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Everything posted by Achtai

  1. I got jammies and hand cream and socks and jewrly but xoza got me this ring. And this ring is special because when I opened it I knew what it was. Btw I said yes
  2. this made me laugh, wish my band instructor did this lol />
  3. MLP on Netflix and she watched episode 1-3 non stop... Mews!
  4. I would like to introduce everyone to Xoza and my new family member. Her name is is video I took of her first day at home with us :) which was, yesterday :P now there are a few things that I feel everyone needs to know about her.. 1. Is deathly afraid of spiders 2. Likes playing with electronics and cables 3. Seems to be in the process of creating artificial intelligence. 4. Likes shot guns 5. Likes others who have taken a rocket to the face...srsly..she uses them for their body... 6, Oh..and something about an emergency induction port.
  5. MEW! />
  6. I didn't know lol I was just looking for a decent mouse that lasted me longer then 2 months, and I found that one on :P
  7. This is what I use, works like a charm! .... Joking this is what I really use and I love it, its a gaming mouse has alot of extra buttons but its affordable and lightweight. I recently got it, so not sure how long it will last me. But so far I really adore it. I got it here:
  8. Hope everyone had fun at the parteh, I also took some pictures!! I took quite a few so I set them up on photobucket, let me know if you have any problems with it...and sorry for the quality of picture, not that great at taking photos >.< And if I didn't get you, sorry about that too lol
  9. Well obviously we know the day the 31st, and I beleive we need the OK to decorate. But we just need a time when to do this...I'm hoping I don't work >.<
  10. I think that would be pretty cool
  11. I didn't mean too! *runs off to start decorating*
  12. Achtai


    mews... You still no gifs meh catnips like you MOMISED!! I wa lied too! MEWS!
  13. For Da' IMPERATOR!!! N' Catnips too..mews

    1. Crash Silverfall
    2. Achtai


      wa you mean nos *sad kitteh face*

  14. Welcome back! I hope you had fun :)
  15. Well, I had fun. And I had no ill will towards the guard either actually, I think we should do it more often. Its practice for both fronts IMO. Anyways, I gotta get my catnip back :( it went missing after the last fight I was in and it maded me sad. And I know it was Kishoo..meanie >.< (j/k)

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