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SalemAdams Wobbit

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Status Updates posted by SalemAdams Wobbit

  1. Remicade, TB test, and Pneumonia shot...what? o.o

    1. Larry Furlough
    2. SalemAdams Wobbit

      SalemAdams Wobbit

      TB test is for the Remicade and the Pneumonia shot is what they're recommending for Asthmatics now.

  2. Class starts on Monday. Going to be taking public transit often.

    1. Hollowmenphobia


      Unemployed. Currently browsing forums. I'm going to be playing a lot of video games.

  3. I miss my throwing knives. :C

    1. Deadmon


      should work on your aim then

    2. SalemAdams Wobbit

      SalemAdams Wobbit

      Aim wasn't the question, it was throwing a knife while reloading. :P

  4. Academic Warning...damnit. -.-

    1. George Reisman

      George Reisman

      I get those constantly for skipping classes and not turning things in on time. They're sort of a badge of honor.

    2. Aryte
  5. I will be passing this term. :D

    1. Ookamiwulf Lemton
    2. SalemAdams Wobbit

      SalemAdams Wobbit

      Well, as long as I don't actually slack off and go to the meetings for my team....

  6. For some reason, I'm DREAMING about an RL Ordo, and it looks exactly like the SL Ordo.

    1. Ratchet Exonar

      Ratchet Exonar

      sounds like you need a break

  7. Friend of the family passed away on 07JUL12 at noon. Both her and her husband were very close friends of mine and my parents. Will be in mourning over her death.

  8. Landed safely in San Diego

  9. One con down, three more to go. Next con: Westercon 65 in Seattle, Washington

  10. New Desktop, getting the whole thing settled in. Had to get a new keyboard, due to the old one breaking.

  11. New Desktop is down, bad RAM. RMAed to Newegg, shall be recieving a new shipment soonish.

  12. Found the good parties at Westercon. Checking out tomorrow, heading home around 5 p.m. SLT.

  13. Already got my 12 hours in working...thinking about doing Security on Saturday Night...weird stuff happens at cons on Saturday Night.

  14. On the Thalys train from Schiphol to Paris-Nord

  15. Not real excited about Wednesday, but have to do it. Also, not excited about today either. :\

  16. At PDX, waiting to board my plane to San Diego via Oakland.

  17. At PDX, waiting to board my plane to San Diego via Oakland.

  18. Finished my first two classes. One of those classes doesn't want me to bring out a laptop. No tablet for that class, going to have to use my livescribe.

  19. Not feeling too well...twice "prayed to the porcelain throne god" in the past two days and have felt a little better afterwards.

  20. So, I have Acid Reflux...

  21. In the hospital, waiting for the catheter to drain the abscess.

  22. Nevermind the Catheter, can't safely put one in. :C

  23. Can't wait to be at Anthrocon


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