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Verdict: Alex Flores

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For those of you who knew about it, I'm posting the final ruling and vote count here. There'll be no discussion open, just an information posting.

As a bit of background, Alex Flores, current name for the player Fladara Eingarme, requested to join. A vote was taken on the Administratio forums. A large number of the officer staff counted themselves as neutral, with a few of the newer individuals counting themselves as 'for' application allowance.

Most of the down votes were in relation to their actions within the Militant Collective, current standings and actions on Titan. A slim majority of the downvotes were in cause of their past history with the Ordo (as seen in the handbook history chapter).

Final count and ruling:


Yes: II

Neutral: IIIIIII


Author RE: Alex Flores

Aryte Vesperia


Posts: 659

Joined: 04.04.08 Posted on 13-08-2008 20:30

Although I recognize the wish of some individuals to let "two years mend the matter," the apprehensiveness of some members is something we must respect. We are, and always will be a "members first" organization. If it were so that Alex's induction would cause no strife or internal concern, then they'd be welcome without question. If it rubs even one existing member wrong, especially members of my officer staff, then it is not worth it to pursue.

Ruling application denied.

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