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Dagger Exonar

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Everything posted by Dagger Exonar

  1. I was told a few days earlier that Cyanide was going to retire, this may be a pleasant change of plans. Less relaxing on a beach, more storming beaches.
  2. Cyanide has earned my trust, let's hope it stays this way.
  3. That number is wrong, His mother picked up the phone. Oh wait.
  4. It is the humble who eventually obtain greatness, as the arrogant already think they're there. Very uplifting writing, Jayce, it really inspired me to work harder for what I value most. The bible references struck me as out of place, though.
  5. Jeff Barker 38 Ma*** CARRIER LOST*** Frumentarii seal of approval.
  6. [12:43] Kristian Kit (COM): people throw apps at me while flying! [12:44] Kristian Kit (COM): Here is some advice, never dual enlist as schola commadant and astra [18:20] Farrago Chandrayaan: guanau was on voice, drunk as hell, and goes to me and my squaddie, GO, I'LL COVER YOU [18:20] Farrago Chandrayaan: and then shot down a praeda with a musket [18:20] Farrago Chandrayaan: shouting FUCKIN CHAIRFORCE over voice
  7. I thought there was an apostle only ship, My mistake.
  8. The main reason I didn't join Astra was the fact the elite pilots got different ships then the regulars, as well as the lack of unlocks and equipment. I'm far too involved with Terra at the moment to switch branches, but for others interested in joining - What's the regulations with switching branches? Does your rank stay, for example?
  9. Out of combat victory report: Vanguard 0 Aryte 2 2142 sent it out to EVERYONE
  10. Welcome and thank you, this thread got lost in the avalanche of stuff going on lately.
  11. I was going to post something, but I'm pretty sure they already know. Good work everyone involved. It's the people behind the scene that make things work.
  12. Do not listen to the foul whispers of Chaos.
  13. Execute two, promote the one you missed?
  14. I doubt Heather would be there, you have nothing to fear.
  15. *sobbing into Gunau's manly arms*
  16. Like the 4th time. *is holding back tears and unable to type*
  17. Um, you know it uses Numerii for ammo right?
  18. Two terra + Lestat IMO, Sign me up. Lestat:

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