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NuzzyLus Resident

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Posts posted by NuzzyLus Resident

  1. Here is a list of things that might work out


    Castle Crashers



    Star Conflict.

    A varying gamemode from garrysmod, shoot eachother, build the sexiest ect.

    Team Fortress 2, or pretty much any source game liek DoD or so.

    Tribes:Ascend, Really fast tribes.

    Card games?

    DoTA/other moba games

    Speedrunning in platformer games.

    Some RTS game, maybe Starcraft II or Empire. There is also a mod called Empires Mod, pretty neat

    Men of War/Men of War:Assault Squad

    War Hammer 40k games

    Left for dead series.


  2. I didn't find Ordo by running around in SL along the military community. Instead, I met Aryte in one of the older sims of My Little Pony, back when he RPed as a rank lower than the highest. I pretty much saw the group with Aryte, Tatums, and some other people from Ordo, then I decided to jump on their heads and sit on them, or just roll around a lot around them. Stalking them into their journey to a far away land. Anyways, Aryte told me about Ordo, I visited once or twice, mostly just sitting around in the Astra hanger, hanging out with Aryte. He told me I should join after a while, and I did. But only after a while, I did enjoy sitting on him and annoying him as well.


    Infact, there is even one moment in a RP where he almost insulted me, but Tatums saved the day by sticking a donut in his mouth.


    This blue magical pastel miniature horse is one of my greatest friends, Tatums infact! It's just a picture of the place we usually camp at and poke fun at eachother!


    Skipping later on in history, where sims moved and renamed, and rebuilt inside the pony community, Aryte finally earned the rank of Captain of the guard, plenty others have witnessed this! Though, when he did get his office, we did have some shieniagains like put beards on eachother, or in some case, making fun of eachother.



    For this following picture spefically, I found Aryte bare naked along with a pink colt, nose to nose, in an island, far away from the other guards in training. Not just that, SMILING TOO!

    don't kill me aryte <3.


    Another fun event I heard of is when Huttser was afk, and then got married. Never go afk again, it also inspired me to do more random stuff like that when people went afk, from just hearing about it.


    We used to have a main structure called the Citidal, to house all of our needs! There was plenty of open space around too.



    I would also show some of my merits if I could've downloaded them. Though, it doesn't mean I can't talk about it. Remember the Rightous Purge? Of course you don't, but I think it involved giving Huttser a baton that could nuke the place. *hint hint*



    I'm quite sure some of us remember Twitchy and the crazy silly things he did. And how Tsume wasn't far from it, I do have a picture of Twitchy flying an aircraft though! From a very strange angle.


    Second life has this thing to be really strange when it comes to cameras.



    When I actually joined Ordo, I wanted to get through Schola pretty fast! A little on one day, and the rest on the next! My teacher was Kimba Quartez, he told me that he was one of the best one student classes he ever teached. I would definately show some of the tests I filled out, though, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to! None the less, we both had some laughs when going through Schola.

    The dates that took place of this event was 2012-7-16 to 2012-7-16


    One fun thing I did, was try to stay as E-1 as long as possible, and I did infact, for almost 2 months! I never filled out the test for E-2, but I did for E-3. And then I suddenly become E-2!


    I still have a few Personal reviews, just two though, both had some nice giggles in it! I believe Larry and Digman were the ones to fill out that paperwork.

  3. I would've gone with a different motherboard, and maybe a little less RAM, something higher than DDR3 - 2000 maybe.

    The i7 is a bit much if you're just doing gaming, however if you do rendering or something that eats CPU, it should be useful!

  4. I had some of it, very arcadey and silly. Though, I only had one really balenced neck to neck match where everything mattered for the win. The rest I either stomped everything, or there wasn't too much trouble with the objective. It's still a little buggy though.


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