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Drasamax Python

Guide to Medic Teleporting

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I got bored wrote this up in school one day. I showed it to Aryte and he said I should post it. XD

Medic teleporting is an important part of combat whether it is a raid or defending base against a giant group of hostiles. You are probably wondering “Why are they telling me this? It’s a simple concept.” It can be, but I decided to write this to educate people who wish to know more about how to go about Medic teleporting and my personal experience of it. After all the Ordo Imperialis is a organized military and we try to train and teach our members how to combat many situations.

From my experience, during a raid that allows Medic teleports, or a defense of a giant hostile attack. At least 2 people should be using the Second Life client called Vertical Life to mass teleport the HUB. This doesn’t mean we cannot have more than 2 Medic teleporters. Here are some reasons why we should have atleast 2:

* If one goes down the other is there to keep people moving.

* Bring back the fallen mass teleport medic quickly at the same time.

* Keep us spread out easier around the SIM and not one area.

Sometimes in combat it is everyone’s priority to give out medic teleports. For Instance, someone that could only manually teleport got in the enemy base somehow on a raid. The wise thing that person should do is teleport at least 1 of the mass teleporting medics (Perhaps manual TPers should keep the mass TPers names handy to teleport quickly.) so that mass medic teleporter can teleport everyone else quickly at once. The other mass teleport medic can stay behind in case our team were to loose our medic inside of the enemy base. If we seem to be holding our position well inside the base, we should bring in the mass teleport medic that stayed behind.

>>How to mass teleport in Vertical Life:

* Right click your minimap on the area you want to teleport people from.

* Briefly check the names (Try not to TP enemies with!)

* Hit mass teleport to TP the names on that list.

Keep a watch on your minimap. Watch out for enemies coming toward you to attack and for comrades that ended up back in the HUB to mass teleport them as soon as possible.

Besides just this mass medic teleporters should develop some avoiding, cover, and hiding tactics. The most common sense part is to find a place to stand or hide at to mass teleport without dying. If you have a crouching animation on your AO, you can optionally could try to crouch and maybe be less noticeable. Sometimes standing around hiding isn’t always the case and say you cannot because your easily getting shot. But then what you can do is focus of avoiding, run around the area keep on moving as much as possible. Jump around into the air to make yourself harder to hit and make use of prim jumping if possible while mass teleporting.

Do not worry about shooting the enemy most the time. As your priority is to focus on teleporting the HUB to keep things going. Let the others take care of the shooting. This does not mean you don’t have to have a gun out. Matter of fact you should always have your gun out even if your not shooting. Lets say your by yourself and no one or not many people need to be teleported and suddenly the enemy comes out of nowhere to attack you. Use your gun to defend yourself of course. If your standing in an area in which you can tell the enemy is trying to shoot you through walls and such because the bullets are flying pass you it would be a good idea to try to move out of the range if you can.

If you have experience with your surroundings, lets say you have been to the enemy base before that you are raiding now. You could have mapped out possible good locations to be at to mass teleport. Keep in mind try not to use the same spots all the time. The enemy may know you are a medic and target you out. Medic teleporting is sometimes just based on the right luck and timing.

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