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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/2014 in all areas

  1. Welcome to the Ordo Imperialis gaming community, if you are new here, we hope you will fit right in! Here is just a little review of our customs, courtesies, codex and structure. In the past, the Ordo Imperialis was a very structured, heavily ranked and activity based. While some of us ‘old people’ are nostalgic to those days, since then a lot of it hasn't entirely been needed. Today’s Ordo evolves based on our community, our members interests, all of you. With the continuous movement of members, we need to remind everyone about the standards we hold and how our current structure works. In the Ordo we will train you, we can guide you but we are not here to give handouts, what you make of this community is yours and we'll do everything we can to support you. Anyone here can achieve anything when they put their time and dedication into it. With you we will always aim high and encourage everyone to do the same. Our goals will always to be something greater, from more members and leadership to chapters, activities and games. What will you do to enhance your membership and contribute to this goal? Our structure here is pretty simple. It is based on levels of time in service and contribution from chapter to community levels. We don't distribute or earn rank to hold it over others or use it as a supervisory position, but as a leadership position to better identify who does what. On occasion though we do unfortunately need to remind individuals to represent themselves and our community professionally, everyone's here for a reason, let's make it the best. Chapter staff and leadership help support and cover their game or division. These individuals also hold a form of community staff position because of the connection they have with our members and the administration. Staff and administration are all in their position for a good reason, they are part of a bigger picture and have dedicate their service to that image, to a greater community for all of us. I currently hold the title and role of Imperator, the sole leader of the Ordo Imperialis community. I stand along side with Imperial affairs, essentially our HR, and the administration, unbiased and professional on all levels. We may not always seem like a friend and many may not know each of us individually, but we are not your enemy and we work to get to know you. Don't keep from us, we really want to know what we can do and would like to get to know everyone. Every one of us are here for every one of you, you are not just a number here, we make sure everything is working to the best ability in interest of the community as a whole. While we highly encourage the use of the chain of command from chapter to community, every one of our staff members have open door policies. This gives all our members the ability to discuss interests, ideas or concerns with any of us at any time with utmost discretion as needed. In addition you can use the 'Contact Us' link at the top of the forums to contact myself or Imperial Affairs directly. We are who we are, we are all different, have our own personalities, preferences and interests. Here in the Ordo Imperialis though, we all fly under the same banner. We are a brotherhood, we fight, we serve and we live for Ordo, our members and our comrades, this is one of our longest standing strengths. This is not a one person army nor is it where one is here to slave for another. We need to stand together, respectful, opening and welcoming of everyone, look after each other, we're all here to game together and have a great time doing so. For anything else, let the staff sort it out. - TL;DR Authority - Every group has structure, we have a pretty simple one. Talk to your chapter leaders and up from there depending on topic. Your leaders will always guide you in the right path and help you out. Brotherhood - We're all Ordo here, it doesn't matter who or what you are, we don't discriminate. We all support each other loyally under the banner of the Ordo Imperialis and shall not aid in detriment of others. Respect - We respect everyone, even if we're crushing their skulls in. Representation, reverence and politeness on all levels. Gaming should be an enjoyable experience on all sides, even socially. Do not demean, discredit or attack others in a malicious manner. Integrity - Lying or deceit of any type is not beneficial to anyone. We all need to be able to trust in and count on each other equally. Order - Present yourself professionally and mature at all times to provide a consistent atmosphere for all. Disorderly conduct, fighting or arguments are not permitted. Information - Keep in touch with posted boards and information as much as you can. Distribute information responsibly to only those it is intended for. Communication - Talk to us about anything and let others talk too. Hold a respectable standard for yourself and others depending on activities or discussion. Community - Be respectfully and constructive of all topics, keep a friendly community atmosphere. Avoid controversial topics (such as religion and politics). Aim to hold a general rating of PG-13. Allegiance - Fight along side us, not against us. Stand with us as the most loyal to the community and its members though any battle and we will always stand with you. Merit - Honor and reinforce one another, be supportive of positive actions, compliment or provide constructive criticism to better improve our members and the community. Work together and include everyone you can without bias. - TL;SDR Play nice, be respectful, be loyal, support each other, we'll support you, have fun and let others have theirs or GTFO.
    2 points
  2. Kristian

    Rykiana has returned

    Keeping members is easy. Frumentarii handbook paragraph 7, section 13: Ways to ensure voluntary dedication and unquestionable loyalty to emperor: -Kidnap family members and relatives. In the situation that members resign you send them pieces of their loved ones untill they come back. Move from small bodyparts like a finger to larger bodyparts. A common noob mistake is to send the head first; you typically want to reserve that part as a last resort. This technique is very efficient and ensures instant love for the emperor. -Have your members commit crimes and use that as a leverage against them to remind them to remind them that we are their true friends. This works best if the member values his or her reputation -Lock them up untill they come to their senses ( warning;might take several years and may require character alterring treatment such as waterboarding) -With certain members it has proven to be succesfull to cut off their legs. This course of action is advised with every member who is suspected of planning to resign -Kill a puppy every day untill they re-enlist Never resort to the techniques listed above untill you've tried less serious alternatives such as putting a chopped off horse head in their bed at night. We are decent people you know.
    2 points
  3. Deadmon

    Rykiana has returned

    And thats just stage one tactics. We turn up to 11.
    1 point
  4. AxaraBlue

    Rykiana has returned

    Kish made me like you so now you are kinda stuck with me. So yeah ... welcome back n' junk but ummmm if you leave I will have to like find a way to keep you here ... mhmmm .... yep cause ummmm the kitties will make me. >.> ( I hope that sounded crazy cause that was totally what I was going for. In any case welcome back and hope to get to know you more. :D )
    1 point
  5. Aryte

    Rykiana has returned

    Ryyyykiaaana. :}
    1 point

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