Twitch Multi Screen Streaming guide For many people Live Streaming is a way of gaming life and I know a few people in Ordo like to stream the games they play, but what some of you may know but many will probably not know is how to multi stream along with another person. After all an on line game is all about playing with other people, so why not live stream the same way. If two Ordo live streamers are playing the same game it's fun to stream both perspectives and to watch both perspectives side to side, and It's really easy to do. There's no hardware changes, you don't even have to change your software, in fact there's no change what so ever for either person streaming. There's just a simple URL to use. How is it done ? To run a multi stream is quite easy, first thing you need is the URL of both streams, so for instance if me and Kishoshima were live streaming and wanted a multi stream I would need the following URLs (Note: this only works with Twitch streams): & Once you have both URLs you then go to KbMods multistream site Click Here From here it's simple. Make sure the setting is on "Custom" and decide which URL you want to be Stream 1 and which will be stream 2, for this example Kisho's stream will be Stream 1 (Note: when typing in the stream URL the page will automaticaly change to add the second stream box like in the image below) Then you add your second stream: It's worth noting you can have up to 8 streams in a single window using this method, simply keep pasting the separate URLs Once both streams are added, then pick your layout and click on Build layout: Once done you will be taken to a new URL showing both streams, and that's it, that's multi streaming set up. Each stream has it's own volume controls and dependant on lay out you can see no chat, chat from both streams or chat from just one preferred stream and you can change the layout at any time by using the side bar. Just remember though people still see your stream seperate from the other unless you give them the Multi stream page url ;) Hope you guys find it useful and have some fun with this especially on Planetside 2 nights or SWTOR ops from Esva :D