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Firefox Breed

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Posts posted by Firefox Breed

  1. Aryte Vesperia wrote:

    A platoon can not reasonably be a defined number of individuals. Or we simply fall right back into the legion problem, where varying times of activity/ability to partake can cripple/ruin any given platoon/authority of a platoon leader.

    This issue may be from not properly delegating authority/tasks. If polices are made and use of manpower is used correctly it could be done.

  2. **Rough Draft**


    *Garrison Command Structure*

    4 Command groups consisting of:

    1 OIC

    1 NCOIC

    OIC command staff of officers and NCOs

    3 Line platoons consisting of:

    Officers, NCOs and enlisted personal.

    Chain of command

    Each platoon will have 1 command group in charge of them.

    1 command group will be in charge of the 3 command groups who are in charge of the platoons. (This group does not take charge of the platoons at all. They need to go down though each platoons command groups)

    Now if someone is thinking

  3. Primary Tasks:

    Re-evaluate the role of NCO's in the Ordo.

    Re-evaluate the chain of command of Terra so NCO presence is incorporated into its working.

    Re-evaluate the chain of command of Terra so the workload can be spread out, command delegated and more efficient.

    Re-evaluate NCO promotion system to better suit the needs of the Ordo.


    To construct a more efficient, flexible chain of command that incorporates NCOs.


    This project is going to take some time and is going to require alot of input from all levels of the ordo. There has been some problems with the current systems we have that has lead to changes being made, yet failing to fix some of the core problems.

    We are asking anyone who has organizational skills, military or civilian to please assist us in this project. With the pending changing that are on the drawing board at the moment, its going to be a bit of a earth shaker to most NCOs we have.

    We also are working to give the NCOs some work, authority and responsibility. Some of us are going to need to step up to the plate, show that we are worthy of the ranks on our collars.

    Points of contact:

    FireFox Breed

    Rei Kuhr

    Lestat Umarov


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