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Posts posted by Yoko

  1. Eazy101 Wilber wrote:

    i saw one were some guy went in with his kid and then chris hanson ate the child and continued with the show

    Wait so chris hanson eats kids kinda like aryte eats babys ?
  2. I recommend failus for a promotion, because well what can i say its failus and his awesome and makes cool things D:

    I recommend Sosarin Demar for a promotion, because he has been doing alot in schola and really having fun making handbooks or help books or give him the Instructor Merit

    same for eazy101 he should have Instructor Merit

  3. 25. Bobika Ferrer: He not only kicked me out of the Mandalorians for not being his bitch ,He kept sending me condoms filled with my name in it and small furry tails. I feel scared even from this and he keeps breathing hard when ever he sees me .__. 26. Jayce Iredell: He kidnapped my beaver, and made it build him a house, he also made fun of me because I am a lumberjack.

  4. I was handed this by Sirus please post if you are not on there or have more.

    Hello all, as you may or may not know there is a epidemically sized crisis on our hands. For months the SL resident named Joseph Spearmann has greifed a variety of communitys on our beloved grid.

    This petition's goal is to better the second life experience by banning the known greifer "Joseph Spearmann"

    We also have reason to believe he is behind the underground furry sex market.

    This is Serious bzns


    1. Sirus Reiner: He spammed me with ims about doing work, and hes a RL furry who wanted to meet irl.

    2. Neil Fucking Nacon: He molested me when I was eleven, it was my first experience with genitals smaller than my own at the time...

    3. Tyler Yaseotoko. He pushes me all over the place and hits me with vehicles. Plus he picked on my gimp friend this one time.

    4. Keno Pontoppidan: He caused me permament blindness with his shiny head.

    5. Yoko Puff: he doent give me cookies and his head is so shiny its making me go blind and he really needs to get laid

    6. Agares Tretiak: I've known him for a long time, and he was always trying to get me to drink liquor in this damn bar. I think he wanted to feel up my thighs. ;_;

    7. Aelus Janus: He touched me sexually and attempted to shave my hair off while I was weak and vulnerable.

    8. Shroud Cortes: My hearing in my right ear is about shot and my eyes shall forever be blinded due to the obsesive amount of flashbang grenades he used on me.

    9. Intus Infinity: All I wanted was for him to leave me alone, but he insisted on asking me to yiff with him.

    10. Riki Barrett: He wont stop rubbing my ears and petting my tail. and he touched my sekret spot .__.

    11. Thalgar Heron: He stalks outside my window every Thursday night, throwing pebbles at it. He refused to pay when he broke it.

    12. Sly Axon - He owns 10 cars.. 9 of which do not run.

    13. Krow Ames: I have retrograde amnesia and a broken leg. They tell me it's because he insisted on driving. There's also some rape charges I don't want to talk about.

    14. Katsuhito Tal: He caused me bankruptcy and loss of the Levitas Outpost, due to making me invest in something called "Baldness and Blindness Inc."

    15. Adun Sciarri: He is a figure head who has done nothing for the clans that makes him worthy for anything but death, in truth the clans were better without him than with and they should return to the way it was when he was not around.

    16. Aryte Vesperia: He's a lazy fuck.

    17. MJ Katsu: He touched me,...but i liked it ;_;

    18. Dragon Massiel I dont know you stay back! *makes a cross with his fingers *

    19. Eazy101 Wilber: He turned me into a choppa man box :|

    20. Battle Brother Failius Extremicus Maxiumus Terribulus: So I was playing some basket ball right, just messing about, and he was sitting there with a couple of other guys, and it looked like that were upto some rather unsavory acts, so i thought I'd try and stay clear of them. But I ended up getting into a confrontation with them. After returning back home, my mother was distressed, and to be honest with you, terrified for my well being. So in the end she ended up sending me to live with my Auntie and Uncle in Bel Air.

    21. Lestat Umarov: He got me knocked up and doesn't pay child support. The worst part is I'm a guy o.o;

    22. Damionstjames Webb: He stole all my vintage 1970's copies of Inches, Hancho, Manifest, and Genus Male. He Stole all my copies of Village People origional Vynal LP collection, and then dressed up like Kate Smith and touched himself on the leg with a wooden spoon then proceaded to run over me with a floor waxer. After that he took me into the basement behind the furnice to see his sausage collection, I'd heard from Neal he only had one but Joseph said it was real pretty.... I.....I can't write anymore.

    23.Tsume Xiao - He consistantly refused to let me use the orbital buffer on his head so it could reflect laser beams and such as a form of protection for Terra troops, therefore endangering the Second Lives of many noble men, women and furs, which, in turn, would allow someone to attempt to hold that against the glorious Imperator in an attempt to tarnish the flawless silver that is his reputation. UNACCEPTABLE!

    23.1 Subsection Q: He also refused my gift of a warm chewy cookie ;_;

    23.2 Evidence Point 47: The Cookie In Question - ?􀀁

    24.Ethan Schuman: He stuck his penis in my jars of peanut butter and jelly, then used it to stir a glass of chocolate milk he gave to Yoko. =(


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