Kynnaria Merlin Posted January 10, 2010 Share Posted January 10, 2010 ~ORDO IMPERIALIS~OFFICIAL DOCUMENT<=====================Extend to this length=========================><===========================================================>**********Meeting Report**********NAME/RANK/DIVISION: Garion Lowenhardt | E-7; Duplicarius | Terra - Invictus------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DATE: 19 December 2009------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUBJECT: General Topics------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUMMARY: Ordo gathered for discussion.============================================================CHAT LOG:Meeting Opener[18:01] Aryte Vesperia: Let's get started. Thank you all for coming.[18:02] Aryte Vesperia: Let's begin with this week's statistics. Looking at 287 members, with 17 additional cadets.[18:02] ZeroNightmare Kaventipovic: afk need soda[18:02] Aryte Vesperia: 14 applications, 9 approved (wtf), 6 denied. 3 additional awaiting review.[18:02] Aryte Vesperia: 120 defensive pings this week. 12 offensive deployments.[18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Diplomatic events have been . . relativelysparse. Chaos has reopened, so we'll be starting combat with them.Otherwise, level field with no major dramatic spiels to comment on. Allis well!Divisional Reports[18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Let's move on. Unit reports this evening?[18:03] Lestat Umarov: raises hand[18:03] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Umarov.[18:03] Sosarin Demar: *raises his hand.*Terra[18:04] Lestat Umarov: Busy week for Terra, especially command in termsof some new guidelines for the elite squads. I've been going over someideas I had with Terra command and will fill you all in once I have aproper outline written up. Most of you should like it so I hope you allgive it a read once it's up. Combat has been frequent, a bit of animprovement from the holidays, with a number of defenses and assaultsrecorded. I'm back and active again so I managed to tag along on acouple this week. Now, onto unit reports.[18:04] Lestat Umarov: From Keller for Invictus: "The squad's continuedto be active on a raiding front, even with holidays over and school andwork resuming. The Vesica's being tweaked a bit but should in shortorder be ready for action. "[18:04] Lestat Umarov: From ZeroWinged for Antesignani: "Severalchanges due for the squad in the near future. Squad training and raidswere low this week. No noteable changes in development. Talks ofreviewing and possibly changing the squads overall mission statementslightly is in the works. One slot open currently, working on ainduction process so we can get that filled ASAP."[18:05] Lestat Umarov: From Xayvien for Fulminata: "This week Indisia(Spelled it wrong, I know. Let's start a ticker) has progressed nicely.Our BETA of the HUD has been completed by the combined efforts ofWaffle, Tsume, and Anlysia who'll no doubt be breaking it for us.Zrazor would share this, but he's currently drinking to screamingchildren and David Bowie. As such, I'll make the update. A few membershave been removed or gone inactive. In this point of change its more-soexpected to happen, as the squad isn't going to be acting in theirregular induction process or traditional combat until the switch iscompleted. As such, I'll be heading the project as much I can withZrazor being on break, and dealing with any questions the members whoremain might have. I'd like to clear up that the current members,despite remaining in the squad, may be required to redo the inductionprocess. Not out of being a dick or anything, but simply the squad isgoing to be completely changed."[18:05] Lestat Umarov: From Genesis for Cohors B: "Activity is boomingback after those weeks off holidays. Welcoming Jayce as our new 3rdCentury lead of Liberatrix with a new growing part of the Group hasbeen a treat to behold. I hope everyone is looking forward to moreevents and training activities to come. Overall Cohors B has beenglowing with active and energetic team members that continue to pushfor further enjoyments and improvements. Nothing major to record and Ihope to see the activities continue!"[18:06] Lestat Umarov: This concludes my report for Terra. Anyadditional reports should be given at the discretion of the imperator.[18:07] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. To add, Cohors C did submit a report this week.[18:07] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Demar?Astra[18:07] Sosarin Demar: Combat participation this week has been good.Immediate training queue is empty. I've given the new sit-based Nemesismy stamp of approval. It should be distributed sometime in the nearfuture. As for the Praeda, we will have a transitional period where itwill be kept in the armory after the new aircraft is distributed. Afterthis period is concluded, we will likely decommission the aircraft andhold a farewell ceremony. But, I will leave that open for discussion ina thread I will create once we reach that bridge.[18:07] Sosarin Demar: Next, I want to give a big thanks to WolfshamanWarrior and Heavy666 Bolden for effectively creating a training basisfor the dropship. It has been implemented -- see Astra group notices.For those of you not yet comfortable in the aircraft, feel free tocontact Blaze Wiles or myself. That concludes this week's report forAstra.[18:08] Trevor Russell: *raises hand*[18:09] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you, Mr. Demar. I will introduce the sit-based Nemesis into the armory after the meeting.[18:09] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Russell?Tactica[18:09] Trevor Russell: Laptop was broken most of the week, semi-fixednow and so I'm semi-back :D! Tactica optimization is underway; thecurrent focus is on getting assignments to our personnel, and gettingreports in return; reports that Ordo can use. These will bedisseminated via the wiki, . If youhaven't already, register there now and send me an IM (I have to authyour account); you can't see anything without doing this![18:09] Trevor Russell: As for abroad, my sources (<3 Corsi) tell methat 39th (New Scottish Highlands), CS (Thorium), 2142 (Base), andSpecial Forces (Joli) all have overhauls planned on their respectivesims, and we are waiting on these to finish to begin reports on them.[18:09] Trevor Russell: As always, anyone interested in joiningTactica, Ordo's think tank on all things combative, can send an IMexpressing your interest to the Rector, Trevor Russell, or theAdjutant, Corsi Mousehold.[18:09] Trevor Russell: That is all.[18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you, Mr. Russell.[18:10] Aryte Vesperia: Do any other units wish to contribute this evening?[18:11] Aryte Vesperia: All right then. Moving on.Old Business[18:11] Aryte Vesperia: Any old topics to revisist this evening?[18:12] FireFox Breed: *rises paw[18:12] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Breed.[18:12] Mercury: Lost contact: DragonX Firehawk[18:12] FireFox Breed: Staff database updates will be happening allweekend. I have several projects I need to bang out before Aryte nother people kill me. Also the database has a new logo thanks to Toki<3[ORDO]%20Logo%20-%20Database.png[18:13] FireFox Breed: Also a reminder that there is a global communbit beta for the ordo in the armory. You will see the box for it. Youcan put the script into your normal hug so you have both system online.[18:13] FireFox Breed: Thats all[18:13] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you. Any questions on that?[18:14] Aryte Vesperia: Any other old topics to revisit this evening?Keynote Topics[18:16] Aryte Vesperia: I have a couple topics to cover this evening, after which we'll move on to an open forum.[18:17] Aryte Vesperia: First up, as promised, the promotion minimumrequirement exams are done. I am making a few tweaks to the E-7materials and then that will be posted as well. You can find a firstglimpse of them here:[18:17] Aryte Vesperia:[18:18] Aryte Vesperia: Any feedback would be appreciated. Be certainyou do not post answers or the likes-- anything you do there will notbe recorded.[18:19] Aryte Vesperia: Any questions on that?[18:20] Aryte Vesperia: Very good then, moving on.[18:22] Aryte Vesperia: For those of you among the Terra command, it'salready something you're quite aware of. However, a major revision iscurrently underway in regards to the allotment of gear, distribution ofgear, and types of gear divided up between the Cohors A elite units.[18:22] Aryte Vesperia: The impact for Terra at large will likely be the filtering of additional materials down to the units.[18:24] Aryte Vesperia: The topic is still very much of in a discussionstage, but some of the major topics that are being tossed about includethe sending of most of the tanks and artillery pieces back into thesystem for Terra in an entirety. Although the intent has always been toprovide armor to general Terra members with some predeterminedrequirements, this will likely accelerate that process.[18:25] Aryte Vesperia: You can find the legal basis behind the changeshere, as issued by me:[18:26] Aryte Vesperia: Questions?[18:27] Aryte Vesperia: Moving on, then.[18:28] Aryte Vesperia: Quick comment in regards to the equipment orderwe placed with Disembodied Hand (fella who made our dress uniforms).The trench-coat (think commissar) and high-command attire will becompleted by the 14th of this month.[18:29] Aryte Vesperia: I have determined that the coat will be allotted to "command" positions, NCO and CO alike.[18:29] Aryte Vesperia: Such as century and flight leads.[18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Questions?[18:30] Zerowinged Vasiliev: *raises hand*[18:30] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Vasiliev?[18:31] Zerowinged Vasiliev: What of the BDU's that have been floatingaround? Did we commision that from a seperate designer or?[18:31] Zerowinged Vasiliev: Floating around idea wise.[18:31] Aryte Vesperia: Same individual. I am not sure what date hasbeen assigned to that. Disembodied mentioned he intends to have it donearound the same time.[18:31] Zerowinged Vasiliev: Thank you.[18:32] Aryte Vesperia: Any other questions?[18:32] Aryte Vesperia: All right, moving on then.[18:34] Aryte Vesperia: Not unlike August, January typically carrieswith it a slight drop in activity levels. The start of a new semestertends to put a wrench into time-spent for obvious reasons. I bring itup only to assuage any concerns that'll pop up on the horizon. Ithappens every year. Activity will resume normality in mid-February.[18:35] Aryte Vesperia: I myself will have a pretty . . uh, interestingschedule. One thing to note, Thursday will sort of become my routine"host an early day raid for European people" day.[18:36] Aryte Vesperia: Other than that, I am not sure what to expectin the way of work load just yet. I assume I'll probably still be herejust like last semester, albeit at varying levels of "omgmylifesucks."[18:37] Aryte Vesperia: On that note, I wish you all the best and hopethose of you starting (or in) your spring semester have a good one.[18:37] Aryte Vesperia: For those of you not in school. Well . . have a good spring anyways.[18:37] Aryte Vesperia: Questions?[18:38] Aryte Vesperia: Anywho. Moving on.General Discussion[18:40] Aryte Vesperia: That concludes my topics for this evening. Any additional topics to bring up this evening?[18:40] Drakeo Petrov: ~Raises hand.~[18:41] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Petrov?[18:41] Trevor Russell: *raises hand*[18:41] Drakeo Petrov: Are there any plans to give distinct objectivesin attacking/defending base yet? Such as flags, or somethingdestroyable?[18:42] ribena Homewood: *raises his hand to comment on that*[18:42] Aryte Vesperia: Flags were placed out during the last build,during which a bit of decrying from the officer staff saw them removed.The argument was "they detract from combat with useless goals." If itis something people are actually interested it, I would be happy torevisit it. Perhaps a poll.[18:42] Aryte Vesperia: Ribena?[18:43] ribena Homewood: We don't really use any destroyable things orthings that one can capture. However, I still do have James Benedek'sflags if any of you decide to hold a training, I can throw them at you.[18:44] Aryte Vesperia: I will open a poll on the topic. I supposethat'll be the best way to achieve an answer if folks really want themor not.[18:45] ribena Homewood: A core'd be cool.[18:45] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Russell?[18:46] Trevor Russell: Is there any update in regards to the Guard recruitment, specifically dates?[18:47] Aryte Vesperia: Negative. Agares has returned from the dead, so we'll have a better idea soon.[18:47] Aryte Vesperia: (He was on vacation.)[18:47] Aryte Vesperia: Next out of turn comment will result in a dismissal from the meeting.[18:47] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you.[18:48] Aryte Vesperia: Any other topics or questions?[18:49] Tsume Xiao: *Raises hand*[18:49] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Xiao?[18:49] Azoth Zsun raises hand[18:50] zanndor Aeon: *Raises hand*[18:52] Tsume Xiao: Just a kinda heads-up on the Armored Trainingstuff. We have the one course built, and I have written a roughoutline. With out the fun hilly0ness of Chronus I dont know how combattraining will pan out. I would Like to thank Corsi and Zatuichi fortheir exemplary work on the driving course. What is left is for mytraining outline to be refined, and the person heading that project isconstantly either defending the sim or teaching schola. c.c No real ETAon it yet D:[18:52] zanndor Aeon: *Puts hand down*[18:53] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you, Mr. Xiao.[18:53] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Zsun?[18:53] Azoth Zsun: In regards to how earlier you spoke of a day beingset aside for an earlier raid in regards to our European breathren.however, There are also people in other timezones in which Raids takeplace late evening/early morning, Will there be a chance that otherdays for earlier raids be possible?[18:53] Aryte Vesperia: Not on my schedule, no. Officers, as always,have the capability to lead combat expeditions at those times.[18:54] Azoth Zsun: thank you sir[18:54] Aryte Vesperia: Welcome.[18:54] Aryte Vesperia: Any other topics?[18:55] zanndor Aeon: *Raises hand again*[18:55] Aelus Janus: Just a comment: if you need a ventrilo account please contact me, thanks.[18:55] Aryte Vesperia: Mr. Aeon?[18:55] zanndor Aeon: When do you think tank training will be ready?[18:55] Aryte Vesperia: Quoth Tsume. "c.c No real ETA on it yet D:"[18:56] Tsume Xiao: As soon as someone can string my thouts together into a more formal lesson plan.[18:56] zanndor Aeon: Ah, didn't see that. My bad[18:57] Aryte Vesperia: Any other questions?[18:58] Aryte Vesperia: Very good then.Promotions[18:58] Aryte Vesperia: On to promotions and PRFs.[18:58] Aryte Vesperia: PRF list this week. If you do not see yourself on the list, and expected to be, see your unit commander.[18:58] Aryte Vesperia: [PRF]Alu Scorpio - +1 unlockHeavy666 Bolden Foxers Fhang - +1 unlockAzoth Zsun Breadon Constantine Typhon Perun[18:59] Aryte Vesperia: Promotions and merits this week:[18:59] Aryte Vesperia: Alu Scorpio - [Comrade Support] +25qpAzoth Zsun - [Combat Prowess MKII] +25qpBlaze Wiles - [O-1]Cosi Mousehold - [instructor]; [indoctrination] +50 qpDaiza Dowren - [E-3]; [Combat Prowess MKII] +25qpDempster Duncker - [indoctrination] +25qpDetox Exonar - [O-1];[Combat Prowess MKII]Foxers Fhang - [E-7]Heavy666 Bolden - [E-4]Josey Bingyi - [Combat Prowess MKII] +25qpKastrenzo Benelli - [Architect of Eternity] +50qpKytec Switchblade - [Corona Obsidionalis]Larry Furlough - [E-3]Marsh Bellic - [E-3]Pyros Blackburn - [Combat Prowess MKII] +25qpScientific Waffle - [Corona Obsidionalis]; [Extended Service]Teron Gray - [Corona Obsidionalis] +1 unlockTyphon Perun - [Combat Prowess MKII] +25qpVincent Kroitschov - [E-3]Vincent Lucerne - [indoctrination] +25qpVinnie Lei - [Corona Vallaris] + 1 unlockVixus Snowpaw - [E-2]; [Combat Prowess] +25qpZacharius Bardasch - [Combat Prowess] +25qp[19:00] Aryte Vesperia: If for whatever reason you already have one ofthose . . let me know. Your profile may not be up to date on the meritlist.[19:01] Aryte Vesperia: As per the norm, there is always next week. So smile and keep to it. Excellent work everyone.Post-meeting Combat Plans[19:02] Aryte Vesperia: Now. Combat this evening. I will be hosting araid after the meeting, about a half-hour from now. I will bedistributing merits and the likes for the next twenty minutes. Unlessthere's something important, hold your IMs to me please.[19:02] Aryte Vesperia: So take this time to reboot, etc, etc. We've got some groups to beat up on this evening.Meeting Closer[19:02] Aryte Vesperia: Thank you all for coming and have a great night if you're off.[19:02] Aryte Vesperia: Dismissed.[19:03] Aryte Vesperia clasps his fist to his chest, presenting a salute. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...