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NuzzyLus Resident

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Everything posted by NuzzyLus Resident

  1. Whelp, I will just leave this here, and wait for the old SL merits to sink in. Woohoo.
  2. A mojam humble indie bundle is still out for a while~
  3. ^ is sometimes right, and is some person that I can't fully remember correctly < likes to sit on peoples heads in Second Life and stalk the internet when bored v zomgwtf who is this person named Nuzzy
  4. From what I seen for the few minutes I have, it appears like a straight forward mech based game. It has some customization stuff. It is also similiar to EVE Online in a few ways like: ~ Mostly supply/demand ecomony ~ Persitiant server ~ Large groups controlling an area ~ I think subscription to play after the 15 day trial I can't really say much about it. I'm just throwing this in the circle of Ordoneer gamerlings to see if anyone might like it.
  5. I came back on to it recently, it seems as I still have skill to be an infiltrator that hurts or a sentinal. My skill is rusty however, such as I used to hit like a monster with the technician's SMG, and the ability to get 200 whatever units easily on most maps. I'm up for a game at most times though :3 I also remember being able to have skill with vehicle management, making the shrike, cycle, tank, and whatever else there is useful and not blow up instantly, I usually get some hit and run damage though.
  6. I am no longer best E-1 t.t, DARN YOU ARYUTE!

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