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Weekly discussions! Coming to a forum near you.

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In order to better provide every officer with the capability to actively participate, along with providing necessary time of discussion, while recognizing the strain of real-life obligations, weekly meetings will no longer be held regularly in world. Their replacement will be weekly forum discussion threads, which run from Monday to Saturday. Each individual division will have their own thread, providing specially tailored discussions that are designed to address recent concerns and ideas within each branch. A separate discussion thread will be provided for the group at large, spanning from Sunday to Friday, thus allowing for every concern, idea, or notable information to be discussed with the entirety of the group before beginning a new week of branch specific topics.

In world meetings will be reserved for pressing matters, wrap ups of information, or critical information. The individual branches may continue their weekly meetings, if they so exist. However, participation within the thread is still expected. You cannot replace thread participation with a weekly in-world meeting.

In each branch specific thread, it is expected that branch related concerns, ideas and so forth be brought up. For example, if the need for new Astra instructors is apparent, then it should be addressed formally within the weekly branch discussion for Astra. If Terra feels they need new hats, then it should be addressed formally in the Terra thread.

For the overall, group wide discussion, one individual from each branch (may alternate at volunteer or assignment discretion), is expected to summarize findings, changes, concerns, etc discussed within the individual branch threads. For example, after Astra, Terra and Navis have their branch discussions and it closes on Saturday, one individual should be noted at the end of the thread (whether a volunteer or assigned) to summarize matters in the group-wide discussion that begins every Sunday.

The group wide discussion will be comprised of the division summarizes, along with a brief report of overall Ordo performance by the Imperator. Aside from that, anything found needing group attention may be brought up--whether something discussed within the branches, or a new topic.

Simply enough, instead of expecting that dozens of people from all across the world somehow converge on one day at a specific time to discuss matters . . . now it can be done efficiently, with a higher level of opportunity for participation, without forcing unreasonable time constraints upon members to actually subject their thoughts on important matters. What

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