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Meeting Log - 09/17/08

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[18:01] You: Okay! We'll keep this as short as possible.

[18:01] You: Thank you all for coming.

[18:01] Radar base (-2): New contact: Kytec Switchblade

[18:02] Sosarin Demar is Online

[18:02] You: I just wanted to not only give everyone a chance to raise concerns (I will take a lack of questions as overt fear, and not a lack of problems-->:o), but to talk about plans in the future for Terra.

[18:02] Lurdan Huszar is Offline

[18:02] Grey Nolder gave you [17:41] Roo Tenk: I can make up any reason for banning you..

[18:02] You: Foremost, we're all aware of the size and sheer numerical standard of Terra-- it is something we tried to tackle a long time ago with the invention of legions.

[18:03] Moy Loon is Offline

[18:03] Moy Loon is Online

[18:03] Lurdan Huszar is Online

[18:03] You: Legions failed, due to the strictness of the boundaries. Every legion was very set, with recruitment and operation dependant upon the officers in charge.

[18:03] You: As such, any officer who went inactive would destroy the legion.

[18:03] Mizar Korobase is Online

[18:03] Radar base (-2): New contact: Mizar Korobase

[18:03] Radar base (-2): New contact: Razi Soyinka

[18:03] Radar base (-2): New contact: SoulBinder Wolfstein

[18:04] Niiya Narayan is Offline

[18:04] You: I've been exploring the idea, along with the current Terra officer staff, of introducing a new system of operation-- not designed as legions, but as giving tiers of standards within the organization, so every individual has something to claim to and answer to.

[18:04] Vladimus Nikolaidis is Online

[18:05] You: This would be a blend of the current "mass" system and the former legionary system-- a command tree, with great involvement of the NCO staff, but the flexibility afforded with the current "well everyone is just Terra."

[18:05] Lurdan Huszar is Offline

[18:06] You: I just wanted to take this opportunity to ask: would you all enjoy having a "regiment," or something more defined to claim to? Would you /like/ a more defined command tree?

[18:06] MikeMurdock McMillan is Online

[18:06] Dagger Exonar: Yes.

[18:06] Streak Bender: Aye.

[18:06] Xayvien Rau: Aye.

[18:06] Hunter Abrams: sure

[18:07] Krow Ames: Yes.

[18:07] Diablos Korobase: Yeah, especially if it make it easier

[18:07] Caitlyn Schnook: yes

[18:07] Tiridates Mikadze: Aye, sir.

[18:07] Cade Stirling: yuuuuuuuus! sir.

[18:08] You: Great. More details, and less "hurr, Aryte rambling" will be released in the next couple of weeks. You'll all be given a chance to interject your opinions. I just wanted to check for interest.

[18:08] You: At this time . . you're now free to ask questions . . about anything Ordo related. Any concerns, comments-- whatever. Go for it. Simply "raise your hand."

[18:08] Tiridates Mikadze: Sir

[18:08] Tiridates Mikadze: May I?

[18:08] You: Tiri.

[18:08] Arch Graves: Yes, aise your hand... and not your "paw"

[18:08] Diablos Korobase: The Legion idea woud work if the NCO's and Warrant Officers were give more power within them

[18:08] Arch Graves: raise*

[18:09] Dagger Exonar facepaws at Diablos' comment.

[18:09] Dude Logan is Online

[18:09] Streak Bender: Oy, give Tiri some respect please.

[18:09] Diablos Korobase: Well He mentioned that they failed due to the Officers in charge going inactive

[18:09] You: Shh.

[18:09] Tiridates Mikadze: Well, perhaps it might work to have the Command, officers that is, be more fluid in their duties, while the infantry are more regimented

[18:09] You: That was the plan. :)

[18:09] Kytec Switchblade: dagger... your a shark... you dont have paws

[18:10] Dagger Exonar has tiger paws and fur.

[18:10] You: Stop interrupting.

[18:10] Lurdan Huszar is Online

[18:10] Yoko Puff is Online

[18:10] Mizar Korobase (COM): We have no one at ground level. Does this mean I'm an army of one?

[18:10] Ruin Nefarious (COM): It means there is a meeting going on.

[18:10] Arch Graves Raises his hand.

[18:11] Ruin Nefarious (COM): And you ignored 3 notices.

[18:11] Tiridates Mikadze: for example, we have set squads that have nco's as the primary disciplinarians and the officers providing the primary orgainsation

[18:11] Ruin Nefarious (COM): And the fact 32 people are in one spot.

[18:11] Ruin Nefarious (COM): GG MIZAR. GG.

[18:11] Mizar Korobase (COM): Oh, would you look at that.

[18:11] Maks Vendetta is Online

[18:11] Radar base (-2): New contact: Betty Eros

[18:12] You: The NCO staff would take a much larger role, beyond simply being "lol NCo." It's sort of the fruit of a lot of dreams of ol', making the NCO staff useful.

[18:12] You: Well. Giving the NCO's jobs so they don't get bored.

[18:12] You: Arch?

[18:12] Tiridates Mikadze: exactly :D

[18:12] Niiya Narayan is Online

[18:12] Arch Graves: Permission to reform the furry execution squad sir?

[18:12] You: No.

[18:12] You: Next question?

[18:12] Cade Stirling: ...

[18:12] Streak Bender: Lol'd..

[18:13] Tiridates Mikadze: Can I have a tricked out name tag?

[18:13] You: No.

[18:13] You: Do you seriously have no questions?

[18:13] Tiridates Mikadze: 'kay

[18:13] You: You people! Have concerns, or something.

[18:13] Mizar Korobase sweeps his arm to his chest in a salute.

[18:13] Streak Bender raises hand

[18:13] You: I know someone has a problem or concern.

[18:13] You: Streak has a lot of problems. See.

[18:13] You: Yes Streak?

[18:13] Cade Stirling: i adressed my concern yesterday ^^;

[18:13] Diablos Korobase: Sir

[18:13] Streak Bender wipes the drool off his mouth before asking his question

[18:13] Niiya Narayan squeezies.

[18:14] Diablos Korobase: I have a question

[18:14] Radar base (-2): New contact: Niiya Narayan

[18:14] Radar base (-2): New contact: Cyphre Iredell

[18:14] kenzo Winx is Offline

[18:14] Arch Graves: My question was serious.

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Tsume Xiao wrote:
[18:34] Krow Ames: Can Terra give reasonable input on the design Navis is going after with their drop craft, since we'll be the one's falling out of it?

[18:34] You: Yes. Talk to Trevor.

[18:34] You: Actually bug the shit out of him.

[18:34] Krow Ames: Can do!

[18:34] You: Because he bugs me. <3 Hi Trevor if you read this log.


Talk to me, not Trevor. I planned the designs for all the ships in the "Fleet of Tomorrow" Project.

ALSO, Had you looked at the Navis forums you probably would have noticed the MULTIPLE threads about the new ship designs.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I read ALL new posts in ALL forums. It would be wise for others to do the same.

Can i talk to trevor one day maybe yes? no? ok thx and reading ALL the FORUM posts in the WORLD is an amazing achievement i congratulate you good sir well played!!!!! :D :D :D

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Tsume Xiao wrote:
[18:34] Krow Ames: Can Terra give reasonable input on the design Navis is going after with their drop craft, since we'll be the one's falling out of it?

[18:34] You: Yes. Talk to Trevor.

[18:34] You: Actually bug the shit out of him.

[18:34] Krow Ames: Can do!

[18:34] You: Because he bugs me. <3 Hi Trevor if you read this log.


Talk to me, not Trevor. I planned the designs for all the ships in the "Fleet of Tomorrow" Project.

ALSO, Had you looked at the Navis forums you probably would have noticed the MULTIPLE threads about the new ship designs.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I read ALL new posts in ALL forums. It would be wise for others to do the same.

*cough* Tsume, you weren't the only one who worked on that...*cough*

But yeah, talking to either of us would work. I haven't seen Tsume on in a while, need to talk tom him about stuff. Also, he means on this website (since there are multiple forums). Which I do as well (not for info, but for mod purposes).

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Kristian Kit wrote:

I will work on the schola schedule thing. I am probably going to ask an admin to make a schedule tab in the navigation thingy.

I know we got 1 class a day that is held. Also when cadets ask for the current schedule that was have I give them a note card. There is alot of random classes being held also. I know there is a schedule set its just in the schola forum section.

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