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Of Fun and Foolery

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Bringing back an old log here. Always applicable:

The Ordo Imperialis is a collection of a whole lot of different egos, and personalities. Any group that you deal with in size is the same-- you're not going to find a collection that are entirely the same. We do, however, share a lot of the same loves, and have the same goals in mind. That's what makes a group.

Drama is something that will inherently occur, regardless of the gathering. We've all experienced it, and we'll experience more. What matters is how that drama is handled-- first off, take a deep breath before you enter any situation. Gauge it. Consider how you've acted in the past, before blasting others for doing the same thing. That's not to say you shouldn't make a motion of change. For example, fooling around in Titan gets obnoxious. But there are times that we're pretty much all guility of it. Does that make it OK? Yes, and no. There's that balance-- it's fun when everyone's partaking, it foolery when you're blatantly disturbing others.

It is important that even in the most bitter of situations that they be handled respectfully. In a perfect world, you'd sit down and politely discuss a course of action-- but that isn't reasonable. What is reasonable, however, is refraining from shouting, name calling, or flat out arguments that breed distaste between the group.

I leave it up to those involved to make amends. That's part of being grown up.

Thank you all for your time and understanding,

Aryte Vesperia

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