Saevitas Alpha Cohors, 5th Century (Poster To Go Here) I could sit here and ramble on about how we have cookies many cookies, what awesome gear we get flamethrower <3, or how our CO has his own inter-group meme link coming soon. That would all be cool, might get your attention, might not, but let me boil down this unit for you: - I am the hammer The sword in his hand I am the bane of his foes And the woes of the treacherous.* - "Battle not with monsters lest ye become a monster; and if you gaze into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche We are the first, and most lasting impression on the enemy. We are the fighters who relish being the first into battle, and the last ones standing when all is over. We do not hold back, we do not relent, and we make sure they know damn well who it is that is defeating them. Where others fight with the sky above their heads, we follow the enemy into the depths. Our fight is up-close and personal , taking their fortresses and citadels from the inside, bringing the battle to their doorstep. When an objective needs to be held, we hold it. We become the monsters in the abyss, lighting the way for the Ordo Imperialis. P.S. Not as scary-serious as I made us out to be here, we guys (<HATE SAYING THAT) off the field. P.P.S. If you aren't completely thrown off by that serious paragraph above, and still wanna join, contact Stirn Aurotharius, Singularity Phenomena, or Ryu Peng to talk about enlisting. *Grey Knights Battle Prayer