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Tenaki Kupferberg

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Posts posted by Tenaki Kupferberg

  1. I was in school at the time, freshman in highschool. First I heard about it was when I was in gym class doing stretches. Someone next to me wispered "Did you hear about the crash?" and I replied "No." I didn't hear anything else about it until lunch later in the day. People were gossiping like crazy, everyone comeing up with their own theory of who did it.

    The teachers tried to stick to their lesson plans, but all the students were too interested in what happened. None of the tv's in the building save for a few classes had an outside cable tv connection. News trickled out from those rooms slowly, but it was usually so sparse that I didn't beleive it. I thought it was just some grand prank a few individuals were playing. There were a few that I knew would try things like this for giggles. Either that, or I didn't want to beleive it.

    First videos I saw of the crash, and the moment that it solidified in my head that this was very much real was when I got home. The living room tv was allready on, with the dust clouds rolling across the streets on screen. The second tower had allready gone down by the time I learned it wasn't a prank.


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