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Vegna Fouroux


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Zrazor Rozenstrauch ran. He ran and ran. Not once did he tarry. Not once did his hairless body, with only a pink loincloth for cover think about doing anything else, a panzerfaust round flew by his ear. "Holy Throne" He shouted and jumped to his right, almost immediately regretting it. His bare bottom slid down the rocky mountainside. but into the thankfully cool and unthankfully filthy river.

Zrazor breathed with his mouth alone. How long had it been? Real Food? Christ...He let his body float down the easy river it's noxious fumes disguising his body to any onlookers from the mountain above. He lay on his back in the water. Letting the horrors of the past two years wash away from him.

Some time beforehand... Titan, Base of the Ordo Imperialis,

Zrazor was on sentry duty, or rather supervising the sentries from his outpost station. "A quiet night" he mused and looked up at the picture of the Imperator on his desk. The image reminding him to keep vigilant. Alas easier said than done! Zrazor had been on continuous duty for 6 days now without sleep. The main force had been sent away to Chronus, where it was rumoured an Alliance Navy Armada was planning to use as its former base. Zrazor inevitably drifted off. SNAP. He awoke in a dark room. he could see nothing bar the outline of a man in front of the sole light of the area. His mind raced "Shit...shit..I dozed off. FUCK." The light intensified and he could make out that the man wore an eyepatch. "Tiridates Mikadze! you're...dead." the man smiled. "And so are you, Zrazor Rozenstrauch was officially made an unperson at 3 A.M this morning and executed at dawn, no explanation was needed or given for this."

Mikadze was Frumentarii, it was common knowledge even it wasn’t official. Zrazor had to be careful or he might end up in their top secret tower of tortures, where it was rumoured disgraced admiral Shadow Keegan was now the gaoler, he shuddered at the thought.

“Cigarette.” Tiridates actually looked surprised. “What’s that unperson?” Zrazor looked up without fear. “Look you bastard, you’ve taken everything from me, EVERYTHING. Just give me a fucking cigarette!” Tiridates sat down, he looked a lot older than Zrazor had initially thought. “You shouldn’t smoke Zrazor, it’s worse than Candy for breakfast.”

Candy for breakfast? Could this be some kind of code? He quickly stopped trying to figure it out, analysing the mind of a frumentarii was like trying to figure out a high functioning autistic rubik cube; it appears complex and it is fucking complex.

“I’m going to level with you Zrazor we need your help, this kind of help requires a few things before it can be given, firstly, the Ordo needs to think you’re dead, secondly, Vanguard needs to think you’re alive and thirdly, Vanguard needs to think you’re alive because our execution of you did not go to plan and you escaped with important documents to bring back to your real masters who were Vanguard all along, you get the drift? Good, have a cigarette.”

Tiridates offered Candy. Zrazor gulped, but didn’t accept. He spoke quietly “Alright…Alright… I’ll do it, whats the job in Vanguard? Officer position? Grunt? High Command?” He laughed. “Hell I might even enjoy this.” Tiridates smiled in return. “Oh no..we’re inserting you into Castle Snow Mew. Zrazor burst out laughing at this. “That some kind of codename?”

…………………………….Present Day…………………………..

Zrazor continued to float down the stream. No it hadn’t been a code name. It was a torture camp as well as the Fuhrer of Vanguard’s private residence. Inmates were forced to dress in nothing but pink skirts.

The things Zrazor had seen…the horror, the sheer depravity.

And for what? The Fuhrer was still alive, Zrazor had failed his mission, he had broken finally and barely escaped with his life. (not that it was much of a life now). But he couldn’t fail the imperator. He would hunt, he would train, he would become all things, and he would return…one day…to Castle Snow Mew to finish his mission

To Be Continued

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