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Niiya Narayan

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Posts posted by Niiya Narayan

  1. have you budgeted enough power to your components with a large power supply?

    and did you set the RAM voltages in accordance with the manufacturers specifications?

  2. I think we should limit the use of miniguns, LMG's, explosive weapons and jetpacks...

    As all three can be over-used and often are.

    Miniguns and LMG's are a problem as it stands, as miniguns have a large volume of fire and LMG's have a large capacity. This leads to a culture of spamming the shit out of our foes with bullets.

    Personally i'd prefer to see only Antesegnani carry miniguns, but as we have a few people with this unlock already it would be a bit unfair.

    To restrict any weapons that are not unlocked aside from melee, pistols, rifles, SMG's, AR's and shotguns is the best course of action in my opinion.

    However... I would like the method of classification to be very accurate when it comes to these weapons. We need to test each and every issued and commercial weapon we allow, and classify them based on set rules. Then make this information readily available so people can plan their unlocks and what have you before making commercial purchases.

    At the same time we can test them for script time and build efficiency, to decide wether their use is appropriate in Titan.

  3. I know, right? I really hope they dont use that blimp shit I saw in Thorium. That was ridiculous and overkill.

    *welds a harpoon to the nose of her Nemesis* >_>

    From what I can see about their new base its pretty damn open. You have to run across a field of virtually no cover to get to the base of the hill. You then have two entry points. One going up a path on the side of the hill. The other being a vent shaft.

    No change there then... *cough*

  4. Thankyou for this post, it's really nice to see some feedback on how the group's run. I can tell you've put alot of thought into it which is admirable.

    According to the above, It is not required for the Emperator (or his alts) to lead raids. if we managed to get the near 250 ordo we have to be online, I'm sure we have enough E-5+ to lead a raid on every military sim out there at the same time. The plans for the raid just need Aryte's Stamp of Approval prior to execution.

    Quite right, i've seen a few such raids in my time here. They just need the approval from Aryte and a decent level of organization.

    Over the summer we may see a few of these as activity levels will be at their peak.

    I'm not trying to be argumentative. I'm trying to convey my train of thought and try to clear up any parts that may of been confusing. Words are not my strong point.

    You don't come off as argumentative at all!

    Really good thought provoking post, well done!

  5. If you reply to this within the next 8 hours (before 21:15 SLT 4/14/09) then you can have a free set of my P99's.

    If you miss it, you can perhaps catch the next post like this when i make it, just have to read the forums and keep an eye out.

  6. Another thing i feel is important to note, is that any builds we use for new gear are going to have to be a significant improvement in terms of efficiency. i.e. alot less prims, smaller textures, very efficient scripting.

    There is no point in wasting all your time on a 100+ prim gun for Ordo when it won't get issued. You would be better off spending your time learning to sculpt.

    Sculpting is difficult to begin with, but once you get your head round it; the world is your oyster. All it takes is practice and patience.

    But that said; i do agree with the other posts about RELEVANCE...

    Ask yourself "Why do we need this new item, and am I the best person for the job?" for example some of the things i've made for Ordo are:

    • The Pilum- because our existing RPG was very out-dated and buggy.

    • The base and sim build- because we needed something more entertaining than a slope with a wall at the top.

    • The prototype attachment plane- this was needed to provide Astra with a plane that would function when the sim phys-locked. It's also notable that my plane never got issued, and the Nemesis was used instead. (which in my eyes is far better than my plane ever was).

  7. PADI321 enters the spawn while i'm down there working on terrain and someone over coms mentions he's wearing CI armor so a short dialogue ensues...

    Niiya: Padi did you join Chaos?

    PADI321: yeah

    so i kill him with a fireball of clensing wrath...

    then in IM:

    [2009/02/15 6:03] PADI321 Arida: :C

    [2009/02/15 6:04] Niiya Narayan: Chaos are banned in Titan

    [2009/02/15 6:04] PADI321 Arida: oh


  8. I don't think the quality of their gear is an issue at all, as they're all using purchased weapons from decent stores. It's the quantity which they are using and the occasional use of overpowered weapons to cheat.

    Also, as a Brazilian army their cheating doesn't suprise me in the slightest, or their gangster/blingtard attire... what amazes me the most is that they haven't copybotted all their gear, as most the IP theft i've whitnessed in SL has been done by Brazilian residents.

    But like Aryte says; we know they're going to cheat and hack and ban us for doing anything that gives us an advantage. We should just be thankful they at least aren't violating the DMCA and accept that any maturity may take a while for them to accomplish when it comes to weapon restrictions.

    And if they choose to violate our rules in our sim, then they'll be banned.


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