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Gen Scientist

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Posts posted by Gen Scientist

  1. Maza Rau knows stuff about Portland too...

    EDIT: btw when you said "Voodoo" I just remembered there's a local club here that is called Vodoo...

    Here are some videos, because I'm bored:


  2. Sun Tzu said: The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy.

    Self-Improvement is the desire or the act of get better on an specific field, in this case combat. It's something important we should keep in mind, it should become an objective for you.

    We're a good organization, there's good people, an amazing hierarchy, comradeship, moral. But we shouldn't forget about combat, combat is the heart of this group, it's the soul. If there are enough defenders on Titan, organize attacks, trainings (on the killhouse), go to New Jessie, help friendly groups, get better within the combat community, become invencible.

    Seeking perfection, excellence is what makes me wake up everyday, IRL and SL, I don't lay down if I can't do something, I try to do it better, I analyze the situation what made me lose, and I try to do it better next time.

    Excellence is my objective, it's yours?

  3. Guild Wars: Nightfall (Special Edition) - 70€

    ¿20 levels? For the love of god. Ridiculous, and nothing new. I gave it to a friend.

    The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition - 10€

    Yeah, new graphics, and stuff like that, but it's the old Monkey Island, I'd prefer a new story. I lost it.

    Red Orchestra - 20€

    I love it, it's my favorite game, but I purchased it too late, there are just 3 or 4 servers.

    Now I just download the games from bit torrent, I'm a rebel.


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