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Everything posted by Esva

  1. Pre-Ordered long ago will be doing bits of everything, but highly interested in an Ordo Sith guild on a PVP server. ^_^ Count me in :D
  2. Esva


    Episode 9 Hey Everyone in Episode 9: Ryk, Drasamax and Radryl bring you their views and insights about the Ordo Imperialis, Talks of Praetorians, Gunships the language barrier, a rather odd line about carrots o.O and just where did that infamous avie come from ? And for once, no review of the weekly meeting....Mostly because someone screwed up the log....YAY! and as always a few links to help you out: Direct to Audio - Direct Download ((right click "Save As" for this one))
  3. o.k thanks for your interest guys, however from now on we wont be accepting guest apps, it will now be done through "Invitation Only" thanks to everyone thats appeared so far you have helped make the ordocast what it is and we now have a strong base to continue from ^_^
  4. is thinking of ways tro boost activity in Astra

  5. <22:13:31> "Radryl Allen" : Ts is fatty, and that is a fact. <22:16:07> "Drasamax Python" : fat <22:16:22> "Radryl Allen" : It is so fat that makes Arokh looks thin. <22:19:05> "Rykina Ferina" : hahahahahahaaa quoted for the forum
  6. well done everyone that got Promotions and Merits ^_^
  7. Esva


    Thank you those who have sent me IM's thanking me for doing this, but really you dont have to, it was an honour to do this and yes it was very hard to do, so thank you for listening in
  8. Esva


    Ordocast Episode 8 In Remembrance...... Hello everyone and welcome to the Ordocast. This isnt the way an Ordocast usually starts however today holds a certain degree of realisation for everyone................. Episode 8
  9. the Ordocast tomorrow (or today for those in europe) will be a special dedicated episiode, if anyone has words or wishes they would like read out please contact me
  10. So which system on the network would or could possibly take control of a vessel in the event of a catastrophic event ? for example...crew dead or taken prisonor
  11. All will come Clear in the next one my friend, as will the reason behind arytes strange behavior...just keep your eye's open for "The Ordo Imperialis: BloodTies - Cascade"
  12. ^ dangerous sense of humour < carrot muncher v Hrmmm where did the label go ? cant quite figure out what it is :S
  13. I guess Mercury had a different opinion [17:05:40] You: "Be an example to your men, in your duty and in private life. Never spare yourself, and let the troops see that you don't in your endurance of fatigue and privation. Always be tactful and well-mannered and teach your subordinates to do the same. Avoid excessive sharpness or harshness of voice, which usually indicates the man who has shortcomings of his own to hide." [17:05:51] (COM): Mercury SecretSpy: ha
  14. Esva


    and TY to who ever renamed the thread for me ^_^ :P
  15. Esva


    Episode 7 Hey everyone, and thanks for coming back for the next Ordocast! Yoki, Huttser, Ron, Awanken and Reinhardt bring you their views and insights about the Ordo Imperialis, Talks of gunships and tactics, Muskets and liberators...and so so much more......i cant believe we llet them all in the same room....what was we thinking :P And as always a review of the weekly Ordo Meeting (03SEP11) Direct Download File URL (incase player doesnt work through main site - right click "Save As" to download)
  16. Esva

    Some Old Writings

    Hey all, after going through my inventory recently I found some of my old writings, things i used to just jot down when i was bored, and thought i would post them here....enjoy ^_^ --------------------------------------------- Dawn of the Sun I sit many days at a beach I love so much, I watch the waves role in & the birds flying high. The palm trees sway gently in the breeze, but then my heart begins to Sink in the sea of sadness. A sadness not of love or hurt, not of fear or loneliness, but a Sadness of loss, a loss of the sun. Its warmth its glow gently choked by the envious darkness on the night sky, the eternal cat and mouse game of light over dark and dark over light. The galactic game of cat & mouse plays out before my very eye's & my heart weeps as the sun slowly dies, & as i take pleasure in the last of the days warmth my heart screams in pain for the sun to rise once more. The darkness roles in, and the waves that lapped at my feet now role in with violence, as if enraged by the moon. I watch as it stands proud amongst the abyss of black, the stars shimmering & shining along with it. My gaze is captured by the beauty of the night, its soft elegance snaring my senses, and slowly my heart gives way to the vision I see before me. I watch for hours as the moon does its graceful dance across the night sky with the stars as it's orchestra, then my heart lifts once more as the faintest of light breaks on the horizon. The golden light of a new days sun, the yellow hue of serenity, the orange glow of passion and the other many colours that bring peace to my heart. As if the sun was healing the earth, the palm trees that tower above me slow their sway to a gradual stop, the waves that crashed so violently before me now smoothed till the ocean seemed but a mill pond, calm, quiet & serine. The air I breathed smelt sweet and filled my lungs with a hope of another fantastic day, with the sun, the majesty of life towering high on its throne. As the sun moves higher, slaying the darkness with the weapon of light, I smile softly and wish for the night to fade to day. The light shimmers of the water as it gently breaks against the shore and the warmth begins to back the sand. I close my eyes & rift into a peaceful sleep knowing the feeling of serenity, in the days protective rays. ------------------------------ Sins of the Chosen I lay here, the some of all fear’s burning in my soul, as if hell itself had released the fire and brimstone upon heaven, both colliding in a cataclysmic war of might & strength. The passion rages deep within the fire of my soul, the want to bay blood, destroy a soul and devour what is good in the universe. I close my eye’s, my mind constantly creating and destroying worlds, stars, entire universe’s, loved ones and mortal enemies. Then serenity, my mind clear the path ahead laid out before me, exhilaration, agility, stamina, adrenaline, all this fills my soul my heart and mind, as the air rushes past me, the light of the outside worlds casting shadows across my eye’s as I rip through the air. My heart pulses with a thrill as the world…my world flashes past, memories of places and people streak through my mind. Then my heart skips a beat as I see her eye’s, hear her voice, and feel the blade of my weapon slice through the air. My eye’s open to a world, alien, strange, unwelcoming. My focus is drawn to the white silk of the snow beneath my feet, so serine, so pure and untouched, I fall to my knees, my weapon striking hard behind me, and I grin at the feel of flesh tearing across it’s edge, and the snow weeps its crimson hatred, the blood flows, and the tears fall. My heart beats with the fear, and the elation of what had just happened, then darkness fills my eye’s once more, am I now truly awake ? Is this the world I left ?. I look at an image beside my bed, and smile softly at her eye’s, then pain grips and tears at my heart once more, and again tears begin to fall. The angel’s of my past now dead, I remain here solitary……my path clouded and uncertain, for now I walk alone…there will only be one guiding light amongst the darkness of my soul, and that is the force. ------------------------------------- Heart of the Blade In the wilderness that is my mind I see darkness befall many lands. Thought & emotion destroyed, forced to kneel before the great oppressor. And even the beauty of a setting sun behind the mountains, the sky on fire in a riot of radiant colours can quell the darkness that inhabits me. The war of darkness & light lost to the voids of time, but even time must serve its master and carry me along on its journey. Maybe if I give myself completely to it, I may find an answer, an answer to the darkness in my mind, the same darkness that now threatens my heart. Hours become day’s which in turn become years , and so many passed before I realized, realized that the power, the essence, the agony of my heart would be the weapon I need to strike the darkness and cast it aside. The glory and the wonder would be mine if I flourished all power up high, gave my soul so it me be crafted into the hilt and my heart so it may be forged as a blade, but alas when the hour of confrontation nears, my heart skipped a beat, my soul dissolved for the oppressor of darkness had been slain, laid at my feet and splashed to the four winds of oblivion and shame… her eyes. As I catch the gaze of the angel that struck down the destroyer of the darkness that haunted my waking thoughts, my deepest dreams and inflicted nightmares, my lips betray my thoughts in soft word’s, and I hear myself speak in hushed, whispered ways “If I only had one last breath or the choice to love, I would use that breath to tell you I love you”. For it was this angel, this angel that freed my mind from the oblivion of darkness surrounding me, released what was lost in voids of despair, chasms of pain and returned me from a land where the sun refused and failed to shine through the darkness that was my mind. And now as I look deep into those eyes, I now realise that all I needed, the greatest power through space and time, was the love of this woman, and the power of her eyes. --------------------------------- Flight 359 The sweet solitude and the sense of self, along with the desire of life burning deep within a soul. My world so empty yet life is all around me. The sounds and presence of people, so close but oh so far away, and above the din and cacophony of the people I hear the sweetness of life its self as it sweeps me away to a world so strange. I do not journey alone, yet I share it with no one, and then my senses assaulted, driven to madness with excitement & joy. The sweet solitude, the desire and sense of self shattered as I am carried away by a force far beyond my control. A lump deep in my throat threatens to end my life by denying me air, my heart beats faster before skipping a vital beat, and then ..... Then I ascend. Ascension towards the moon and the stars, my emotions reaching out towards the majesty of the universe followed and trailed by my hand in tow. A wantonness to touch the universe its self. And then I frown in despair and sadness as my hand touches the barrier between us, denying my right to touch the glory of the stars, to feel graced by the universe. And my heart sinks and I release a deep needing sigh. Now all I can do is watch, wait & hope for a destiny, my destiny to come to me, to be mine as I am carried away on flight three fifty nine. ------------------------------------- Ghost's of War I sat there many a day waiting for the hours to pass in their slow painful way. Each moment grated like sandpaper against my senses, the only relief, the only rest bit a bullet in the air. I had answered the call, the march to arms leaving all and everything behind, even the woman who had my heart and now who haunts my mind. As the drums, so relentless in my thoughts hammer their beat I grip my trusted defence, my weapon of destruction death and war and I prepare to meet my fate. The rain falls and soaks me from head to toe, the mud stained my clothes and my appetite to do what is right washes away more and more with each drop of rain & each shot fired and then despair begins to shake my hand. A time before we sang in song and glory, but now there was no songs only the crimson life of those I called brother splashed and slain to the ground, then on the edge of perception a sound penetrates deep, was that the call ? the signal to begin ?. My riffle in my hand, the helmet on my head , I hauled myself to my feet and climbed the ladder high. I hauled my battered body and senses high, over the top to face the unknown, and in days just gone past I had turned just seventeen, yet now I stay frozen watching my brothers fall to join me, for I nineteen fourteen.
  17. Hi All ^_^, Back in June I wrote "Blood Ties" Part one, and went on to write parts two & three...and then they got completely forgotten about until recently ;_: however, Instead of posting parts two and three separately, I am going to do do it as one big continuing post, so here is "Blood Ties" ... Hope you enjoy ======================================================================================= ==ORDO IMPERIALIS== - = BLOOD TIES = - By Ryk The blood trickled drop by drop from the end of his charcoal wet nose. The sum of all his fears, passions and hatred burning in his eyes as he choked the life out of the hapless stranger. He had only ever met her one time face to face and that was to congratulate this young soldier for graduating the basic training academy. And now he had his hands gripped tightly around her throat with the desire to kill. The room was silent, not even breathing could be heard from the praetorian guard that encompassed the outer diameter of the room, shock or pure fear had moved them to silence, or maybe it was just the sight of their noble imperator taking it upon himself to outright murder this soldier. "You betrayed us! You worthless filth, you don't deserve to live for what you did!" Aryte looked deep into the eyes of a dying woman, a woman who only had seconds to live and as Aryte choked the life out of her, the sounds of words the soldier tried to make just came across as half grunting noises, but stranger still not making any attempt to try to fight back or escape, she had the aura of a woman resigned to her fate, and just before she could even think of drawing her terminal breath Aryte slammed her hard against the metal panels that made up the floor. Aryte wasn't very tall by human standards, if anything he was quite average in height but when he stood over the soldier who by this time was gasping for breath and clutching at the air to draw some life back into her body, Aryte loomed over her with a menacing stature. "You made an oath to uphold and protect, not just me, or the people around you who called you sister! but all of Titan!...all of TITAN!". Aryte stood motionless for what seemed like an eternity before he turned and wiped the blood staining his maw, he looked at the guards and just nodded before walking out of the room. The moment the door closed behind the Imperator the guards quickly filled in hauling the soldier to her feet and dragging her out of the room, leaving a trail of blood and dirt behind. The central command and database interface 'MERCURY' didn't speak often, but when it came to the Imperator sometimes he wished she would just shut up. As he walked into the chamber that housed Mercury, she started "So what's this? No wait let me guess its either a sloppy supper or you have been bobbing for razor blades?". Aryte just shot her a dirty glance and slumped down onto the floor stretching out. "If it makes you feel any better my dear, I just had to deal with a traitor". Mercury just shrugged as she did "Feelings? What feelings? I'm a machine...remember....little girl couldn't of hit you that hard....could she?". Aryte just stared blankly into space as he replayed the events in his mind, then he said on a hushed whisper "No she didn't....she didn't hit me at's almost as if she wanted to.......", now it was Mercury who had the blank stare, not that she had any other sort of expression "She wanted to....what?". Aryte cocked his head to the side and looked up at mercury "it's as if she wanted to take a beating, there was no recoil no retaliation.....but why?", and before Mercury could reply, Aryte was to his feet and striding out of the door. "Well say Bye then, you may be the Imperator but a little manners wont....." the door slammed shut behind him "....hurt you know!... unlike your bloody nose" and she allowed herself a giggle before her stone face expression returned and her mind went back to the streams of data coursing through her body. Aryte had gone to his office to wash his maw clean of the traitors blood and pick a fresh uniform, and as he stood looking in the mirror to make sure the last of the blood was gone there was a knock at the door. "Yes!", the door slid open and a rather nervous looking Huttser stood with a report pad, Aryte could understand why he was nervous, news had obviously gotten around "Yes what is it ?", Huttser took a step and and proceeded to read the report. Everything was fine until he got the the final line "And the traitor took it upon herself to take her own life....some sort of toxin". Aryte grabbed the nearest thing he could and threw it against the window splintering it, and turned back in a fit of rage and punched the mirror hard shattering it on impact. "Get! Out! Now!" The hours passed, the messages on his machine mounted and the knocks at the door went unanswered. Aryte was just slumped in his chair as the service record of the traitor rolled passed on his screen. Line after line, word after word all seemed to just blur and congeal into a mess. An antique clock that hung on the wall behind him started to chime its indication of another hour passed and Aryte just turned his head slightly and looked before letting go of a heavy deep sigh and with that he shut down his console, turned off the lights and made his way out to the street to board his personal transport to head home. ==48 Hours Earlier== " I'm impressed, the new hand guns are performing perfectly, As soon as the final stages are complete and the documentation from Munitorium lands on Curia's desk, have the new weapons issued to all personnel", Aryte wasn't known for smiling allot but in this instance he couldn't stop even if he wanted to. There was something about the new version of the Five-Seven that just seem to caress his ego and the militaristic side of his character. All around him and the R&D team were other soldiers on the range honing their aiming skills with various weapons, and as Aryte looked around he couldn't help but continue to smile. It was after all a perfect day, and there wasn't many of them on Titan. "Excuse me sir, you have a 15:30 appointment with Ethan Schuman in Astra Command" the young soldier handed the Imperator a notebook and saluted promptly, and the Imperator returned the honour before saying "Thank you Legionaris, you may go back to your duties", the soldier nodded and turned on his heels and walked away. "Well if you will excuse me gentlemen I have to talk to Mr Schuman, Good Day to you" he didn't bother to salute this time, instead he just turned and headed to a waiting liberator and climbed on board. He always thought Titan looked better from the air, something about the way the city was constructed gave it an illustrious aura, one of hope and freedom, and on a day like today it was no different. The liberator touched down with a hard thud onto the concrete and a row of pilots saluted in unison as their noble Imperator stepped off the transport, and that's when the explosion rocked the city. "Get that damned medic team in here NOW!" Aryte barked his orders with absolute authority as he knelt down beside the face down body of a soldier, its only when he turned the individual over that he realized who it was, and it gave him the shock of his life. He fall back watching as the blood trickled from the wounds, staining the hair of one of his command, then he screamed "Get the Ffffing medics here NOW!", He then moved back and placed a hand gently against the woman's face and said softly "Don't worry Heather, help is on the way" The smoke billowed high into the air turning it from a crisp clean air into something that could choke you to death in moments. Small pieces of debris were still falling in the area and those that were lucky to survive unscathed walked around in confusion wearing a layer of dust. Down the street two liberator class transports landed, one carrying the medical team which quickly egressed and sprinted down the street towards the wounded, and a team of praetorians from the second which moved at full speed towards Aryte. Even they could believe the destruction they saw before them, and none of them could of denied to feelings of rage that welled up in their souls from the sight. Aryte looked up, pure rage in his eye's and he simply growled one phrase....."Find who ever did this...and bring them to me!". He then turned back to make Heather and comfy as possible without giving the Praetorians a second thought. The rest of the day...turned into a blurred recollection of blood and debris................ ==Present Day== Aryte just starred out of the window, not focusing on anything really, just replaying the events of late in his mind again and again, but then in the distance he spotted the medical Centre, "Mercury, re route to the medical Centre" his voice was dull, lifeless...exhausted as he asked mercury to redirect his transport. From the speakers came the familiar town "yes and doughnuts to go with it ?", Aryte just growled and muttered"unless a certain computer system wants to be decompiled it wont give me a synthesized attitude!". Nothing more came through the speaker and aryte just grinned as the transport banked slowly to the left heading towards where he knew heather was. The streets were quiet and light with the orange hue of the lights as they shone brightly in the night atmosphere. The only sound was of the transport as it touched down in front of the steps to the med Centre. Aryte stepped out, his mind and body tired and heavy from exhaustion and he looked up at the door's and nodded briefly as if to strengthen his resolve. The doors hissed and slid open revealing the clean clinical interior. The night shift was going about their business, carrying clipboards and medical supplies to and from different areas, Aryte was a little shocked he never expected so much activity this late, but that soon subsided and he stepped inside. "Sir!" a young med said called out, he walked up to the Imperator and saluted, thumping his hand to his chest hard. Aryte just responded with a brief nod and said wearily "where is Heather ?" "2nd floor room twenty three sir". Aryte just nodded again and headed for the elevator. He had been standing outside the room for a while, working up the courage to walk in, remembering how she looked shortly after the explosion he didn't expect she would look any better with tubes in her and all the medical equipment surrounding her. He then took a deep breath and opened the door, and was stunned...the room was full. He looked from face to face recognizing them all, and this gave him a sense of relief and joy...relief that he wasn't the only one that had the same idea and joy at seeing them here, seeing the compassion and camaraderie of the Ordo Imperialis. And he looked at each one, Drasamax, Ethan, Trinity, Nikki, Kishoshima, Tsume, Sebris, Rykiana, Achtai and Xoza. And with each new face he recognized the smile grew bigger...then he looked at heather and whispered "you see, there are those that care" he then shut the door and sat down. A few hours had passed, and the group around heathers bed were deep in a whispered conversation about the events of the last few days when the room was filled with a knocking on the door, Rykiana stood "don't worry, i will get it". He walked over and opened the door to see a messenger holding a pad. "Sign for this sir ?" the messenger enquired, ryk just nodded and signed his name on the screen before taking the pad and closing the door, He looked the screen and froze, and this grabbed every ones attention, and he looked up to see the faces of his fellow ordo members looking back at him. Then Aryte stood up and walked up to him " o.k. ? you look like you've seen a ghost", ryk just nodded and handed Aryte the pad "I think you need to see this". Aryte looked at the message. He then placed the pad on the table near by and left without saying a word. Then as if all in unison everyone looked at ryk, and only nikki spoke, and she asked "what is going on ?", Ryk just swallowed hard and responded with "They Got him, they got the guy behind the bombing". They all sat stunned for a moment, then all together they rushed out of the room to follow Aryte, but Rykiana and Kishoshima stayed behind and took their seats beside Heathers bed. The Praetorians snapped smartly to attention when they noticed Aryte striding towards them with purpose. The sun was just breaking over the horizon, filling the streets with odd hues of color. He breezed straight past the praetorians, not even giving them a glance and straight into the Citadel, followed closely by the group that was around heathers bed, and as soon as he passed through the security shield he shouted "where is the bastard! ?" Agares walked up towards the Imperator and saluted in his usual calm calculating way, and the imperator returned the gesture, "Sir he is under guard in your office...oh and sir, its......." He was quickly cut off as Aryte rushed passed him not even waiting to hear what Agaraes had to say. The guards in Aryte's office stood with their weapons aimed at the prisoner and the door burst open to reveal aryte standing there. He looked up with an expression of absolute hate and disdain. He raised his five-seven and pulled the trigger, a single shot rang out in the room and the bullet tore through the prisoners right knee "That is for Titan", he pulled the trigger again sending another bullet on a clean trajectory through the prisoners left knee "That's for me", he then took aim at the prisoners head and said with a deep snarl "this......this is for heather" then he pulled the trigger. The bullet tore through the eye, ripped and tore shreds of brain matter before exiting with an explosion of blood that covered Burrwolf he was stand just behind and to the left of the prisoner. Aryte just looked at them and said with rage "it's over! get that shit cleaned up... I'm going home to bed". Before Aryte headed home he stopped at the Medical Centre for a few moments, long enough to leave written message for heather that simply said " It's Over" , A few hours later aryte was finally in a deep peaceful sleep, as monitors all around Titan came to life with the news. "Good Morning Titan and welcome to the 10am I.N.N News with me your host Arokh Takakura, This just in early this morning the traitor who brainwashed a young Numeri to plant a bomb was captured and killed. The body of the Traitor "Reinhardt Stenvaag" was burnt and his ashes buried without honor. And next up Sports news with Radryl Allen" Agares just watched and smiled a sick little smile as the story played out on screen, "Well Burr, It seems the media bought out little story. Now we have work to do". Burrwolf nodded slowly and placed an old fashioned paper file on the desk "that's the report, as requested no digital copy was made, and no information was entered into the network". Agares looked down at the file and flipped it open and his sick little smile turned into a full grin of pleasure as he read.............. Affiliation: 2142 Name: Lord Bob Boa Status: DECEASED! Agares didnt need to read the other pages of the report, he just closed the file, picked it up slowly and fed it into a shredder beside his desk, he chuckled a little before saying " the other Praetorians.......we have a war to plan!".........................
  18. Another one to Caption if you can :P 1st: Decide which ordo members the characters are 2nd: think of the funniest caption for it :P
  19. Esva

    Ryk's Trash Can

    Thought it was about time I updated my own here it is :P
  20. 100% completelty agree with everything here...TY for the PSA Kisho and Kudos on the Heartbreak Ridge reference +1 Rep for yoooouuuuu
  21. Damn you Kisho...Damn you!!!!! to Bunneh Hell!!!!.....but if you pay for my flight you shall be redeamed :P
  22. Esva


    Episode 6 Hey everyone, and thanks for coming back for the next Ordocast! Ryk, Xoza, Achtai, Sebris & BurrWolf bring you their views and insights about the Ordo Imperialis, Questions of white wolves, embarrassing moment's, Viewer talk, who is the real Firefox and a impromtu appearance by a well known figuer aswell as an appearance from the Trash Kitteh. And as always a review of the weekly Ordo Meeting (27AUG11) Direct File URL (incase player doesnt work through main site)
  23. Esva

    Ryk's Trash Can

    Glad you Like them ^_^

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