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About Aelus

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    [ η ] Eta
    [ η ] Eta


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  1. I've seen attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

  2. Forums are not a chatroom, therefore posts that don't actually contribute to the discussion are considered useless or on some stricter forums, spam. See Wise Geek's Forum Etiquette for more information.
  3. You just did a whole bunch of elementary algebra to find an utterly inconsequential, arbitrary value describing nothing of value. No one could ever possibly use that conclusion for anything serious, ever. Thank you Ethan.
  4. Good to see you in Ordo!
  5. Aelus

    Dropship Sonata

    This is great, you're a wonderful writer Ciel.
  6. Aelus


    Happy birthday Ethan. GIVE THE BOY HIS BOOBS.
  7. Wow, looking forward to this.
  8. Aelus


    It's good to see some more old school folks.
  9. Can I sleep in your bed Anly? Last year I had to sleep with some guy who wanted to rape me in my sleep. :\
  10. Remember folks, post count is directly proportional to virility.

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