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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2015 in all areas

  1. Cool.. thats what I needed to know.. Ive read and seen a lot of crap about the drops and all, so that makes sense.. but what bugged me is the fact you're paying real cash in microtransactions in what amounts to a paid beta test. Thanks for the info Esva it helps put perspective on it.
    1 point
  2. Xoza

    [OI] Game Review Rating Scale

    Review Rating Scale for Ordo Imperialis Gaming As reviews and games start to develop, all members will get the option to participate in a poll to vote on a rating scale that will be made available in the review. We ask that your votes be based off actual use or experience with the game in that area. If you feel your review is incorrect, you're always free to come back and refine it. Additionally, feel free to post your own comments, suggestions, tips and constructive criticism within the review thread! All reviews will be posted to the front page and made available in Steam/Valve curation system. Content (Why you play, Entertainment / Story) Content Entertainment Immersion Replayability Story Gameplay (How You Play, Controls / Features) Controls Integration Features Gameplay Design (What You Play, Artwork / Environment) Animation Art Audio Design Environment Graphics Media Presentation Senses
    1 point
  3. The ingame purchase system right now, though in controversy has a good foundation. People are screaming "Pay2Win Pay2Win" but it really isn't. At first the devs said airdrops will contain cosmetics only, but yes this changed to include some weapons which everyone raged about but when you think about it, it makes sense. This is early access and everything needs testing even the airdrop system. It has several types of drop such as The Hobo, The farmer etc and gives different loot dependent on type, with a 10 - 12% chance to give a weapon and even still that's only either a pistol or shotgun and when you take into consideration that you can die just as easily from an arrow tot he face as a bullet the whole "Pay2Win" argument looses traction very quickly, and when you throw in the fact it takes 2- 6 minutes for an airdrop to hit the ground, sends up an explosion, has flashing lights and then a massive green beacon along with a herd of zombies your chance of actually opening the damn thing is kinda small especially when other players will be after it too. So the drop system it's self is actually okay, however when it cost $5 worth of station cash each then to say it's worth it would be me lying, at this stage it's not worth the money, so just try to grab the drops from other people that are spending out the money for a less than 5% chance of actually getting something ultra rare and decent from it You do get a chance at cosmetic items that stay with you after death, and you do have a small chance at a weapon, and your garaunteed some loot such as ammo, seeds for farming, resources etc. But at the end of the day, Don't waste your money
    1 point

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