Well hello everyone, I was so delighted when I saw this guild name pop up on the guild tab on Neverwinter, I had to apply!! As soon as I saw the "Devoted Cleric" class on Neverwinter, that little inquisitor lord sat proudly on my shoulder, screamed at me; DO IT NOW FOR THE EMPEROR! And so I set about cleansing my way through the story-line. I had a friend of mine with me and it was fun playing with a group or be it only a duo... but 2 is a party ;) and well he hasn't been on for a few days and I was looking for a way to meet new people in game, short of walking up to people and begging to play in their party, then like I said, I saw "Ordo Imperialis" on the Find A Guild tab and I thought, well that sounds like my kinda guild, I'll apply, not to mention it looks sick, with a cleric walking around in game with Ordo Imperialis floating proudly above themselves! All I want now is a "Symbol of the Inquisition" or something along them lines! As you can maybe tell, I waffle and get side tracked... I'll keep it short and "sweet" in the future :P Many thanks for letting my join the Neverwinter branch on Ordo Imperialis!! P.S My in-game name is @inquisitorsweet should feel the need to add me, I currently have just 1 character; a level 25 Devoted Cleric, I hope to level a Control Wizard soon. I share all my gaming time between, Neverwinter, World of Tanks and War Thunder (name on them is KrosisKiin) (although I may change my WT nickname to my Forum name soon. Waffffffffle! :P