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Posts posted by DeumDeorum

  1. As most TOR members know I'm pretty weird guy, as such tomorrow i like to treat it simply as a day to say thank you to my friends and family. As such I do things i wouldn't normally do like writing a poem cause i am pretty bad at it. Only written 2 poems before one was forced to write for middle school, the other was for someone... special. So i decided to write another 2 poems for Thanksgiving, so here is the one i wrote for all the kind people in Ordo (past & present).


    Unaware and shy
    Confused and scared of daily life
    Though with Ordo's help
    Life is a brighter and lovely
    Place where great experiences thrive
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone and thanks for making this a wonderful place.
  2. I fixed/rephrased some things Faar, still says the same thing. More universal, time/update friendly and guide ready if you choose to use it or parts of it.


    Also, I prefer defense in tanking btw. Doesn't matter what class I am. Before 55's I stacked a lot of defense and really enjoyed it. I'd like to try it again, or at least test it some day. I could never figure out why essentially a 'dodge tank' wasn't dodging and a guardian was... Wouldn't you think a guardian would take the hits and absorb, while a shadow/sin would deflect it or dodge out of the way?

    Xoza nooo nooo nooooooo..... There are 3 extremes in tanking... Stacking endurance the worst, Stacking shield or absorb, lastly to high a defense rating. If you stack to much defense rating then the few times your are hit are going to be massive hits. While this pulls to the extreme assumptions Tank defnses are the easiest to test for best combinations. The tanking classes are the only characters to have gear that can be statistically  proven to have the best results.



    Ok, I feel like a total noob when it comes to gearing my tank. What should I be looking for? These numbers make no sense to me.


    These number are percents of your gear distribution. Its fairly confusing at first till you understand that fact. Simply try to base the amount of defensive ratings off of the above numbers. Telling you the numbers to be shooting for is pointless unless you are in max gear. That is why they tell you the precentage of stats that you want to divi up among your gear.




    All power and alacrity (unless you're a operative / scoundrel, then go power-surge and power-crit)

    some surge + power is acceptable here and there (aim for 0-200 points)

    and a little bit of crit as well is allowed too (0-200 points)

    Surge / Crit is dependent on your class. Some healer classes have natural crit

    No accuracy in any mods, enhancements or augments whatsoever (It is however possible you get some accuracy by maxing out all your companions)

    Main stat augments

     As my personal recommendation, Sorcs should have 0 crit 200-300 surge the rest is alacrity and power. If i remember correctly on my sorc back at level 50(when that was cap) we got our 2.5 second casts down to 1.7 before the nerfed Alacrity


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