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Reina Xavalien

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Everything posted by Reina Xavalien

  1. I was told that making an account was not enough, apparently one also needs to "make a post on the forums." I don't know what kind of requirement that is, but whatever. I'm Reina, I am here for the FFXIV branch of things. My hobbies are lewd activities, murder, and long walks on the beach for murder while naked. Hope to see you people around. Let's see, I wish to be known as Reina, Dark Lord and Master of All. If that doesn't work, Reina is fine. I will be playing Final Fantasy XIV with you. *sets the avatar and the birth date* Let's see divide by two... carry the one... I am interested in playing Final Fantasy, doing some dungeons, making some friends, role-playing a bit. I intend to partake of your sweet succulent community by helping to establish the role-play front in Final Fantasy XIV. I can be contacted in game or on Discord at Reina#2408 I do so swear.

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