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Gen Scientist

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Posts posted by Gen Scientist

  1. heroes-of-stalingrad-595x224.jpg

    Hello guys


    I'm sure some of you have heard about Red Orchestra, it was a mod for UT2 an FPS, you could be German or Russian (something new!), they won a contest organized by Epic and the reward was the UT2 and UT3 engines, then these bunch of peeps made their own company called Tripwire (creators of Killing Floor too). That happened on 2006.



    Now on 2011 They're about to release a new episode of Red Orchestra, Heroes of Stalingrad. This game is the bastard son of realism and arcade FPS, graphics look amazing as you can see on the pictures, and the game will be available for 20-30€ (don't know about US$) I highly recommend you to buy it.


    Now I leave you a video here, a gameplay.

    Search on steam about it! and hope you purchase it.

  2. Also, I'd like to see more works that doesn't make the Ordo Imperialis look epic. I mean it's an Empire, there should be good people and bad people, write stuff about treason, pillage and rape.

    It's just literature, so I think we won't have problems with it.



    • Curia killing the wrong people

    • A Tribunus attempt to kill the Imperator

    • Heretics on the domains of Ordo

    • Drug dealers on the empire and Curia crushing their heads (lol)

  3. I'm going to download it.

    Also, the guy who made the NeoTokyo trailer is the one who made our Litany video (MJ Katsu).

    EDIT: We should play together someday.

  4. It's an example...

    EDIT: I'm going to make the Imperial Systems smaller.

    EDIT2: Between the Chaotic systems and the Imperial systems there will be a zone called "Scar" or "Space Scar" to show how bad is Chaos (sadface here)

  5. Ok, I've seen that many of us, I include myself are confuse about what should we add and how.


    The next map was made for Agares, it's how our fictional galaxy would look like.



    Now here's a list of the exo-races (non-Ordo affiliation) that were mentioned on this thread by Agares (wich means that they're official):

    • Exonari

    • Gaunts

    • Teristi


    Sir Tiridates said:

    A) It would be a major pain in the ass trying to fit the inconsistent, bizzaro "fluff" of say, VG, or 2142, into our own.

    B) It would cause major hooplah if we were to directly reference them in our materials, and could lead to all manner of headaches and drama.

    C) We can do better than making a group of drooling infants like Valor an opposing faction, not to mention VG.

    Sun T- Agares said:

    Not Ordo genetic experiments. We wish to avoid mary-sues: Even the Guard are going to be clearly vulnerable, if extremely difficult in some cases to kill or overwhelm.

    This means if you want it to be Official Ordo Canon, try to avoid being a ten thousand year old dragon, demon, angel, etc. Avoid characters who were created solely as warriors (Not even Agares fits this concept), of peerless match.

    Please consider your own rank and position, though a bit of pushing the envelope is fine. If you feel too attached to your particular namesake character, you may wish to create one solely for the purpose of the story line. While clearly non-human characters are fine, massive giants outstripping the Guard in height, for instance, are a no go. Etc. Try to be reasonable, basically. As we flesh out more basic information about the "Ordo Universe", some of the limitations and boundaries you'll face will be clearer, and the expectations will help govern any hopefuls for the official canon.

    I think we should proooobably draw up an FAQ for this, and possibly make sub forum for "Official" Ordo related literature.

    THIS SHOULD NOT DISSUADE YOU FROM BEING CREATIVE OR WRITING COOL STORIES ABOUT YOURSELVES OR CHARACTERS YOU CREATE. Simply consider it a few things to consider, if you want it to fit into a more formal, official capacity of the Ordo.

    This is for literary and role-play purposes

  6. Agares, with "The ancient Republican ideals " you mean the old Rome (The Italy one) or a pre-Imperialis era (sci-fi)?

    You also should make a "Line of time" to organize all your stories.

    PD: I'm about to write some background stories by myself so I can practice my writing skills on English.

  7. They've put a free-to-play option into the game, from what i see. The only issue is that it SEVERELY limits your options. You can only reach level 2, play a Rifleman or Submachine Gunner, and a few other things. But i will say that it'll let you play the first few tiers of the vehicles, seeing as i could spawn a Panzer II on my own without any problems. I think i might actually enjoy being a tank driver. :3

    Really? I didn't know that, you gotta link?


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