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SOP Update: Important 18AUG09

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18AUG09-I: Dereliction of duty is henceforth understood as the purposeful and/or unintentional failure to act in an event that would otherwise be correctable by the application of individual enumerated authority. Dereliction shall be punishable, dependent upon severity and number offenses, as: 1. written reprimand to be included in personal dossier, 2. suspension of privileges/reassignment of command, 3. rank/grade demotion.

18AUG09-II: The use of civilian alternate accounts within Titan shall be limited and within pertinent reasoning. Visitation of Titan should be under the pretense of utilizing your main, Ordo enlisted account. It is permissible to visit Titan under your alternate, however all standards that would otherwise apply to your main must be adhered to. For example, it is not permissible to null red zone expectations under the pretense of being a ‘civilian.’ Alternate accounts are only classified as civilians on account of not wishing to inflate the Ordo personnel numbers unrealistically. In the case of combat or another involved event, it is expected that said member will, in the case of being present only on an alternate, revert to their primary account.

18AUG09-III: Failure to appropriately distinguish/denote one’s identity as NCOIC/OIC and/or failure to appropriately pass the title of NCOIC/OIC during absence, tardiness, inactivity, etc; will be treated as a dereliction of duty and punishable as such.

18AUG09-IV: In the absence of a discernible or active NCOIC/OIC, it is the responsibility of those so able (re; an NCO or WO/CO present) to ensure that the position is filled immediately. Failure to do so shall be taken as a dereliction of duty and punishable as such.

18AUG09-V: In the event that unruly behavior, demonstration of poor conduct, or general actions unfit for a member of the Ordo is committed in the presence of a commissioned/warrant officer, it is the responsibility of said individual(s) to mandate an appropriate response. Failure to issue an adequate reprimand and/or act with the interest of effecting public order for the standard of the Ordo Imperialis shall be taken as a dereliction of duty and be punishable as such.


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