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Roxxie Sukra

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About Roxxie Sukra

  • Rank
    Roxxie <3


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  1. Lovelesskitten Games: Halo3 CoD4 Rock Band 1 & 2 GTA4 Guitar Hero 3 Worms pfft....just check my tag
  2. I got everything set up and everything was going good until I keep getting multiple errors, like cant connect to the patch server error or critical error Warhammer shutting down.... I just cant win - _-;
  3. Oh realy? This is Hunter about to admit it's one of his alts. omg hunter how could you.... D:
  4. it's to big to post in my lulz page in my profile..
  5. See what happens when I leave titan to go out to go shopping in a female avi.... no offense to anyone but really.... [22:53] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: excuse me if i sound rude... but define 97.5% female [22:54] Roxxie Sukra: heh 97.5% is female the inside is chocolate [22:54] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: ... you have chocolate inside? [22:54] Roxxie Sukra: mmhmm I injected it into my blood >> [22:55] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: so if i eat you out you will taste like delicious chocolate? *DONT HIT ME O_O* [22:58] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: but imma virgin anywya i dont do those things [22:58] Roxxie Sukra: really couldn't tell :P [22:59] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: im a virgin in real life at least [22:59] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: i may be the only one [22:59] Roxxie Sukra: naw [22:59] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: i never meet any [23:00] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: you one O.o [23:00] Roxxie Sukra: I know a few and I'm not gunna tell you personal info >>;; [23:00] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: and thats a no. you arent [23:01] Roxxie Sukra: well or I could be lying so you dont hump my leg like most furverts [23:02] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: remember.. not all male furries are "furverts" my last ex 1 year ago dumped me because i wouldnt pay "attention " to her cuz i wasnt ready to go "further" [23:02] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: and i havent dated since cuz i realise i cant win either way [23:03] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: its either the girl that wants sex or the guy never at the same time [23:03] Roxxie Sukra: when playing a game with a alwys lose XD [23:03] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: yes.. love is a game to females [23:03] Roxxie Sukra: most anyways [23:04] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: no... all [23:04] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: every fucking one [23:04] Roxxie Sukra: I would love to have a girl friend but they scare me [23:04] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: i take it you are male irl [23:04] Roxxie Sukra: nope I'm a female in rl but if you dont beleive me you can call me and I'll talk on voice [23:05] Roxxie Sukra: just kinda looking for parts.... [23:05] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: id rather not bother grabbing a headset [23:05] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: parts? [23:05] Roxxie Sukra: parts for more avi mods [23:05] Roxxie Sukra: and I'm to lazy to plug my headset in [23:05] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: meh [23:06] Roxxie Sukra: my avi is a mod I made [23:06] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: its cute [23:06] Roxxie Sukra: also made a panda... [23:06] Roxxie Sukra: but i love my purple kitty [23:06] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: so just our of curiousity [23:06] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: are you a virgin irl? [23:06] Roxxie Sukra: like I said I'm not telling you till I get to know you [23:06] LoneWolf Tigerpaw walks off [23:07] Roxxie Sukra shrugs. [23:07] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: it would help me out by knowing ya know [23:07] Roxxie Sukra: how so? [23:09] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: because for almost 5 days ive been depressed off my ass cuz im starting to realise no girl can just WAIT for a change.. because that ex i told you about got dumped by the guy she left me for... she was 5 months pregnent and had the kid 3 weeeks ago [23:09] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: and ive been crying every day cuz its my fault she left [23:09] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: shes 20 years old -.- [23:09] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: and has a kid [23:10] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: maybe if i would have paid "attention" to her she wouldnt be in this mess.. [23:11] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: i dont know where im going with this at this point *curls up whimpering holding his teddy bead* [23:13] Roxxie Sukra: some randome rant cause you think all girls are just baby makers and just have babies cause they dont get attnetion [23:15] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: are you a virgin x.x cuz i havent met any in like forever [23:15] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: meh never mind [23:15] LoneWolf Tigerpaw lights a cigarette and sighs blowing smoke out his nose [23:16] Roxxie Sukra: like I said for the 3rd time I'm not telling you....cause I just think asking someone out of the blue is pretty rude [23:16] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: you looked like a person who maybe didnt let sex get to them so i took a chance and asked.. [23:17] Roxxie Sukra: so it gives you the right to be a rude jeark? [23:17] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: i dont want to pop your cherry or anything [23:17] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: yes ^^ [23:17] LoneWolf Tigerpaw gags [23:18] LoneWolf Tigerpaw offfers a cigarette [23:18] Roxxie Sukra: I dont smoke [23:18] LoneWolf Tigerpaw offers a teddy [23:18] Roxxie Sukra: no thanks you touched that [23:18] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: i give up.. [23:19] Roxxie Sukra: good for you, have a nice day k thxz bye ^^ [23:20] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: im sorry.. [23:20] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: this is why i hate females [23:20] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: they all think every guy is an asshole [23:21] Roxxie Sukra: well hello you just came out and asked me if I was a virgin? thats' a pretty dick move right there buddy, so I guess you could go gay... [23:21] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: if you were a virgin youd be proud enough to admit it.. [23:22] Roxxie Sukra: why should I tell someone over the internet? that's like running up to a hobo and saying I'm a virgin [23:22] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: a hobo only wants change! [23:22] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: "spare some change for the bus" [23:22] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: south park.. damn you [23:24] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: oh well [23:24] LoneWolf Tigerpaw holds up a lil baggie of catnip above your head [23:24] Roxxie Sukra: ..... [23:24] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: cats love catnip ! [23:25] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: ... dont they [23:25] Roxxie Sukra: .....just.... [23:25] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: what.. [23:26] Roxxie Sukra: what the hell I'm gunna say it, fucking typical furries.... [23:27] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: do you like guns and stuff in second life [23:27] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: oh [23:27] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: ordo never mind >.< [23:27] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: better than mercz at least [23:29] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: wanna mess my friends gun shop up with me :o [23:30] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: -.- and you blocked me -.- [23:30] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: well anyway if you get this message [23:30] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: i really am sorry [23:30] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: ive had a rough week [23:30] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: and yes im fucked up i guess [23:30] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: i thought maybe youd be cute or something [23:30] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: just a bitch to me like anyone else [23:30] LoneWolf Tigerpaw: ill leav you and your shitty avatar alone

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