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Ron Bleac

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Happiness. Albeit peace is the preferred atmosphere where happiness is most easily manifested, the world sucks and no-one actually lives in "peace" so to speak. Unless what you mean by peace is a nation state in a condition of peace, the world will always be in a somewhat warlike condition. But happiness, regardless of conditions is always present. Therefore, I'd rather be happy in "war" than push for an impossible condition of world peace and global happiness. Of course, I continue to wish for world peace and all that jazz, and hope that we'll see that during our lifetime.

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Kristian Kit, on 07 February 2010 - 06:54 AM, said:

Okay here it comes,

You are walking down a road in a forest, looking for the city. At a certain point you'le find an intersection . One of the roads leads to the city. There are 2 brothers there. One of the brothers always speaks the truth and the other one always lies. You can ask them both 1 question but it has to be the same question. What question would you ask to find the right way?

I have thought about this for two days now, but I can't seem to figure out a proper answer.

"are you male?" ;P

Edit Question:

Whats the breakfast specials tomarrow?

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