I joined Second Life on the Teen Grid, originally, back in 2007. At first, I joined a Military group called "Fighting for Furs;" as the name suggests, it was an extremist semi-military group that...to put it simply, fought for Furry rights on the Teen Grid. (God only knows why, 'cause us Furries were everywhere.) I only stuck around with them for about a month, or so. I got into some pretty good friendships with a few folks, there, until I finally decided to break the age barrier and get on the main grid. My first destination would be Remembrance, back when it was actually a post-apocalyptic setting rather than darker, urban city. The roleplaying there actually had me hooked; I remember staying up all night, one night, just so I could get some RP. That lasted about a month, after realizing that my SL binge back then cost my dad a large sum of money. So I quit Second Life for about two and a half years. When I came back to Second Life in December of 2009, I scrapped my old avatar (I had a Luskwood Red Fox) and bought a Tokushi Red Fox. I started going around, and since I was verified and of-age, I started hitting up the more adult nightclubs around the Grid. Now, I was telling you that story to tell you this story: I consider myself an adult roleplayer. This means that I do yiff, and I do ERP. My "experience" in such is drawn from over three years of erotic roleplaying. When I came back to Second Life in December of 2009, I had it with half-aspirations to get into the nightclub scene. My first "job" was as a 'Dancer' at a club called The Seregeti. Eventually, the place went under (because a lot of staff left due to drama) so I found another nightcub, NightMoon Lounge. I got pretty close to the management, worked there as an escort (Because it's what I liked to do, at the time, and it's basically money for type-screwing) before NightMoon also went under due to lack of funding. Needless to say, I didn't find another place to work until my application at the International Yiff Center went through - first as a DJ, which lasted a month before I left due to time constraints. About a half-year later, I came back onto the staff as an Escort, and was there until, literally, just a few days before joining the Ordo. After I was let go from the IYC I toiled around, looking for a good Science Fiction Roleplaying sim that could take some ideas and concepts I had been working on for the past year. For an entire year prior, I was in the Splintered Rock roleplaying sim until a change of direction forced me away, so I was looking for a similar sim that would house the same ideas that Splintered Rock had. While searching, I found Combat RP sims. I remember having weapons, and fitting avatars, so I just decided: what the hell? I ran around New Jessie for a little bit, explored other sim such as Ascendant Initiative, Alliance Navy, and then I eventually ended up with the Ordo Imperialis. Having had no prior experience (only about an hour) of SL combat experience, I really didn't have much expectations about my joining. I submitted my application and just went about the other combat sims. I talked with Aryte a few times during the process, and then George Reismann, and was later handed a notice of denial. I shrugged it off and understood why; not enough experience. They later contacted me, after Aryte and the recruiter in question (I forgot their name, unfortunately x_x) was discussing something about the applications being processed. I explained that although I have no experience in SL Military Combat, I was (and technically still am) an Army Brat, having been around the United States Army for my entire life, and knowing basic protocol and customs. Needless to say, I was accepted and invited into Schola within hours. And then I got through Schola within three days. And got a promotion within a week. And then a few huge medals - the Corona Vallaris and the Medicus - within the next week. And then I was invited to join an A-Team. (*Cue Theme Music*) ... It's been a great time, so far. ^^