes!

[19:21] Remy Dubrovna salutes

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