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Ordo Meeting - 19DEC2009

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**********Meeting Report**********

NAME/RANK/DIVISION: Garion Lowenhardt | E-7; Duplicarius | Terra - Invictus


DATE: 19 December 2009


SUBJECT: General Topics


SUMMARY: Ordo gathered for discussion.



Meeting Opener

[2009/12/19 18:01] Aryte Vesperia: Good evening everyone. Let's get started. Please remember to keep comments to appropriate opportunities to speak. No gestures, so on, and so forth. I will make this as brief as possible, but we have a few important topics to cover this evening.

[2009/12/19 18:01] Aryte Vesperia: Let's start with this week's statistics.

[2009/12/19 18:01] Aryte Vesperia: 285 members to date, 15 additional cadets.

[2009/12/19 18:01] Aryte Vesperia: 14 applications, 4 approved, 10 denied.

[2009/12/19 18:01] You decline The Ark, FurNation Fusion (206, 128, 602) from A group member named Triss Wolfenhaut.

[2009/12/19 18:02] Aryte Vesperia: Looking at 98 registered defense pings on Mercury, 11 offensive deployments.

[2009/12/19 18:02] Aryte Vesperia: Diplomatic events this weke have been rather sparse--there are, honestly, no real major events to note. The playing field has remained stable. Operations have been solid and group relations have been steady.

[2009/12/19 18:03] Aryte Vesperia: There have been some introduction to new groups on the field. This week, we did spar off with one of them, "A.U.L."

[2009/12/19 18:05] Aryte Vesperia: No incidents to report. IS meeting scheduled for tomorrow. Topic of discussions unknown, as Anthony politely changed the time to stupid early. ;[

Divisional Reports

[2009/12/19 18:05] Aryte Vesperia: Unit reports this evening. Volunteer to go first?

[2009/12/19 18:05] Lestat Umarov raises hand

[2009/12/19 18:05] Anlysia Gregoire will go after Lestat.

[2009/12/19 18:05] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Umarov.

[2009/12/19 18:06] Detox Exonar: raises hand


[2009/12/19 18:06] Lestat Umarov: Another eventful week for Terra and the group as a whole. A lot of activity in defensive and offensive maneuvers. I took part in a raid on 2142 earlier in the week which went pretty well. I expect even more people to be around with the christmas holiday approaching. Now, onto unit reports.

[2009/12/19 18:06] Lestat Umarov: From Keller for Invictus: "Christmas came early for Invictus. The squad has a new official uniform mod which has been distributed, courtesy Garion Lowendhart and Arken Soothsayer. Absolutely gorgeous and generally made of win. We now have one vacancy in the squad which we will be taking our time to fill. On a combat front, Invictus' business has continued as usual with high activity and the usual string of successful heretic stompings."

[2009/12/19 18:06] Lestat Umarov: From ZeroWinged for Antesignani: "Welcoming Williamca Zenvoka into the squad! He fills our final open slot and leaves all other canidates to be pushed to backup status [They know who they are]. Getting used to the Negev, which was finalized earlier this week. School is out and we are expecting a spike in activity. That is all."

[2009/12/19 18:07] Lestat Umarov: From Zrazor for Fulminata: "Fulminata has put into motion its efforts to restructure the squad this week. We are currently in the process of brainstorming and develop changes to the overall structure, equipment loadout, and aesthetic. Over the course of the next week, we intend to continue this process and produce a full outline for the new squad. This concludes the report for Fulminata."

[2009/12/19 18:07] Lestat Umarov: From Genesis for Cohors B: "B continues to grow with the addition of several new members and several PRFS being done. Amazing work by all who are active and participating. I hope we can continue this increase and continue to build a stronger group. Hopfully more interactive activities and trainings will follow us in the coming week. Overall awesome job from the group so far and lets keep this ball rolling!"

[2009/12/19 18:07] Lestat Umarov: From Scientific for Cohors C: "New role freshly been given; I'm still currently going through the process of adjusting to my job. The majority of the squad still remains inactive and I have yet to contact the crew to speak to them about progress and activity levels. Voxsu Aluveaux has been appearing biweekly-- he says that he is having a fairly busy and exhausting time in real life and should be back later. Other than that, it has been a simple week."

[2009/12/19 18:07] Lestat Umarov: This concludes my report for Terra. Any additional reports may be given at the discretion of the Imperator.

[2009/12/19 18:08] Aryte Vesperia: (You meant Ribena, not Scientific.)

[2009/12/19 18:08] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Gregoire?


[2009/12/19 18:09] Anlysia Gregoire: Report written in a hurry while I was eating Ritz crackers 5 minutes before the meeting started!

[2009/12/19 18:09] Anlysia Gregoire: Status updates: Sera's grinding away at the rescripts of the various Ordo sci-fi weapons. I think there's...what? 6? 7? left? Soon! Astra can start salivating now, as they're getting an updated MP5K!

[2009/12/19 18:09] Anlysia Gregoire: The Stun Baton is mostly-finished (500% damage, lulz) so hopefully Tsume will be working on the shield soon. He's been brainstorming various ideas, I know. Vincent's been working on a fancy airbase up there in the air, possibly a replacement for the Moonbase? I'm not really sure. Haha. But it's pretty. Take a glance if you get a sec.

[2009/12/19 18:09] Anlysia Gregoire: Fulminata is going to be getting a bunch of new toys relating to some restructuring happening in the upcoming future. Be on the lookout un-Alpha'd Terra, you may see something you like that will make you drift towards Zrazor and his crew.

[2009/12/19 18:09] Anlysia Gregoire: Also...a couple people know this and probably the majority don't. I've started doing work with Curia (SURPRISE CURIA, you just found out :V) on approvals for custom-scripted weaponry usage by Ordo members. What does this mean? It means if you can script, and want to use something you scripted yourself, I'm going to be handing you regulations and forms. Fun, amirite?

[2009/12/19 18:10] Anlysia Gregoire: In pretty pictures and design news, Tokeli the pink skunk of RAGE has worked on designing some new Ordo iconography for us. You can see the WIP new Munitorum logo up against the West side of the sim there, two different versions...with and without text. Tokeli's also produced Terra/Astra versions along this vein as well. Barring Imperator disapproval these may go into issue some point in the future.

[2009/12/19 18:10] Anlysia Gregoire: "short" report is as not-short as usual, I know. That's all.

[2009/12/19 18:10] Aryte Vesperia: The icons are wonderful. Really, really dig 'em. Thank you for the update.

[2009/12/19 18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Next?

[2009/12/19 18:10] Detox Exonar: raises hand

[2009/12/19 18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Exonar.


[2009/12/19 18:11] Detox Exonar: Sosa asked me to report this week;

[2009/12/19 18:11] Detox Exonar: ASTRA Report 12-19-09:

This week has seen 1 new ASTRA cadet initiate phase training down from 3 cadets last week. Apostles, as always, will conclude training without delay . I want to mention that Drasamax Python is our newest Apostle Instructor and she has proved to be a fine addition to the group.

[2009/12/19 18:11] Detox Exonar: Johann Wilburg has been selected to replace Williamca as Flight Leader to Drake flight. Sosarin had opened up a process to allow anyone from ASTRA to openly bid for the position on the Ordo ASTRA website with excellent response from our flight members. We congratulate Johann and also offer our appreciation to those who submitted outstanding responses most illustrates that the future leadership of ASTRA is in good hands.

[2009/12/19 18:11] Detox Exonar: Crash Silverfall and Vincent Lucerne designed and built a new ASTRA air base that is very impressive. It is hoped that you all get the opportunity to have a look. I expect there will be an overview of the new air base during this meeting by one of the builders.

[2009/12/19 18:11] Detox Exonar: ASTRA particpated in some great air to air combat last week with the attack at Titan by 2142. We all look forward to a repeat performance.

[2009/12/19 18:12] Detox Exonar: On to exercises:

[2009/12/19 18:12] Detox Exonar: Bradyn Halcali conducted an ASTRA event that incorporated Thanatos bombers - and Escorts - against hostile Nemesis attackers -this scheduled event proved to be exceptional with great participation. Hats off to Bradyn who conducted himself in an exemplary manner.

[2009/12/19 18:12] Detox Exonar: Crash Silverfal conducted his second ASTRA scheduled Dogfight event. These events occur every Friday and reminders will be sent out in a notice prior to ensure good particpation. Due to Christmas holidays - next week's event will be cancelled.

This concludes the weekly ASTRA status report

[2009/12/19 18:13] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you, I appreciate the update. In other news, a rare sighting of Ethan Schuman has been reported. He'll be back, he's been busy offline.

[2009/12/19 18:13] Aryte Vesperia: Do any other units wish to report?

[2009/12/19 18:13] Agares Tretiak raises his hand.

[2009/12/19 18:13] Aryte Vesperia: Tretiak?

Praetorian Guard

[2009/12/19 18:14] Agares Tretiak: THe Praetorian Guard's Training program is nearly to the point that it will reach basic functionality with a few more things getting written.

[2009/12/19 18:14] Agares Tretiak: Aside from that, I think we all look forward to the full implementation of the reforms.

[2009/12/19 18:15] Agares Tretiak: That's all, for now, my lord.

[2009/12/19 18:16] Aryte Vesperia: I will cover that briefly in my keynote. Thank you.

[2009/12/19 18:16] Aryte Vesperia: Any other reports?

[2009/12/19 18:16] Tsume Xiao raises handpawthing

[2009/12/19 18:16] Aryte Vesperia: Xiao?


[2009/12/19 18:18] Tsume Xiao: I am posting it on the forums as we speak, but just as a general heads-up, I a home from the dorms for 2 weeks, which means I am on my laptop. THis means I will be doing litle combat and lots of scripting ect. For the next week I will be in San Deigo, so I wont be around much. When I get back, if you have shit that needs doing, I am more than happy to help as long as you promise to kill a hostile for each favor you ask. <3

[2009/12/19 18:18] Tsume Xiao: And sorry for standing on the meeting table.

[2009/12/19 18:18] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. :)

[2009/12/19 18:18] Tsume Xiao: I logged on and my Lappy was like "CAD PROGRAM?" and then saw 40 of you will max settings and was like >:(

[2009/12/19 18:19] Aryte Vesperia: All right, let's move on.

Old Business

[2009/12/19 18:19] Aryte Vesperia: Any old business to bring up for further discussion this evening?

[2009/12/19 18:20] Crash Silverfall raises paw

[2009/12/19 18:20] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Silverfall.

[2009/12/19 18:20] Crash Silverfall: Is there also a new discussion thing in the meeting?

[2009/12/19 18:20] Crash Silverfall: i forgot

[2009/12/19 18:20] Aryte Vesperia: . . yes.

[2009/12/19 18:20] Crash Silverfall: ah ok

[2009/12/19 18:20] Aryte Vesperia: Is . . this the first meeting you've actually made it to?

[2009/12/19 18:20] Crash Silverfall: No

[2009/12/19 18:20] Crash Silverfall: but i sleep mostly

[2009/12/19 18:20] Crash Silverfall: its 3 am

[2009/12/19 18:20] Imperial Admiral raises hand

[2009/12/19 18:20] Aryte Vesperia: Admiral?

[2009/12/19 18:21] Imperial Admiral: Bring back Navis

[2009/12/19 18:21] Aryte Vesperia: Durp.

[2009/12/19 18:21] Aryte Vesperia: Any other old business to bring up?

[2009/12/19 18:21] Vincent Lucerne: seconded.

[2009/12/19 18:22] Tokeli Zabelin raises hand.

[2009/12/19 18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Zabelin?

[2009/12/19 18:22] Tokeli Zabelin: Bring sexy back. That is all.

[2009/12/19 18:22] Vincent Lucerne assumes there's no real business >_>]

[2009/12/19 18:22] Aryte Vesperia: Okay, let's stop the quasi-joke topics. Please.

[2009/12/19 18:22] Aryte Vesperia: On to the keynote topics, then.

[2009/12/19 18:22] Imperial Admiral: I was serious :(

Keynote Topics

[2009/12/19 18:23] Aryte Vesperia: First off this evening. As indicated in the Terra report, Invictus has been granted a light-tac mod to their uniforms.

[2009/12/19 18:25] Aryte Vesperia: This is the first step in envisioning the return of elite-unit specific variants to armor. I am currently toying with the thought and observing the reception to the outfit. If this is seen as a route we wish to continue taking, we will grant variants to all of the elite units. This follows the same predence as months prior, when all of the elite units were granted "heavy armor" in contrast to the Terra medium gear.

[2009/12/19 18:25] Aryte Vesperia: The core element to this is to remain modular. As you can see (Keller, for example), the armor will keep the basic look and outline, with extremities having variants.

[2009/12/19 18:26] Agares Tretiak: . . .

[2009/12/19 18:26] Vincent Lucerne: wat

[2009/12/19 18:26] Aryte Vesperia: Thus, the greater uniformity will be kept, while giving the (how deh fook) impression of differentiation of unit.

[2009/12/19 18:27] Aryte Vesperia: I'll be speaking with Invictus in the coming days, along with the other elite units, to determine how to proceed.

[2009/12/19 18:27] Aryte Vesperia: Questions?

[2009/12/19 18:27] Jayce Iredell raises hand.

[2009/12/19 18:28] Aryte Vesperia: Iredell.

[2009/12/19 18:28] Zerowinged Vasiliev raises hand

[2009/12/19 18:28] Williamca Zenovka raises his hand.

[2009/12/19 18:28] Lestat Umarov raises hand

[2009/12/19 18:28] Jayce Iredell: Is allowing a stray from ourpolicy on keeping uniformity tightly regulated?

[2009/12/19 18:29] Blaze Wiles raises paw

[2009/12/19 18:29] Aryte Vesperia: The elite units are being given pre-built armor.

[2009/12/19 18:29] Aryte Vesperia: It is not a free-will thing.

[2009/12/19 18:30] Aryte Vesperia: It's an official release, to be uniform among the unit.

[2009/12/19 18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Not a "do your own thing if it looks cool." So yes, it is.

[2009/12/19 18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Vasiliev?

[2009/12/19 18:31] Aryte Vesperia: (Please have questions prepared, Williamca, Lestat, Blaze.)

[2009/12/19 18:31] Zerowinged Vasiliev: Ok, before we recieved our newer armor [sculpted] we had a basic heavy armor set avalible for members of Administratio and the Terra elite units. Will you keep the avaliblity to Admin?

[2009/12/19 18:31] Zerowinged Vasiliev: [sorry for the lengthy type]

[2009/12/19 18:32] Zerowinged Vasiliev: Or?

[2009/12/19 18:32] Aryte Vesperia: The heavy armor was not available to officers.

[2009/12/19 18:32] Aryte Vesperia: It just happened that most officers at one time served in an elite unit.

[2009/12/19 18:32] Zerowinged Vasiliev: Alright.

[2009/12/19 18:33] Aryte Vesperia: If your question pertains to whether or not the variant (s) will be available to officers, that has yet to be determined.

[2009/12/19 18:33] Aryte Vesperia: Williamca?

[2009/12/19 18:33] Williamca Zenovka: I was going to say a few suggestion, As invicitus went light with their armor obviously its appropriate. So Heavy armor for Antesig would seem well suited while fulminata I have no clue to. So brainstorming on the armor style would speed things up and get a definate look for each ones.

[2009/12/19 18:33] Zrazor Rozenstrauch raises paw.

[2009/12/19 18:33] Aryte Vesperia: How we intend to proceed with the variant has yet to be determined. We are not going to stray very far, so something encompassing and shared by all the units is probable.

[2009/12/19 18:33] Aryte Vesperia: No more after Zrazor.

[2009/12/19 18:34] Aryte Vesperia: Lestat?

[2009/12/19 18:34] Lestat Umarov: Mines not specifically regarding the Invictus mod but is uniform related. I was wondering how far off Disembodied is on completing the BDU's and HC uniform.

[2009/12/19 18:34] Aryte Vesperia: I heard he wishes to be done with the BDU order next week.

[2009/12/19 18:34] Aryte Vesperia: HC unaware.

[2009/12/19 18:34] Aryte Vesperia: Blaze?

[2009/12/19 18:35] Blaze Wiles: Would it be possible to add in the legendary astra flight suit to this little project regarding different uniform types, since it's been talked about multiple times but nothings ever come of it

[2009/12/19 18:35] Aryte Vesperia: I have every intent to make that happen.

[2009/12/19 18:35] Aryte Vesperia: :]

[2009/12/19 18:35] Aryte Vesperia: Zrazor?

[2009/12/19 18:35] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: In regards to something in Williamca's comment regarding Fulminata's armor. By the end of January, Fulminata will have been transmogrified into a different, more stealth/ambush-oriented squad. We've settled, as such, on a stealthy sort of light-armor scheme.

[2009/12/19 18:36] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: That was more a comment than a question. :O

[2009/12/19 18:36] Aryte Vesperia: I'm aware. Again, the leash on what will be acceptable will be kept pretty tight. But we'll review.

[2009/12/19 18:36] Aryte Vesperia: Good questions.

[2009/12/19 18:36] Aryte Vesperia: Next topic.

[2009/12/19 18:36] Aryte Vesperia: This is brief, but I wish to quickly overview OIC standard and remind everyone on the importance of passing, accepting, and being available to do your share.

[2009/12/19 18:36] Aryte Vesperia: Officers especially.

[2009/12/19 18:36] Aryte Vesperia: (Stop IMing me.)

[2009/12/19 18:37] Aryte Vesperia: Please be certain to hand off your OIC status when you intend to go afk, or log off. Failure to do so is pretty lame and will result in me beating you.

[2009/12/19 18:38] Aryte Vesperia: On the other end of things, if I have to ask "volunteer for OIC?" and then spend ten minutes trying to goad one of the five officers on map to pick it up, usually to succeed it to an NCO . . there's something wrong with that picture.

[2009/12/19 18:38] Aryte Vesperia: It is an expected duty. Please do not fail on that. Thank you.

[2009/12/19 18:38] Aryte Vesperia: Next topic.

[2009/12/19 18:39] Aryte Vesperia: As many of you know, this week the Ordo was given a particularly exciting honor.

[2009/12/19 18:39] Aryte Vesperia: We were featured and are still featured in the Second Life Showcase. The Showcase is a program put on by Lindan Labs, which lists popular, unique places to visit for residents.

[2009/12/19 18:40] Aryte Vesperia: Our region is listed under the "Hot Spots," with the caption: "Many of the areas of Titan and Chronus may be off-limits to visitors, but once they're signed up, Residents can enjoy this well-organized, large-scale combat sim where victory is the only thing that matters."

[2009/12/19 18:40] Vincent Lucerne: Victory and Pie.

[2009/12/19 18:40] Aryte Vesperia: We are the first SL combat group to have ever been given this honor.

[2009/12/19 18:41] Aryte Vesperia: You should all be very proud: this is a rare, prestigious award.

[2009/12/19 18:41] Agares Tretiak: :D

[2009/12/19 18:41] Aryte Vesperia: I am, without a doubt, extremely proud of everyon here. Without you all, we would not have been bestowed this.

[2009/12/19 18:41] Aryte Vesperia: Keno/Imperial especially. Thank you for giving us such a great region.

[2009/12/19 18:42] Aryte Vesperia: Not only has this increased our random visitors dramatically, it has put the combat community in the spotlight.

[2009/12/19 18:42] Aryte Vesperia: The implications of this are great. We will be the first experience many have with the military community. This puts us in a very unique position.

[2009/12/19 18:43] Aryte Vesperia: We now have the capability and responsibility to shape the future of our little corner of Second Life, by ensuring the seed of interest is planted within visitors, and not an impression of malice.

[2009/12/19 18:43] Aryte Vesperia: Our security interests must be upheld, but in addition to which, we must be certain to maintain an amicable demeanor to our guests.

[2009/12/19 18:43] Vex Naxos: Were in for it now ._.

[2009/12/19 18:44] Aryte Vesperia: Although many will likely be months too young to partake withint he Ordo: think about the positive influence that will be exerted by giving visitors a professional, courteous presentation.

[2009/12/19 18:44] Aryte Vesperia: Afterall, the random newbie sof today are the soldiers, developers, and personalities of tomorrow.

[2009/12/19 18:44] Aryte Vesperia: Questions?

[2009/12/19 18:45] Intus Infinity raises hand.

[2009/12/19 18:45] Aryte Vesperia: Intus?

[2009/12/19 18:45] Corsi Mousehold raises hand

[2009/12/19 18:45] Intus Infinity: Please read

[2009/12/19 18:45] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you.

[2009/12/19 18:45] Aryte Vesperia: Corsi?

[2009/12/19 18:47] Corsi Mousehold: During this time with the large numbers of visitors I have noticed that at times the OIC and the front line in general is getting confused as to who is chatting and talking to the visitors. While we are on this surge of visitation May I say that it would be a good suggestion for the OIC to always have an SOG to assist in directing visitor traffic.

[2009/12/19 18:47] Aryte Vesperia: I completely agree.

[2009/12/19 18:47] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you for bringing that up.

[2009/12/19 18:48] Aryte Vesperia: Any other questions or comments?

[2009/12/19 18:48] Aryte Vesperia: Very good. Moving on.

[2009/12/19 18:48] Imperial Admiral raises hand

[2009/12/19 18:48] Aryte Vesperia: As mentioned by Mr. Tretiak, advancements continue to be made with the last of my bigger projects-- the Guard. In addition, the promotionary system.

[2009/12/19 18:49] Aryte Vesperia: As my time has increased (less school, yay), these have become my focus. However, I would like to ask the assistance of my line officers and NCOs in this time. Although my availability is increasing, the overall size and need for activity here in the group has equally increased. This takes a lot of my effort.

[2009/12/19 18:50] Aryte Vesperia: The maintanence of status quo, the hosting of deployments, answering questions, etc, etc . . comprises 90% of my time here.

[2009/12/19 18:51] Aryte Vesperia: It would be a great help to me if my line and experienced combat officers would be willing to act with their enumerated powers and host combat actions, or training events, more regularly. Over the last couple of weeks, focus has been put on officer education in raids-- tomorrow's officer meetings will focus on reinforcing that.

[2009/12/19 18:51] Aryte Vesperia: As such, if any officer is indeed interested and is not present for tomorrow's meeting, I will be happy to sit down and discuss prospects individually to ensure confidence.

[2009/12/19 18:52] Aryte Vesperia: Questions there?

[2009/12/19 18:53] Aryte Vesperia: Very good.

General Discussion

[2009/12/19 18:53] Aryte Vesperia: Opening to general topics at this time. Anyone?

[2009/12/19 18:53] Crash Silverfall Raises hand!

[2009/12/19 18:53] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Silverfall.

[2009/12/19 18:53] Crash Silverfall: This is new right, before i'm wrong again :/

[2009/12/19 18:53] Aryte Vesperia: Yep!

[2009/12/19 18:54] Crash Silverfall: Okay, i will talk about the space station

[2009/12/19 18:54] Crash Silverfall: First off all, most of you allready seen the space station its in the air at about 900 m i believe (its right above the killhouse)

[2009/12/19 18:54] Anlysia Gregoire: ~950m.

[2009/12/19 18:54] Crash Silverfall: It was made out of my old primmy build that vincent redesigned, and i helped

[2009/12/19 18:55] Crash Silverfall: thank you anlysia

[2009/12/19 18:55] Crash Silverfall: Basicly the space station is ment for astra/invictus since we have to deal with sky.

[2009/12/19 18:56] Crash Silverfall: I also personnally think this is a great oppurtunity now for every branch within the Ordo Imperialis, Tanks can be used now on titan (thats antesiganaifaiz wtf for name) and fulminata allready could operate, now me and vincent also gave that chance to astra and invictus

[2009/12/19 18:56] Crash Silverfall: ive seen pretty nice drops allready from the station on to the defense line

[2009/12/19 18:57] Crash Silverfall: orry amost

[2009/12/19 18:57] Crash Silverfall: Almost crashed** :/

[2009/12/19 19:00] Crash Silverfall: ok, thanks to vincent for helping me alot with the build (he did a big job on it, when i asked him for hel)

[2009/12/19 19:00] Crash Silverfall: help*

[2009/12/19 19:01] Crash Silverfall: Thanks to niiya: for the old titan textures

[2009/12/19 19:01] Crash Silverfall: Thanks to Garion for making the gates

[2009/12/19 19:01] Crash Silverfall: Thanks to agares/Lupus for some concole textures

[2009/12/19 19:01] Crash Silverfall: Thanks to aryte for approving it

[2009/12/19 19:01] Crash Silverfall: i thought you did it

[2009/12/19 19:01] Crash Silverfall: :C

[2009/12/19 19:01] Crash Silverfall: Thanks to sosarin then

[2009/12/19 19:02] Vincent Lucerne: thanks to space: for having places to put stations

[2009/12/19 19:02] Crash Silverfall: waiit

[2009/12/19 19:02] Aryte Vesperia: I have mixed feelings for the space station. I will also probably become irate if the prim count continues to increase. But this immediately sets the precedence that all the units will thus be provided a space of "their own." Astra, Terra, Fulm, etc-- but these are not exactly at the forefront of our development progress.

[2009/12/19 19:02] Crash Silverfall: its under 500 prims sir

[2009/12/19 19:02] Crash Silverfall: and i will reduce it more

[2009/12/19 19:02] Aryte Vesperia: Very good, then.

[2009/12/19 19:02] Crash Silverfall: it still needs some work on gate

[2009/12/19 19:02] Crash Silverfall: AND

[2009/12/19 19:02] Crash Silverfall: its named victoria (vincent made it)

[2009/12/19 19:02] Aryte Vesperia: Moving on. Space station segment has run out of time.

[2009/12/19 19:02] Aryte Vesperia: >:[

[2009/12/19 19:02] Crash Silverfall: can i buy more time

[2009/12/19 19:02] Crash Silverfall: ?

[2009/12/19 19:02] Aryte Vesperia: No.

[2009/12/19 19:03] Aryte Vesperia: Any other topics?

[2009/12/19 19:03] Williamca Zenovka raises his hand.

[2009/12/19 19:03] Aryte Vesperia: Williamca?

[2009/12/19 19:04] Williamca Zenovka: Will we be building a possible "tank hanger" to safely get them started and a door that is openable like the old Titan Hanger roof via a door but closes automatically after several seconds as there should be no reason for it to stay open, OR We could just catapult tanks into combat.

[2009/12/19 19:04] Aryte Vesperia: The former, likely.

[2009/12/19 19:04] Aryte Vesperia looks to Keno.

[2009/12/19 19:04] Vincent Lucerne: >_>

[2009/12/19 19:04] Agares Tretiak: <_<

[2009/12/19 19:04] Aryte Vesperia: Next?

[2009/12/19 19:04] Imperial Admiral: tanks are silly

[2009/12/19 19:05] Tsume Xiao: Our tanks also have an entire second sim they can start in :o

[2009/12/19 19:05] Aryte Vesperia: (Make a garage/motor pool.)

[2009/12/19 19:05] Aryte Vesperia: Next topic?

[2009/12/19 19:05] Lestat Umarov: Firefox can do PMCS :V

[2009/12/19 19:05] Vincent Lucerne handraises

[2009/12/19 19:05] Aryte Vesperia: Lucerne?

[2009/12/19 19:05] Vincent Lucerne: ...

[2009/12/19 19:06] Vincent Lucerne: I withdraw my hand

[2009/12/19 19:06] Vincent Lucerne: >_>

[2009/12/19 19:06] Vincent Lucerne: <_<

[2009/12/19 19:06] Aryte Vesperia: Good choice.

[2009/12/19 19:06] Vincent Lucerne: xD

[2009/12/19 19:06] Aryte Vesperia: Moving on, then.

Post-meeting Combat Plans

[2009/12/19 19:06] Aryte Vesperia: Combat this evening.

[2009/12/19 19:07] Aryte Vesperia: Not unlike last week, I will be hosting a quasi-stupidly-long-crusade. I plan on launching it a bit later (like last weekend), on account of needing to run off after the meeting-- a good friend of mine just returned from deployment.

[2009/12/19 19:07] Aryte Vesperia: Estimated deployment time would be 9:30.

[2009/12/19 19:07] Garion Lowenhardt: SLT?

[2009/12/19 19:07] Aryte Vesperia: Yes.

[2009/12/19 19:07] Garion Lowenhardt nods.

[2009/12/19 19:07] Aryte Vesperia: In addition to which, tomorrow we will be devoting the evening/afternoon to combat. Hosted by me, at least.

[2009/12/19 19:08] Aryte Vesperia: I recently found out I have Monday off, so my enthusiam to stay up and wage e-war is high.

[2009/12/19 19:08] Aryte Vesperia: Next week, keep in mind Christmas Eve and Christmas will be holiday time.

[2009/12/19 19:08] Crash Silverfall raises hand on that

[2009/12/19 19:09] Aryte Vesperia: Christmas Eve, I will be about and host a party gatherin' for the sake of it. Anyone's welcome to scoot over for light hearted fun.

[2009/12/19 19:09] Aryte Vesperia: Silverfall?

[2009/12/19 19:09] Crash Silverfall: Isn't christmass eve and christmass the same? (yes this is serious)

[2009/12/19 19:09] Aryte Vesperia: No.

[2009/12/19 19:09] Crash Silverfall: oh

[2009/12/19 19:09] Aryte Vesperia: I love you, Crash.

[2009/12/19 19:09] Crash Silverfall: I love you to

[2009/12/19 19:09] Crash Silverfall: (not)

[2009/12/19 19:10] Vincent Lucerne: oooo snap.

[2009/12/19 19:10] Jayce Iredell raises hand.

[2009/12/19 19:10] Drasamax Python: Day before x-mas is eve

[2009/12/19 19:10] Aryte Vesperia: Snap.

[2009/12/19 19:10] Aryte Vesperia: Jayce?

[2009/12/19 19:10] Jayce Iredell: Could we set out some rules on whats proper despite the days being off days, lastyear got a bit, out of hand...

[2009/12/19 19:10] Aryte Vesperia: ON CHRISTMAS?

[2009/12/19 19:11] Aryte Vesperia: Lmao. Will do.

[2009/12/19 19:11] Jason Backer raises hand

[2009/12/19 19:11] Aryte Vesperia: Last question. Backer?

[2009/12/19 19:11] Aryte Vesperia: No.

[2009/12/19 19:11] Aryte Vesperia: You can't.

[2009/12/19 19:11] Aryte Vesperia: Don't even ask.

[2009/12/19 19:11] Jason Backer: Permission to wear the sexy santa outfit.

[2009/12/19 19:11] Vincent Lucerne: XDD

[2009/12/19 19:11] Crash Silverfall: (( i bought a new christmast outfit, with speedos and no shirt ))

[2009/12/19 19:11] Ron Bleac raises hand

[2009/12/19 19:11] Vincent Lucerne: gawd...

[2009/12/19 19:11] Vex Naxos: oh my

[2009/12/19 19:11] Agares Tretiak: ...I'll kill you, Jason.

[2009/12/19 19:11] Corsi Mousehold: Tee Emm Eye

[2009/12/19 19:11] Aryte Vesperia: Quiet down.

[2009/12/19 19:12] Aryte Vesperia: Bleac?

[2009/12/19 19:12] Ron Bleac: What is the sexy Santa outfit?

[2009/12/19 19:12] Aryte Vesperia: No.

[2009/12/19 19:12] Aryte Vesperia: Moving on.


[2009/12/19 19:12] Aryte Vesperia: Promotions!

[2009/12/19 19:13] Aryte Vesperia: Dempster, you may link the picture.

[2009/12/19 19:13] Dempster Duncker: I don't have it anymore :(

[2009/12/19 19:13] Vincent Lucerne: D:

[2009/12/19 19:13] Aryte Vesperia: Bad news. I did not have the opportunity to finish the list, as I had an exam to take prior to the meeting.

[2009/12/19 19:13] Aryte Vesperia: Good news.

[2009/12/19 19:14] Aryte Vesperia: I'll have it posted by tomorrow, and take the opportunity to add some additionals myself.

[2009/12/19 19:14] Dempster Duncker shouts:

[2009/12/19 19:14] Aryte Vesperia: If you wish to sneak in additional recommendations, go ahead. ;P

[2009/12/19 19:14] Tsume Xiao: I lol'd

[2009/12/19 19:14] ZeroNightmare Kaventipovic: xD!

[2009/12/19 19:14] Tokeli Zabelin: Wacky Wailing Arm Flailing Inflatable Aryte

Meeting Closer

[2009/12/19 19:15] Aryte Vesperia: Other than that. Thank you all for a good meeting. If any officers wish to host combat (or training) in my absence right after the meeting, I encourage it.

[2009/12/19 19:15] Aryte Vesperia: Otherwise, I will see you all around 9:30.

[2009/12/19 19:15] Sykes Foxclaw: Inflatable Aryte? :3

[2009/12/19 19:15] Aryte Vesperia: Promotions will be posted in seperate thread by Sunday.

[2009/12/19 19:15] Aryte Vesperia: PRFs as well.

[2009/12/19 19:16] Aryte Vesperia: Dismissed. Good night, if you're heading off. :)

[2009/12/19 19:16] Aryte Vesperia clasps his fist to his chest, presenting a salute.

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Since i was suddenly cut out of my speaking by our lord Imperator (;-; ;-; :sadfrown: )

while speaking about the Victoria Station (the space station at 950 m) i will finish


The station was an idea i propossed, but was to much prims with me, so i asked for help, offcourse vincent was there

so we looked at my old and he redid the center!

The Station was made to hold only astra pilots and astra planes, but in the future it was changed to invictus aswell for drop pods!

While this gives a great oppurtunity for invictus to be more cool and usefull as invictus, by podding :D

And for astra to run to the planes and fly out defend the skies from the enemy.

Since i allready seen some AMAZING pods landing from invictus to the frontline

i asked for permission to set home on it for astra/invictus sadly it was denied.

the space station contains:

- One meeting room (awaiting chairs)

- one command centrum (you know the buttons :D)

- one droppod hanger (for invictus)

- one Carrier hanger

- one Astra plane hanger (to fly in and out)

Thanks list:

Thanks to Vincent for doing alot of work, half texture work, more then the half build work (he deserves a merit lol)

Thanks to Garion for the gates scripts (much appreciate it :D)

Thanks to Niiya because her old titan base textures are on it. (<3)

Thanks to Lupus/Agares for some console/panel textures in it. (<3)

Thanks to invictus for being epic and stealing one of the hangers >:| (after all i still love you all for being crazy)

Thanks to Aryte for not returning it (please never return it sir PLEASE)

Thanks to Sosaring for Liking it and sorta approving? yes? lol

Thanks to the rest of Astra for using it allready a bit (you are all great)

Thanks to the rest of Ordo for being yeah, for being just ordo (lolwut)

Since i was cut off, its all posted here.

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