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Toxia Request

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here we go....

Attention all gun makers:

Toxia needs guns, we love our guns!!! ((All Players: please pass to your favorite gun makers))

(((((This is very wordy on purpose, we want to give every bit of information we possibly can so there isn’t any confusion. Every answer you need should be in this document. Please read and reread it THOROUGHLY to make sure your answer isn’t covered in this document before contacting the staff.))))


We are very pleased with the announcement that DCS is discontinuing the gun API. This allows Toxia a little more freedom when choosing gun smiths for our store to supply to our players. Since Toxia uses DCS, the damage in all guns (collision based weaponry) is throttled, meaning you cant do anymore damage than Toxia, or any other DCS sim for that matter, has set their sim to do. Unfortunately we have had to set the damage and timer very low because of the massive amounts of bullets that are rezzed by some guns. Full auto or burst mode has no effect here or any other DCS sim with damage throttling other than the fact of killing the sims resources, basically rezzing useless bullets that eat up a sims resources like crazy. I realize those super firing, extremely decked out guns with every feature imaginable have a place, but its not here. Those features are “legacy” to us and most SLers. Today, RPG players and sim owners alike want gorgeous weaponry that doesn’t lag out the sim and the players.

We want the absolute best weapons in Second Life in our sim; low lag and beautiful. Since the announcement of the gun API discontinuation we have been discussing checking out all the new guns in SL, and finally after 3 years, doing some RETESTING. After a couple of months of talking about it, we are ready! Toxia’s rules, guidelines, and policies have paved the way and set standards in SL for a lot of RPG sims. We plan on doing extensive testing of the facts that we do not mind sharing. DC S has over 100,000 unique players..that’s a lot of customers. With that said, we believe any gun maker that proves their guns to be one of the top best performing will be widely accepted throughout SL as the best. You cant deny the facts and we will document them. Although we require you to have already established your business, we do not discriminate on how small your business is. If you make the best guns in SL we want to help you make a name for yourself.

Testing Begins Friday September 18th!!!!!

The Plan:

In two weeks we will be ready for testing. We are making this announcement two weeks before testing to allow gun makers that are interested in putting a vendor in our sim to make adjustments to their guns to fit our needs. We have compiled a list of must haves, things that would be nice to have, and suggestions on how gun makers can reduce the lag in their guns. We have very limited space for vendors, so there will only be 3-4 gun developers selected in the end. We will not be accepting any guns for testing before the 2 weeks is up only because we have a lot of things to focus on in between. When the time comes for testing, we will make another announcement and do what we can to focus solely on the weapon testing. In that two weeks if you have any questions please direct them to me, Miss Wright or My Sr GM, Duckie Dickins, We will have two gun testers, we would very much like if you would be willing to pass a copy of each gun to those testers and to myself. I will not be releasing the names of those testers because we do not want them disturbed right now. On Friday September 18th, to find out who the testers are(who to send your guns to) teleport to Toxia into the information center and touch the lime green box and it will say the names of the testers. Please box up your weapons with a note card so we can easily identify your weapons and who to our “consistent” contact is for clarifications. We will then test the weapons in the areas listed below compiling it into a fine tuned spreadsheet, review the information, and contact the gun developers about any tweaks if necessary. We then will review the tweaks, discuss it as a council, and make our final decisions. (please see facts and disclaimers below)

List of things we want…

Things we will be looking at…

"*"mandatory" "***" not mandatory, but would be nice

*All guns by this maker meets the mandatory requirements

*shell ejection must turn off

*clip ejection must turn off

*mode available that only fires off one bullet per click

*gun only fires one bullet at a time in semi mode

***if dual would be nice if there was a small millisecond pause before the second gun fired off its bullet, possibly a stagger fire

*bullet should come out on a per click basis (ie not a hold and constant fire)

*realistic guns, pretty guns, very well done as far as build and textures

*reload (a real reload that pauses the fire of both guns as it reloads since it is realistically impossible to reload one gun while firing the other)

*clip with 30 or less bullets (ie reloads after 30 bullets), unless in real life the gun has closer to or more than 50, then we will specifically need to approve that gun

*to use somewhat unique private channel commands to draw or holster only listening to owner

*must be a bullet that does not push, explode, etc

*must die very quickly (most scripters put a die on collision, die after a few seconds whether it collides or not(max 5 seconds less preferred if possible), and set it to temp on rez)

*must NOT have a scanner, locater, or target in any of the guns

*if your guns have a mode that wouldn’t be allowed (ie auto) please make it sound different when firing, or find a way to make it easily identified (ie different color bullet)

*must have update scripts in them so you can easily send updates when linden lab changes something

*must have a decent variety of guns as we only have space for a few vendors

*must already have your business established

*must use scripts you produced

*must speak English fluently or have a consistent contact representative that speaks your language and English fluently (this is a matter of communication only)

*Low lag vendors, redelivery terminal available

*You will be making a substantial amount of money off our sim, we require your vendors to pay out 10% to the sim…we are non profit, we do not rent, and we are not a mall, so we feel this isn’t an unfair thing to ask for

***Automatic download of fire rate of the DCS sims configuration (which ever sim you teleport into) , which can be obtained by using this script for your guns rezzing no more than 2 bullets in the time allowed to consider misses (this code and link never "plans to change, so updates for this hopefully will never be necassary, but thats not a guarantee) If you use this method please make sure you only http poll on teleport into a sim instead of constantly polling the website adding lag to the sim

***An RP mode would be nice that puts the gun in all the correct settings for the sim

***stagger the offset in dual wield guns to avoid bullet collisions midair

***lower prim guns preferred

***bullets do not play sounds when they collide

***muzzle flash off setting

***we feel the least amount of frills the better, how often do people use those push, explosion orbiter things anyway

***someone suggested completely transparent bullets, I don’t know if that reduces lag, not sure, but it does look better when its laggy to not have a million bullets bouncing about. Another way is to make it transparent after a couple of seconds and after collision. I am not sure if that adds to sim resources though. Testing will tell.

What we will be testing…..

Other than the requirements above….

We will be testing for the script usage and collisions in both high lag and low lag situations in the following areas

~held but not drawn

~usage it takes when drawn

~when it is held in your hand drawn

~when it fires

~when it reloads

~when the gun is holstered

~how long it takes for bullets to die

~the collisions it does to the simulator

~how accurately it hits the avatar

Facts & Disclaimers

~If your guns have features not allowed by our sim, that’s ok, as long as the features we need are in the guns. Using less features in your guns will probably reduce sim lag depending on the feature and how it is scripted. If explosions and cages are in your guns as an option and when not in that mode doesn’t produce extra sim lag, then great.

~The requirements in this document do not mean we will be banning guns that do not meet them.

~If you believe this request to be cocky and demanding, it was not intended to be, we just NEED our sim to run better and do not feel it is too much to ask for guns that are optimized for sim performance.

~We are not affiliating approval of these guns with DCS. You will not get an enhanced script, you will not get a DCS approved. This program is Toxia based. Miss Wright owns and runs Toxia…Dimentox owns and runs DCS…two different entities.

~We will not be releasing the full spreadsheet to the public. The spreadsheet will only be available to those who ask. If your gun performs poorly and does not even come close to what we want we will replace your company name with an “XXX. Your guns may be just fine, but not for us, we respect your business and effort and do not want to hurt you. We will in fact however release names of a few more than what we accept as vendors only because we know there are some amazing guns out there and many will come close, but we only have room for 4.

~Bullet velocity must be at a 17.5 or above to register on the DCS

~Global throttle setting on the DCS site for range is 10 points of damage every .3 seconds (300 milliseconds)

~Toxia range throttle settings 4 points of damage every .5 seconds (500 milliseconds)

~Any vendors that are in the DCS store in Toxia would need to “reapply”/”resubmit” their weapons for testing. (ie. they would not automatically be accepted)

~"I", Miss Wright, wrote this, with the assistance and input of the Toxian Staff, I am not a scripter, I do have over 3 years experience battling the gun collision fiasco, and I do realize that some scripting takes more resources than its worth, but I am not in a "perfect" position to determine that. Sim performance "hard numbers" will have to determine that for us. Do your own testing. Our final say will be beauty and sim resources.


////version 2 sent out because version 1 repeated a paragraph

////version 3 added a comment about using a HTTP request to auto download a sims damage fire rate: "If you use this method please make sure you only http pole on teleport into a sim instead of constantly poling the website adding lag to the sim

To make sure you have the most updated version of this card please visit Toxias info center and touch the black box next to the blue mail box on your left as you come in, we do not want our players constantly spamming you with updates :-)

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