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Devastator Bluebird

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Posts posted by Devastator Bluebird

  1. Inoue Katsu wrote:

    Congratulations to everyone who didn't get promoted -TO- E-3..

    special congratulations to everyone who got promoted -FROM- E-3..

    Everyone who's now E-3 .. *pats on back* Work hard so you don't have to use that title too often ... ;)

    wow sounds like a weird secret messege

  2. Krow Ames wrote:
    Jayce Iredell wrote:

    I hate my country for its gun laws, need two yes thats right, -two- permits before you can even have a gun! and thats billions of tax payer dollars wasted. The only place in Canada you can get shot is in Toronto, and yet we all need two permits to get a gun.

    You know, some California city banned firearms. Now, I live in the south; I've been around firearms my entire life, even learned to shoot at a very young age. When I heard about the California city banning firearms, I asked "Now who's going to protect all those unarmed people in the city from all of the armed people outside of the city?"

    Criminals already get weapons illegally, what's the point of disarming the honest folks, know what I mean?

    And my RL girlfriend is my computer. She never lets me down. :D

    Favorite Videogame would be Fallout 1 and 2.

    just make sure your penis doesnt get stuck in the disk drive and you should be fine


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