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CADUSC Protocols & Obligations

Coalition Against the Distribution & Use of Stolen Content




A - Introduction

B - Protocols

C - Obligations

D - Member List & Contact Info


A - Introduction

CADUSC represents a shared effort by community leaders to defend and work against the use of copybotting and the distribution of stolen content. Member groups of CADUSC will not allow the use of stolen content in their simulators with no exceptions. Members are also obligated to send abuse reports when copybotting activity threatens our community, no matter where and to whom.

Known content offenders (theives and distributors alike) will be barred from accessing sims under ownership of CADUSC members, effectively deincentivizing content theft for the average SL military member. CADUSC militaries will engage in meetings to establish known content offenders and stay on the same page in regards to current threats in our community.

CADUSC members acknowledge their efforts do not completely wipe content theft off the face of the grid, but we must do what we can to protect our work and our community.

CADUSC is an Iron Symphony initiative, however any and all militaries are invited to take part in CADUSC and all it has to offer.


B - Protocols & Obligations

-Meetings will be held in response to content theft complaints. The meetings will be announced ahead of time, and may be adjusted to fit everyone's schedule.

-Whenever significant content theft appears in our community, a CADUSC meeting will be held. All issues are handled on a case by case basis, and the participants at the CADUSC will decide what action will be taken.

-When content theft threatens a CADUSC military member, they may send a notice in the CADUSC group detailing the offense, with a notecard attached including evidence and proof. A follow-up meeting will be called.

-The use of stolen content will not be tolerated in CADUSC sims - If someone is using stolen content, they may not be a content offender, but they will be asked to remove the item and will be informed that it has been stolen. If they do not comply they will be banned.


C - Member List & Contact Info

Merczateers - Badnarik - Anthony Lehane, Lurdan Huszar

Ordo Imperialis - Titan and Chronus - Aryte Vesperia

Alliance Navy - Elshout - Stefan Marquez

Phoenix Embers - Sub Lupina - Laura Hawks

Vanguard - Invade, Verklund - Christoph Naumova

Sturm Korps - Kampfzone - Maks Vendetta

New Jessie - New Jessie - Caine Constantine

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