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Posts posted by Esva

  1. ep7%20logo_zps8j0nccse.png










    [Awards] - Don't forget to make award recommendations, they don't have to be detailed.


    Legacy Wide Datacrons

    Hey folks!
    I wanted to pass on a little tidbit that I heard this morning. We are very actively looking to put Legacy-wide Datacrons into Knights of the Fallen Empire! We know this has been widely requested for many years and so the Design team is working as we speak to get it in.
    As always, this is not a guarantee that it will make it in, but the team is hard at work to make it happen.

    Gamescom Q&A


    August 11th Patch Notes 

    Personal Story
    • Fixed the story step “Victory or Death” to allow turret and anvil interactions during the airship phase, enabling Personal Story completion.

    Profession Skills

    • Inspiring Distortion: Fixed a bug that allowed this trait to apply distortion to WvW structures.

    New Items and Promotions

    • The new Dwayna’s weapon set is available at vendors for the limited-time price of 1 complete Black Lion Claim Ticket from a Black Lion Chest. Keys are available in the Special category of the Gem Store for 125 gems.
    • The Boosts category of the Gem Store has been reworked. All previous boosters are no longer available. Previously purchased boosters will still work.
      • A new Experience Booster is now available that grants 50% additional experience from all sources and game types, including WvW and PvP reward tracks, and gives a killstreak bonus on enemy NPCs.
      • A new Item Booster is now available that grants crafting, gathering, and magic find benefits from a single source and summons a merchant if the player’s inventory is full after gathering resources.
      • A new Heroic Booster is now available that grants both Item Booster and Experience Booster effects.
      • Single Experience Booster and Item Booster prices have been reduced by 33% permanently.
      • Karma Boosters are now available exclusively from in-game rewards.
      • For a limited time, you can claim a free Heroic Booster by visiting the Gem Store.

    *Improvements: *

    • The Black Lion Chest now drops the new boosters. Karma Boosters, Experience Boosters (old), Magic Find Boosters, Crafting Boosters, Gathering Boosters, WXP Boosters, Killstreak Experience Boosters, and Communal Boost Bonfires no longer drop from the chest.
    • The Candy Corn Gobbler now grants the new, more functional booster effects at an adjusted duration per use.
    • Story steps that grant Gem Store boosters now grant the new boosters.


     Star Wars Episode 7




  2. Wow... I'm a partner now.. 


    I'm starting to like Hitbox a LOT. They're taking all the tools everyone has made and all the features that Twitch holds back from everyone else 'because they're not popular enough' and giving it out to everyone.


    Now, I'm inspired, going to come up with a nightly streaming schedule.


    Now you know why I stream exclusively to hitbox now, already made $30

  3. Depends. If you have a 6-8m upload you couldjust use nginx and stream to both at 2500kbps which is the quality most streamers use anyway. Ive manged to do it twice on a 4m upload setting the bitrate to around 1500 each

  4. Twitch_zpslcusabxa.png





    With news of YouTube Gaming getting more prevalent I thought it about time to review the other contenders in the Streaming Arena. Now this wont focus on YouTube Gaming although expect a review when it does launch properly. This will be more about Twitch & Hitbox, their differences, Good Points, Bad Points, Ease of use Etc, So lets get into it..




   has become the go to place for Streaming content, Be it games or content creation. And has Millions of viewers per month. Recently Twitch was bought out by the sales giant Amazon and has seen steady success. With news of them moving from flash to html of late it feels like a good move. And because for a long time Twitch was the only real reliable streaming platform it saw major success and has become the big dog in the yard, but ..... Is it still the best ? 




    Hitbox is the new home for gamers. Or so it claims. started making it's break into the scene in 2014 and has stayed relitively quite over the last year however, It's name is getting bigger and bigger. It owes it's popularity to being much like twitch, As though not as large it's just as easy to use and navigate, but does hitbox have something that Twitch doesn't that draws more and more users into its site and more importantly away from Twitch, Well Yes it does.


    And all is going to be revealed, explained and compared.



    The Differences


    Twitch and Hitbox are very similar in allot of ways, from how you find users and games. To the basic interface with the streaming video on top, user information below and chat to the side. They both have a follow system, Both have a partnership program, but maybe that's where things start to diverge. Twitch has the biggest library of games to stream and that's only expected as it's been the big dog for years and has a steady foundation of millions of users So it's to be expected. Type in a game title and you're sure to find it within seconds. That's not always the case with Hitbox but again this is to be expected as Hitbox is still a relatively new kid on the block although it's supported games is still impressive.

    The Partnership program that both services off at it's core is the same thing. Once you reach a certain amount of followers and daily users watching you can apply for a partnership with allows you to set subscriptions, get featured, and offers other various benefits for being in a partnership program. And yes there's some differences here too. The Twitch partnerships require a steady stream of around 500+ viewers then you can apply for partnership and when you do you can transcode streams, get subscriptions and off you go. Hitbox though do things a little different. Upon making the account, if you then verify with Paypal you can start taking subscriptions to your channel at around 100 viewers, Transcode streams at 75 viewers and run ad's in your stream to start earning some revenue Immediately through your dashboard, Set custom eoticons and subscriber badges, and like twitch it's a 50/50 split in revenu and when you take that into consideration Hitboax has already landed a HUGE sucker punch on Twitch and makes it more appealing to people (and Yes this includes me) Who are looking to turn streaming into a full time entertainment career. 


    But what else separates these two ? 


    Well quite a bit actually. Ever notice there's clans and groups of people who stream on Twitch to a single group page ? Of course you have what you may not realize is though you need to be invited to it and who ever makes the group has to be  a Twitch Partner, Thats not the case with Hitbox. Have an Account ? Have people you stream with ? You can make a group from the start and works the same as Twitch. One page for the group with links to all the streamers in that group with previews of those that are live and a focus on the one that's live with the most concurrent viewers at the time ...... Hitbox lands punch Number 2, Could hitbox be gearing up for a knock out ?!


    The answer is yes with the most attractive feature to date. Twitch users like myself not long ago got the news that Twitch was enabling an option that could reduce the stream lag to bring you closer to your community of views, Many did this and only saw a reduction in stream lag of around 3 -8 seconds, for me it was only 4 second reduction, but even that was a big help. And yes you guessed it, there's a difference here too. testing Hitbox and Twitch I kept exactly the same settings, played the exact same game, did the exact same thing and had 5 viewers in each. Twitch I had a 30 second delay in what I was doing to what was being seen. Hitbox ? well you will be stunned to hear that delay, was 5 seconds ...... let that sink in a little. Twitch, established platform, Delay of 30 Seconds. Hitbox, the new kid, the underdog .... FIVE SECONDS..... and Hitbox just got the knock out.


    The other big difference is in how you interact with either service. Both have a dashboard system but these only have a few common similarities. Both have a stream preview, Both have chat. Similarities over!


    lets take a look, click the little preview below to open the full Image in a new window.




    So here are thye dashboards for Hitbox (on the left) Twitch (On the right). Cosmetically the differences seem small. Twitch does indeed look and feel cleaner but for hard and fast information it's not very useful. Yes you can see your screen, Chat and game name along with a title but that's really about it and very few people even use the dashboard because of limited info and it's slow to update and doesn't offer many options that deal with the stream it's self forcing users to use third party chat tools, third party websites to overlay polls, giveaways, chat etc etc etc and it makes it a convoluted mess.


    Now lets look at Hitbox's Dashboard. At first glance it's pretty much the same. A chat box, Game name, Stream title, but even here there's a little difference. With twitch you have to click through a menu to see current users which also hides the chat, Hitbox has it side by side and updates around every 0.5 seconds where as twitch can lag dependent on how many people are viewing twitch and typing in chat which can bog down the server. Once you got live the entire section showing the stream title, game played etc turns red and you get the option to see a stream preview. And for those that are verified and want to start earning revenue you can run ad's and choose how many you want to run. You have options to post your stream info directly to Facebook and Twitter. Set a MOTD with the sticky message system, Set polls and giveaways with auto timers, random winner pickers etc and also a host mode.


    So instead of using 2 - 5 different programs and plugins, it's all right there in front of you and also comes with a complete activity log at a click of a button that's also downloadable in a .csv file format. So for an underdog Hitbox is punching hard to claw some space in this multi billion Dollar a year industry of game streaming.





    At the core Hitbox and Twitch are exactly the same. They feel very similar, Look closely related and function about the same, but it's the differences in how they conduct themselves that are the real difference and to be honest. Hitbox comes out on top. Easier navigation, Everything you need in one place, Easy to get started on a road to becoming a full time streamer and using HTML5 technology that brings you closer to the community you stream too then twitch could only dream of right now.


    Twitch will always be the big daddy simply because it came about at the right time with no other competition what so ever and had free reign of the yard and it will be that way for a long time to come, and I'm not knocking twitch at all, it's something I will still use to both view and stream, but right now Hitbox is the go to program for streamers because for the moment it outshines twitch in every way.

  5. GamesCom%20small_zpswecdpaay.png


    See Whats on offer at GamesCom 2015, See the entire panel, or click the game logos to be taken directly to that part of the GamesCom event. Full Panels posted under game logo's





























  6. Initial press release by EA, before GamesCom





    BioWare goes back to its roots for: Knights of the Fallen Empire


    What goes into crafting the new expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic - Knights of the Fallen Empire?


    Creative director Jesse Sky takes things back to the beginning.




    Back to basics


    Last year, I decided to re-watch The Empire Strikes Back® and write down everything that shocked the audience back in its original theatrical run. It’s a very long list.


    That film packs a real emotional punch—it’s full of twists, betrayals and revelations the entire way through. I’ve wanted to tell a Star Wars™ story like that ever since the first time I saw it.


    When we began conceptualizing Knights of the Fallen Empire, the story was our first priority.


    We decided very early on that we wanted to get back to our roots as a BioWare roleplaying game. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is the game that made me want to work for BioWare. It showed me just how immersive cinematic storytelling can be.


    In its best moments, Star Wars: The Old Republic captures the same magic, but we want the whole experience to feel that way. That’s why we’re revisiting the early gameplay experience to focus entirely on the story, in addition to crafting a brand new epic storyline.




    Choices and consequences


    People want choices that matter, and they want companions to play a bigger part in the story.


    The hard part is recreating the magic. A huge element of successful storytelling is mystery, and that often means straying away from what the audience knows or expects.


    In Knights of the Fallen Empire you are the main character, and it’s really an origin story. As the Outlander, you have a chance to take control of your destiny and reshape who you are.


    The villains in this story aren’t just out to conquer the galaxy—they’re after you, personally. You’ll be tempted by the Dark Side and that’s going to have a huge impact on what you eventually become.


    Your companions also now have minds of their own. If they don’t like what you’re doing, they may leave. The choices matter. This is an ongoing story, and your choices may have surprising consequences down the road.



    Keep your friends close


    Companions are one of the things that set Star Wars: The Old Republic apart. We have a new cast of characters joining you for the main storyline, and we’ll be bringing back many fan favorite companions as major characters in post-release story chapters.


    You’ll have a chance to recruit even more companions once you complete the story chapters at launch. We’re also overhauling the companion system so that they’re more useful and more fun to use in general.


    You’ll see older companions returning as major characters, more shocks and twists, and the consequences of your choices will really start coming into play. We’ll be building towards a season finale late next year.


    Whether you start at Level 1 or Level 60, the game is going to feel a lot more like a traditional BioWare title. You won’t need any knowledge of the game to play the new story, and we aren’t going to pollute your story with needless grinding or travel. You can just focus on the parts of the game you like.


    If you tried the game at launch and enjoyed the story, now is a great time to come back.

  7. Well we we're all waiting to see if Windows 10 was too good to be true, and waiting for the first major slip up and I think this is it ....



    Taken from The Mirror (U.K newspaper) 





    Windows 10 is watching YOU: Fans rage over Microsoft 'big brother spy software'




    More than 14 million people have now downloaded the smash hit operating system - but do they know what's lurking inside it?





    Microsoft has been accused of packing its Windows 10 operating system with Big Brother-style "spy" software.


    The must-have operating system has now been downloaded by more than 14 million people, with many Microsoft fans still waiting in a queue to download the upgrade.

    But this super successful launch has been marred by accusations that Windows 10 contains privacy-busting software which collects huge amounts of data about its users.




    In its privacy guidelines, Microsoft has admitted it collects key information on Windows users, recording the searches they make with Bing, requests spoken to the voice assistant Cortana and even "your typed and handwritten words".


    The tech giant also said it could rifle through a variety of private and personal places.


    “We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to,” Microsoft wrote in its terms of service.


    Microsoft has compiled a huge 45 page document detailing its privacy policy in intense detail.




    The European Digital Rights Organisation summed it up with the following statement:


    "One can say that Microsoft basically grants itself very broad rights to collect everything you do, say and write with and on your devices in order to sell more targeted advertising or to sell your data to third parties.


    "The company appears to be granting itself the right to share your data either with your consent 'or as necessary'."


    Microsoft's privacy changes have met with a furious reaction.



    "I am pretty surprised by the far-reaching data collection that Microsoft seems to want,” web developer Jonathan Porta wrote on his blog, which was quoted by RT.


    "I am even more surprised by the fact that the settings all default to incredibly intrusive. I am certain that most individuals will just accept the defaults and have no idea how much information they are giving away.”




    In a statement, Microsoft said: "“Windows does not collect personal information without your consent.


    "To effectively provide Windows as a service, Microsoft collects some performance, diagnostic and usage information that helps keep Windows and apps running properly by communicating the capabilities of a device, reliability of apps, whether Windows is operating correctly and a device’s status if a disruption were to occur."


    The tech giant promised it "does not sell this data or use it for advertising purposes".


    You can opt to limit the data Microsoft collects inside the privacy settings control panel, although you will have to click through up to 13 screens to make the changes.

  8. Been using 10 here for the last couple days.


    I rate it a 10/Windows 10.


    Make sure to set this to local network, by the way;


    Thanks for the tip, Though this should be set like that by default, but handy for those that have it different for some reason

  9. I asked Cortana what she thought of google, And she told me "I like to imagine the "I'm feeling lucky" button in clint eastwood's voice" Rofl

  10. Well guess my love of Win 10 has just ended. IT completely screwed up TOR and I can't even get the damed thing to run. Time to start screwing around with DXruntime environments, config files etc 

  11. Microsoft’s prestigious Windows 10 operating system finally started hitting end users as a free upgrade. It’s been around 9 months that Microsoft engineers are working so hardly along with over 5 million Windows Insiders to shape up the popular desktop operating system. Now, the end users can directly get full version of Windows 10 for free but users have to run on genuine version of Windows to get it.


    Microsoft’s prestigious Windows 10 operating system finally started hitting end users as a free upgrade. It’s been around 9 months that Microsoft engineers are working so hardly along with over 5 million Windows Insiders to shape up the popular desktop operating system. Now, the end users can directly get full version of Windows 10 for free but users have to run on genuine version of Windows to get it.



    The update will be notified like the above image. It is about 2.71GB in size so you should have stable, faster internet connection to download this file. It may include extra charges, make sure about that before going to download it.


    Windows 10 for Business:


    On the other hand, Windows 10 for Businesses is also available for download from today onwards.


    “We’re excited to begin to make Windows 10 available today to all of our customers. As we’ve shared, Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro are available for business customers as a free* upgrade for genuine Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 PCs and tablets. Enterprises and organizations who have Volume Licensing can upgrade to Windows 10 Enterprise and Windows 10 Education starting on August 1″, Jim Alkove, lead of the Windows Enterprise Management team noted.


    Download ISO files:


    Windows 10 will be hitting all the genuine users over the course of few weeks. If you don’t want to wait for that much time, users can download and install Windows 10 ISO files manually.




    An internet connection (Extra fees may apply).

    Sufficient data storage available on a computer, USB or external drive for the download.

    A blank USB or DVD (and DVD burner) with at least 4GB of space if you want to create media.

    If you will be installing the operating system for the first time, you will need your Windows product key (xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx) to activate the Windows 10 version.


    Download it from here And select your version x86 or x64


  12. dayz-logo-gradient-transparent_zpscpxyqh


    On December 16th 2013, Nearly a year and eight months ago DayZ (DayZ Standalone by it's official name) hit the Steam platform. And sold 172 thousand copies within the first twenty four hours, 400,000 by the end of it's first week and a full year and one month later it had sold over 3,000,000 copies.


    Numbers alone make this look like one of the best selling trip A titles ever, However this is just not the case. DayZ could arguably the blight that is Early Access game selling / Development, And it's reputation for such a thing isn't a good one as many communities hit back hard against this Early Access pay and play framework, however I'm not going to get too hung up on that for now.




    At launch DayZ was extremely limited, all they had pretty much done was port of the Chernarus map from Arma II, And transplanted some basic A.I and mechanics from Dean Halls original DayZ Mod for Arma II. And quickly got referred to as the running simulator with some pvp. And thats pretty much it, A large open world where you would spawn on the coast, head to the North West airfield, Die, Rinse and repeat. There was zero optimisations, rubber banding issues that would make even the heartiest of astronauts and seamen vomit from getting dizzy and suddenly seeing "You're Dead" five minutes after a gun fight because the servers too that long to realise you had been killed.


    This Wasn't a good start ....


    However over time patches started to be released adding new weapons, wearable items, beans, beans, beans, tomato, beans beans, beans, rotten tomato etc etc etc etc. DayZ started to win awards but something was still seriously lacking and that was overall development. yes it was fun to be running around like a mad man with an SKS around the NWAF (North West AirField), Cherno, Elektro etc but the maddening bugs like just dropping down dead, loosing ytour backpack cuse you walked through water, Zombies phase walking through walls got to a point where people had just had enough and started to walk away and it looked like DayZ would be stuck in it's Early Access Alpha Phase forever.


    Especially when SOE smashed the open world survival scene wide open with their premier title H1Z1. 


    The question is though .... Where does it stand now ?






    So a full year and nearly eight months later DayZ (At time of this review) Sits at just over the half way marker to Beta release. Early this year the DayZ devteam released a new roadmap. With Beta release sitting quite happily in Q4 2015, also along with a expected price of $43.99 .. but that's another story. and I have to admit, it looks like they have finally put their heads together and came up with a reasonable timeline, which is drastically different to back when they said "We expect DayZ to go into beta inside eight months", Shame they didn't really think about it back then. 


    Here is the current Roadmap



    • Basic Vehicles
    • Advanced Loot Distribution
    • New Renderer
    • New Zombie A.I
    • Basic stealth system (Zombies & Animals)
    • Diseases
    • Improved Cooking and Horticulture
    • Advanced Anti-Hack System


    • Advanced Vehicles (repair and modifications)
    • Advanced Animals (Life cycle, Group Behaviour)
    • Player Statistics 
    • New U.I
    • Player Stamina
    • Dynamic Events
    • World Containers
    • New Physics System


    • Traps 
    • Barricading
    • Character Life Span + Soft Skills
    • Animal Predators + Birds 
    • Aerial Transport 
    • Console Prototype 
    • Advanced Communications 


    • Animal Companions 
    • Steam Community Integrations (Achievements, Workshop etc) 
    • Construction (Base Building)
    • beta Version, and that horrid expected price of $43.99



    So, Having Seen the roadmap I decided to go back to DayZ after almost a year to see if it really had improved and to see if it was on it's way to making the mark. And I was a little impressed but also a little unimpressed. Yeas allot has changed and allot has improved. Rendering is cleaner, Crisper, Plenty of polish, A.I seems to be working well, Zombies are harder, they don't walk through walls, Can walk up stairs, new weapons, new crafting, Basic barricading (I.E being able to lock and unlock doors with lock picks), Updated physics, Herd mentality for animals etc etc etc. 


    However allot of the bad is still there, There is still plenty of optimisations to do, Rubber banding is still an issue, Things still vanish when placed on the ground and the list goes on and on. 


    However the updates are moderately released and deep so hopes are gradually growing for this title, and there is other news to consider. introduction of a single player campaign. At present, the game drops you into a shared online world in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. Survival of the fittest is the maxim of the day -- other players are often more terrifying than the walking dead. While this is great for tension, it also makes the game increasingly difficult to get to grips with for newcomers. A solo mode -- described by Hicks as also good for if your internet goes down -- could help address this, giving newcomers the skills they need to scavenge and survive. It will also launch with a trio of vehicles to use, and more importantly the materials necessary to salvage them.


    Yet this is no dumbing down exercise. Although "feature complete" DayZ will be more accessible, it will also offer a host of new features aimed at the more dedicated player. The solo mode will be fully moddable, and allow you to test out fan-made tweaks offline before trying to get them to work online. Bohemia will also "fully embrace" the Steam Workshop, encouraging players to make and share their own creations for the game, and deliver tools to allow users to host their own private servers and ultimately have "more control" over the game.


    At least that's the hope, But is it a hope that the player base is taking to heart ..... Not entirely.


    Latest reports show that fewer than 9,000 concurrent players are now playing the game at peak times. Only three months ago that number stood at 30k, while at its peak it reached 45k. Rival online title Rust has grown from 9k concurrent peak users earlier this year to around 26k last month, while Daybreak’s H1Z1 has overcome many of its early problems to pass 1m sales and overtake DayZ’s numbers.


    Users have lamented the slow update schedule and claimed that even when they do arrive, new content has a habit of causing technical disruption to the existing game. One even went as far to say: “Unfortunately this is going to be the poster child for why you don’t listen to your community when it comes [to] releasing things too early.”


    So it's safe to say the community is hitting back against Bohemia, but they hope the closer it gets to Beta release the more people will return, So it's going to be a while and if they want to hit their goal then DayZ will have to be in beta within 4 months. 


    Do I think they can do it ? If I'm honest no, but I can say they are making great strides finally in the right direction and it's now to a point where I'm happy to be back in Chernarus, Slaying Zombies, fending off bandits and happily munching beans in front of a fire with my trusty Mosin with high powered scope next to me should anyone want a spoon full of my beans. 


    If anything, Dn'y let this put you off DayZ, it's had a rocky start but it's finally heading in the right direction, and now is the perfect time to either get back into it or start fresh before the price gets hiked up by nearly $20. All I will say is, Give it a try and see how it goes.

  13. Alright then, I need a project to distract me from the shitshow that is my job. Forth year Character design major with experience with Adope premier pro, after effects toonboom, photoshop, indesign, ilustrator and some dabbling in Zbrush. Let me know if I can help.

    Okies, got your name on my list.


    Will be setting up either a onenote, gdrive or trello board in the next week for those interested so help with the project flow


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