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Kynnaria Merlin

A Reminder about PRFs

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I know you're all eager to earn those quality points toward an unlock, but please be sure to keep in mind a few things when thinking about asking for a PRF.

  • You're only allowed to request a PRF once every two weeks. While most of your COs probably won't get on you for asking a day or two early, do try not to bug 'em -every- week.
  • Our weekly reports have to be turned in by Thursday night/Friday morning. What this means to you is that if you wait until the last minute to ask for a PRF, it most likely won't show up until the next week's meeting if you ask on Thursday/Friday.
  • All PRFs must be requested PRIOR to the 25th of each month, if I remember correctly. If that's changed or I'm just crazy, someone feel free to correct me. What this means to you is that you need to be sure to ask for PRFs in the first week, or early in the second, in order to fit your monthly allotment. Keep in mind the Thursday/Friday thing as well when considering dates. If the 25th is early in the week, chances are your CO might be willing to go ahead and do the PRF, though it'd probably end up counting on the next month's tally.

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The Squad/Octet/Cohors/Whatever thing hardly made sense to me in the first place, and then it changed entirley in the two weeks I was out of the group/away from SL, So I'm even more confused, I still don't even know who my Immediate CO is. =_=

[COHORS B; CENTURY 1] - Victrix

[Garion Lowenhardt]

Arc Vyper

Ashley Yowahoshi

ATR Vasser

Akurei Sieyes

Behemot Branner

Braeden Maelstrom

Calegari McMillan

Cheeso Szydlowska

Christoph Batra

Dain Bellic

Dash Flaks

Edge Axel

Epoch Eun

Eriksson Foxtrot

Furry Thor

GuilhermeBaar Hannu

Gunau Sodwind

IcedPhoenix Seferis

Jordan Cannoli

Josey Bingyi

Kastrenzo Benelli

Kirshak Clarity

Kraton Foxtrot

Kuria Kondor

Lion LittleBoots

Natti Breen

Preston Smythe

Salandras Adamant

Shawn Rexerzon

Shermie Eames

Striker Dryke

Syris Andel

thatguy Andel

Trevor Russell

Tyler Yaseotoko

Typhon Perun

Venes Dagger

Vilkacis Mason

Vorlon Bikcin

Wind Fabre

Zabimato Outlander

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