Entry 3: The Tides of Innovation Deadmon was getting desperate. I had to do something. I wasn't going to lose another so quick so early. I decided do cancel all jobs my miners had and dug down. Found some silver ore. That was actually a surprise, but an amazing one at that. Preparing the iron would take too much time. But silver? A couple orders away. I quickly demanded that my dwarves built a Smelter, a normal one, not a magma one. I ordered the production of a couple pieces of charcoal. Now all I needed was that my dwarves got the silver ready. It took some time, but it was quick enough. Deadmon rushed and grabbed the silver bar and immediatly began his mysterious construction. He shouted constinously: "Ushul ìtdìm" and worked non-stop. After some time, Ushul ìtdìm was created: a groundhog bone cage. It may not seem like much, but things like this are probably worth more than 10 refined gems combined. It shall not be sold though, it was created in our fortress and shall stay here. In the mean time, we had a little surprise. Congratulations going to Valos, you are the proud parent of a new baby dwarf! I have no idea who the father is so... uhm... Good luck? That baby probably won't reach working age. FPS death happens before that. Oh, the joy, everything turned out fine right? Deadmon built us something great, Valos is the lastest mother on the fortress and Xoza has become the mayor... WAIT WHAT? While I was distracted, this huge wave of migrants arrived. My population rose from 26 to 50. That upgraded the fort, and so a mayor was elected. Later on, royalty will look towards this fortress. Ohhh it will be !FUN!... Now Xoza needs better quarters and a baroness arrived with that migration too, so one that's more nice bedroom that needs to be built. Because of this I decided to smooth and then engrave all the stone on my kitchen and bedrooms. I gave most of those useless migrants the ability to do so. Progress has begun. Also, XOZA YOU ARE ANNOYING. WHY CAN'T I EXPORT BOLTS? Notice those walls look a bit different? That's smooth stone. Nothing engraved here yet. Because we had such a big population increase, I had to set up a military squad, and because of that a barracks. Those are both being worked on. Xevrand is the proud leader of my first squad. Congratulations! Also, because military dwarves require equipment, I decided to start my steel production early, it's also being worked on. BY THE WAY. Dwarves get injured, so we need a hospital, which means we need a chief medical dwarf. Kavia, you're up. You have no skill and never touched an injured dwarf. You'll have to Diagnose, treat diseases, fix broken bones and try to save that one dwarf that will eventually come with his left leg missing and his chest cut open, the sword still stuck in it. GOOD LUCK! Feel like I'm pumping these out too quick? Yap, I played a lot today. I'm going to try and not post them TOO frequently so I can MAYBE keep some interest in. ALSO, I have a lot of free spots for names. I'd like sugestions please. Just throw names at me and I'll rename some dwarves. TY :)