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Of Personal Matters 12SEP09

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>> The Ordo Imperialis

>> Of Personal Matters

The burden of leadership is closely tied to the burden of scrutiny—externally and internally. This much has become vividly clear over short period of time. I find no individual at fault, other than myself. With my experience, it should have been obvious to me that my personal affairs would be as much of a gossip item as my policy making.

As such, I offer an apology to the Ordo Imperialis at whole. It was a mistake to involve myself personally in the way of romantics, with any individual associated with the group itself. With leadership comes the expectation of altruism and an impeccable character. Providing open avenues only allows for one to be attacked and, in a situation where I operate as the sole source of absolute authority in the organization, attacking me is equivalent to attacking the group itself.

Going forward, it will be my aim and assurance that any further developments or matters that pertain directly to my personal life and concerns will remain far from the professional umbrella. Although I am more than confident in my capability to provide an unbiased, neutral decision within an ethical realm, the exposure to being claimed as bias or providing some sort of favoritism on account of personal attachment is an unacceptable venture.

The utilitarian mindset: the greater good, the affirming of the group value above self, otherwise demands that I sacrifice personal afflictions, emotionally or otherwise, for the state of my position. I accept that and will act accordingly. Therefore, any venture henceforth will remain out of the public light.

Faith and fire,

Aryte Vesperia


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