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thatguy Andel

Rapax Meet ; 05/15/2010

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[17:05] thatguy Andel: Welcome to the Rapax meet. As you can see, we don't have a lot of people here, so it shouldn't take up too much time.

[17:06] thatguy Andel: The purpose of this meet was to gather a lot of Rapax together to get to know eachother, though we have few people here, I don't see big progress taking place.

[17:06] thatguy Andel: But, we can work with what we have.

[17:07] thatguy Andel: I am going to be speaking with Arokh and Zanndor about getting Cohors B together (due to few members from each squad on at one time) for some raiding time.

[17:07] thatguy Andel: Depending on how many people we have, we may attack multipule targets.

[17:08] thatguy Andel: What I want to gain out of this is for Cohors B to become more like a family instead of "oh look, he's that one person in my squad that I don't know about".

[17:09] thatguy Andel: I would like to take some suggestions for any other events besides a Cohors B raid. Something for either Cohors B or squads individually can do together.

[17:09] thatguy Andel: Anyone have anything?

[17:09] Maverick Garfield raises his hand

[17:09] thatguy Andel: Maverick, go ahead.

[17:09] Maverick Garfield: Maybe a few more training sessions in Mal?

[17:10] thatguy Andel: Right noww Malleus is being used for ID's store, so I'm not sure we can use that.

[17:10] thatguy Andel: Though, sim training would be good.

[17:10] thatguy Andel: Any other suggestions?

[17:10] thatguy Andel: Alrighty then.

[17:11] thatguy Andel: Real quick, is there any concerns or comments anyone would like to address?

[17:12] Vincent Kroitschov: how much longer before they move me outa here and put me as one of those erm what ya call em the people who arent active

[17:12] Vincent Kroitschov: because if its soon i need to be active and tel peoples ill do the builds in my spare time

[17:13] Endra Ashbourne whispers: Just by showing up you're participating. You wouldn't be put in an inactive group for a while. :P

[17:13] Vincent Kroitschov: XD

[17:13] Steeltael Lykin: I apologize for the delay gentleman

[17:13] thatguy Andel: I can get with FireFox and slide you in there.

[17:13] thatguy Andel: No problem.

[17:14] thatguy Andel: Didn't miss much.

[17:15] thatguy Andel: On another note, I did make a Rapax flag (Behind me) if anyone would like the texture.

[17:15] Vincent Kroitschov: yea ^_^

[17:15] Steeltael Lykin: Well. Hello members of Rapax.

[17:16] Vincent Kroitschov: i could put that on my armor somewhere

[17:16] Vincent Kroitschov: XD

[17:16] thatguy Andel: Sure thing.

[17:16] thatguy Andel: Left arm.

[17:16] Vincent Kroitschov: yep

[17:16] Maverick Garfield: i'll need an adult to help me put that on there

[17:16] thatguy Andel: Steel, do you have anything to add?

[17:16] Steeltael Lykin: Actually yes.

[17:16] thatguy Andel: Go ahead.

[17:17] Steeltael Lykin: Since joining Ordo Imperialis. And recieving my assignment to Rapax from his Grace, The Imperator. I found myself more curious to get to know the members of my century.

[17:18] thatguy Andel: (Unfortunantly out of 27 Rapax members, this is all that were able to show up)

[17:18] Steeltael Lykin: I have felt that we could be more closely knit then we are. A sense of pride in our Century. akin to the pride our frineds in Invictus,Insidiae,Antisig share.

[17:19] Steeltael Lykin: So...Hi

[17:20] Steeltael Lykin: my Name is Steeltael. and I'm in Rapax.

[17:20] Vincent Kroitschov: hello ^_^

[17:20] Vincent Kroitschov: nice to meet ya

[17:20] Endra Ashbourne: 'Alo!

[17:20] Steeltael Lykin: Pleased to meet you as well.

[17:20] thatguy Andel: Did you recieve my IM, Steel? (the rest of the meeting logs) ?

[17:21] Steeltael Lykin: Yes. I did Sir.

[17:21] thatguy Andel: Excellent.

[17:21] Maverick Garfield: I'm Maverick Garfield I'm in Rapax and i'm an coffeehalic

[17:21] Steeltael Lykin: Hello Maverick. Thank you for sharing.

[17:22] thatguy Andel: So, in that case, not only do I, by I know other member within Rapax would like to be more active with eachother, I will be calling Rapax raids more often, giving a push for more of a family feel.

[17:22] Vincent Kroitschov: im vincent kroitschov and im a waffleholic lol

[17:22] thatguy Andel: But I know*

[17:22] thatguy Andel: I will set a time for every week, or every other week (depending on the situation) for Rapax raids.

[17:23] thatguy Andel: And even speak with the other about a big Cohors B "bulldozer" raid.

[17:23] Maverick Garfield raises his hand

[17:23] thatguy Andel: Maverick, go ahead.

[17:24] Maverick Garfield: Might be a good idea to try and see what times work for some people that way we can work around them a bit

[17:24] thatguy Andel: I asked around for times, everyone said now, and only few showed up. I'll speak with the rest about that, though

[17:25] thatguy Andel: Now that I see more and more people streaming in for the big meeting, I'll go ahead and end the Rapax meet.

[17:25] thatguy Andel: Look out for a notice about Rapax/Cohors B raids

[17:26] thatguy Andel: Does anyone else have anything else to add?

[17:26] Maverick Garfield: No, Sir.

[17:26] thatguy Andel: Alrighty then.

[17:26] Vincent Kroitschov: on the next raid can we not go to thorium lol ive been there for almost all the raids

[17:26] thatguy Andel: Lol, sure thing.

[17:27] thatguy Andel: At that note, Rapax meeting adjourned.

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