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Posts posted by Caleb

  1. Aren't you thinking of Interplay? I'm still kinda pissed at Bethesda for that...


    Maybe be more specific? :U All I can think of at the top of my head from Interplay is Fallout 1 & 2, which were great, and Planescape: Torment, also great.


  my opinion, good. The one problem with the last Wolfenstein was that it spread itself out too thinly and the singleplayer game suffered as a result.


    If the SP game is good and gets new interest in the franchise, I bet we'll definitely see an Enemy Territory revival with it.


    I think I'm honestly jaded because the last one was published by Activision and played more like a short-lived Call of Duty.

  2. Mark four style mother truckers!  Seriously considering picking this up just because of the hilarious and over the top premise.  I hear from a friend if you hit the "F" key, your character flips the bird :P  Game looks like some epic lighthearted fun.


    If you repeatedly tap the F key he will alternate hands flipping the bird repeatedly. I often find myself machine-gunning "Ffff YOU Ffff YOU Ffff YOU Ffff YOU Ffff YOU" at people.

  3. Its combat mechanics are something i like,, but as of right now its lacking the charm the previous D&D mmo had. It might just be early for me though. I haven't really seen any traps, tiggers, puzzles, secrets nothing that really would make it stand out as a D&D game other than the dungeons themselves. Although it will have player created content which will be really cool once implemented


    That's because 4.0 is terrible.

  4. It's worth noting, it's not like Planetside. Teams in game are chosen randomly, where a team can have any random combination of Empire, Federation, and Jericho.


    On a side note, I already chose Jericho when I started playing it a few months ago. C:

  5. Frankly, I've enjoyed it quite a bit, though I want to experience more MP action.


    Well, let me know when you're around. I've downloaded virtually every co-op mission available right now, so I can just host them real quick and we can jam.

  6. Does it still have the awkward 'pivot point behind you' 'feature' that Arma 2 did? It made the game unplayable for me because of how disorienting it was. :(


    Pivot point behind you?... What? Are you referring to the awkward negative mouse acceleration deal that it did when you tried to turn really fast, because no, it doesn't have that anymore.


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