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Everything posted by Moshcrates

  1. This is a while old, so hopefully not big issue with necro'ing this up. I stream ( just about on a nightly basis, mostly Wildstar (Ordo raids) but other games during the day and off nights. We have two other streams as well: Jai ( and Malus ( They stream off and on during raid nights. Not sure of their official schedule. I believe one or two others in the Wildstar chapter are also interested in streaming, so we are helping them setup their broadcast settings. I currently use xsplit broadcaster to stream and have a whole slew of stream specific devices (AT mic, hauppauge stream box, secondary laptop to stream from). Happy to answer any questions or help others setup their streams as well. Also to follow on the Ordo team topic, that would be pretty sweet to get a team together like that.
  2. Excellent. Yeah that potion one is great. Basically keeps you at 99% uptime at the least.
  3. This is a collection of my auras I am using on my Esper. Since I have been back I have had to remake them all, so they are still somewhat a work in progress. I had to tune a bunch last night during GA that were malfunctioning. This what they all look like on CD All the Auras below (unless otherwise specified) check to see if that ability is in your LAS, as well as showing the timer CD once used. They will only appear upon entering combat and will be static until cast. Crush : {['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 1,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -187,['top'] = -41,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Crush",['showWhen'] = "Any",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header11_O",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Cooldown",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['SpellName'] = "Crush",['Charges'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},[2] = {['Type'] = "Limited Action Set Checker",['Name'] = "Trigger 2",['TriggerDetails'] = {['AbilityName'] = "",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,} Incapacitate : {['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 1,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -188,['top'] = 19,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Incapacitate",['showWhen'] = "Any",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header11_O",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Cooldown",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['SpellName'] = "Incapacitate",['Charges'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},[2] = {['Type'] = "Limited Action Set Checker",['Name'] = "Trigger 2",['TriggerDetails'] = {['AbilityName'] = "",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,} Haunt : (NOTE: This is the cd of haunt, not haunt debuff on the boss) {['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 1,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -81,['top'] = 132,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Haunt",['showWhen'] = "Any",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header11_O",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Cooldown",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['SpellName'] = "",['Charges'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},[2] = {['Type'] = "Limited Action Set Checker",['Name'] = "Trigger 2",['TriggerDetails'] = {['AbilityName'] = "",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,} Spectral Swarm {['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 1,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -34,['top'] = 132,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Spectral Swarm",['showWhen'] = "Any",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header11_O",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Cooldown",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Charges'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['SpellName'] = "Spectral Swarm",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},[2] = {['Type'] = "Limited Action Set Checker",['Name'] = "Trigger 2",['TriggerDetails'] = {['AbilityName'] = "",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,} Reap: {['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 1,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = 13,['top'] = 132,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Reap",['showWhen'] = "Any",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header11_O",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Cooldown",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Charges'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['SpellName'] = "Reap",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},[2] = {['Type'] = "Resources",['Name'] = "Trigger 2",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Resource'] = {['Value'] = 2,['Percent'] = false,['Operator'] = ">",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,} Concentrated Blade : {['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 1,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = 61,['top'] = 132,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Concentrated Blade",['showWhen'] = "Any",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header11_O",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Cooldown",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['SpellName'] = "Concentrated Blade",['Charges'] = {['Enabled'] = true,['Operator'] = "",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},[2] = {['Type'] = "Limited Action Set Checker",['Name'] = "Trigger 2",['TriggerDetails'] = {['AbilityName'] = "",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,} Gadget : {['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 1,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = 104,['top'] = -35,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Gadget",['showWhen'] = "Always",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header11_O",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Gadget",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Charges'] = {['Value'] = 0,['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "==",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,} Spectral Form : {['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 1,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = 103,['top'] = -95,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Spectral Form",['showWhen'] = "Always",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header11_O",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Cooldown",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Charges'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['SpellName'] = "",},['TriggerEffects'] = {[1] = {['timerLength'] = 0,['Type'] = "Activation Border",['EffectDetails'] = {['BorderSprite'] = "sprAS_Prompt_Interrupt",},['When'] = "Fail",['isTimed'] = false,},},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,} PsiPoints : (NOTE: These are 5 separate auras (couldnt figure out how to get just one how I wanted it), each triggering on a psi point build) PP1 {['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 0.75,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "sprResourceBar_DodgeFlashFullSolid",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -66,['top'] = 80,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "pp1",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Resources",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Resource'] = {['Value'] = 1,['Percent'] = false,['Operator'] = ">=",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 0.53741502761841,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,} PP2 {['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 0.75,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "sprResourceBar_DodgeFlashFullSolid",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -42,['top'] = 80,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "pp2",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Resources",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Resource'] = {['Value'] = 2,['Percent'] = false,['Operator'] = ">=",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 0.5,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,} PP3 {['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 0.75,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "sprResourceBar_DodgeFlashFullSolid",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -19,['top'] = 81,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "pp3",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Resources",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Resource'] = {['Value'] = 3,['Percent'] = false,['Operator'] = ">=",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 0.5,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,} PP4 {['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 0.75,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "sprResourceBar_DodgeFlashFullSolid",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = 5,['top'] = 81,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "pp4",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Resources",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Resource'] = {['Value'] = 4,['Percent'] = false,['Operator'] = ">=",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 0.5,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,} PP5 {['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 0.75,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "sprResourceBar_DodgeFlashFullSolid",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = 29,['top'] = 81,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "pp5",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Resources",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Resource'] = {['Value'] = 5,['Percent'] = false,['Operator'] = ">=",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 0.5034014582634,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,} Finisher time! (NOTE: Indication that we are at 5pp and ready to storm/eagle) {['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 3.9249997138977,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "icon_curvehudtop4",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -93,['top'] = -74,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Finisher",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Resources",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Resource'] = {['Value'] = 5,['Percent'] = false,['Operator'] = ">=",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,} Pot alert! (NOTE: This checks for life drain AND cleave pot buffs. Visible and "flashing" if I do not have a pot active. I don't bother with timer, just the indication that I need a new hit of it) {['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 1,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "sprRunecrafting_Logic",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -253,['top'] = -106,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Life Drain",['showWhen'] = "All",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header11_O",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Buff",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Target'] = {['Target'] = false,['Player'] = true,},['Stacks'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['BuffName'] = "Life Drain",},['TriggerEffects'] = {[1] = {['timerLength'] = 0,['Type'] = "Activation Border",['EffectDetails'] = {['BorderSprite'] = "sprAS_Prompt_Interrupt",},['When'] = "Pass",['isTimed'] = false,},},['Behaviour'] = "Fail",},[2] = {['Type'] = "Buff",['Name'] = "Trigger 2",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Target'] = {['Target'] = false,['Player'] = true,},['Stacks'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['BuffName'] = "Cleave",},['TriggerEffects'] = {[1] = {['timerLength'] = 0,['Type'] = "Activation Border",['EffectDetails'] = {['BorderSprite'] = "sprAS_Prompt_Interrupt",},['When'] = "Pass",['isTimed'] = false,},},['Behaviour'] = "Fail",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,} Fade out: (NOTE: This overwrites the same location as unicorn. I haven't been in a situation where I am using both, though I realize I need to spread them out. If you use them both at the same time, only unicorn will show.) {['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 1,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -190,['top'] = -102,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Fade Out",['showWhen'] = "Any",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header11_O",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Cooldown",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['Charges'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},['SpellName'] = "Fade Out",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},[2] = {['Type'] = "Limited Action Set Checker",['Name'] = "Trigger 2",['TriggerDetails'] = {['AbilityName'] = "",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,} Shockwave (NOTE: I only ever use incap OR shockwave. Always crush. Thus incap and shockwave icons are on top of each other) {['playSoundWhen'] = "None",['iconScale'] = 1,['iconEnabled'] = true,['iconSprite'] = "",['iconSound'] = -1,['iconPosition'] = {['left'] = -188,['top'] = 19,},['SimpleMode'] = false,['onlyInCombat'] = true,['iconName'] = "Shockwave",['showWhen'] = "Any",['iconText'] = {[1] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "ITL",['textString'] = "{charges}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[2] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_FloaterSmall",['textAnchor'] = "IBR",['textString'] = "{stacks}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},[3] = {['textFont'] = "CRB_Header11_O",['textAnchor'] = "OB",['textString'] = "{time}",['textFontColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},},},['iconBackground'] = true,['Triggers'] = {[1] = {['Type'] = "Cooldown",['Name'] = "Trigger 1",['TriggerDetails'] = {['SpellName'] = "Shockwave",['Charges'] = {['Enabled'] = false,['Operator'] = "",},},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},[2] = {['Type'] = "Limited Action Set Checker",['Name'] = "Trigger 2",['TriggerDetails'] = {['AbilityName'] = "",},['TriggerEffects'] = {},['Behaviour'] = "Pass",},},['iconOverlay'] = {['overlayColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0.75,},['overlayStyle'] = "Radial",['overlayShape'] = "Solid",},['iconColor'] = {[1] = 1,[2] = 1,[3] = 1,[4] = 1,},['actionSets'] = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[3] = true,[4] = true,},['iconBorder'] = true,} So that is about it for my current setup. As it usually goes, over time as I get more used to the auras, I will shrink them in size as I need them less. I used to have some bomb ones for x89, though no longer. I see Q posted them above so you can get them there. I was also toying with a purge debuff before last nights raid though it seemed spoty. I don't have a reliable way to test it atm. I was reading somewhere that purge is not actually a debuff during the spreadable portion of the spell cast. IE. before you start taking damage. That part is called "Nanite Injection", according to "the internet". And what we "need" (a relative term since it's a telegraph and we should be able to just know what it is. It was very obvious when it was on me last night, and seems to be the only circular telegraph ON you) is a tracker for that,...which may be impossible since nothing is ON US at that point. Once you get purge on you , you are taking damage so it's irrelevant if you track that with an aura. Need some more testing...unless you guys figured it out and I just missed it.
  4. As long as it is the same info on the right side of the forum page, then yes I do.
  5. Moshcrates


    Just applied this morning to play some Wildstar with you guys. Looking forward to it. I was reviewing the logs and raid spreadsheet that you guys use. Would love to talk to Culvex about Esper things. I spent some time the last few days reviewing rotations and think I have it right, just need to see if I can make some gear changes before raids. Talk to you guys soon!

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