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Zero Itamae

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Everything posted by Zero Itamae

  1. I wanna try this again tomorrow but when I played I was having some serious trouble. The only sucess I had was sneaking into an enemy, lightly guarded base with a max suit and getting maybe 2 kills. Every other class didn't quite get me any kills or real contribution. Couldn't figure out how to make the weapons work in my favor barring the explosives.
  2. Doesn't sound too bad might have to give it a shot when it opens up :D
  3. Whats the time investment like required to really get the experience?
  4. Some good advice in that link...for a non-cook. The broth will still be kind of shitty. And being that the stock you make is one of the main flavors you'll work with I can't really condone cheating on it's creation like that. You want everything to harmonize...which is a little harder if you're not in absolute control of the seasonings or flavors going into it. If you went to a butcher and got some good bones, threw together a good combination of vegetables with it (mire poix or whatever suits you) and just simmered that away for I dunno...a day or two at minimum. I don't get to play around with stuff like that in school for a while. But when you know the theory/science behind a lot of cooking the application is pretty easy. I make a lot of intricate plates at home/work regardless! :D
  5. I would love to make real Ramen...The stock would take days though.
  6. Sneaks this in: For the Imperial Education Administration: 12 Schola phases, 7 Armatura Phases, and 2 Ludi course held. No new Schola graduates though we do have two Armatura graduates and a few NCO-A classes held this week. Reinstated Bracket Crowley as Schola Director in Vain's absence. Any matters pertaining to Schola should be directed to him. Kaska also has hopefully started what will be a trend in holding random group wide training. I am hoping to find someone interested in holding a few of these weekly while creating new training scenarios to match up with ART and any other skills we need to improve upon. Azimuth finished up a method for requesting Armatura or Schola training by using Altairi. After instructors register with the bot any Schola/Armatura cadet can apply using the command $requesttraining { 'schola' / 'armatura' }. This should hopefully improve the level of response from any active instructors and display who's actively searching. As always anyone interested in teaching or developing training materials apply at: or contact me directly. That's all for the IEA this week!
  7. You really just need to play with someone! I have a little team I tend to run with, consisting of a tank Monk, glass cannon Demon Hunter, and myself as a tank Barbarian. Between my own Armor/Resistance buff, and the defensive buffs the Monk grants we can stand up to almost anything. We can easily take down the Butcher under 2 minutes simply because we took the time to compose a team dedicated to group survival. I'm sure there is a lot more you can come up with, or make use of in Inferno as well, but this made for an easy time in Act 1.
  8. Circle kiting? None of that nonsense in Inferno. Better get your resistance up to 800+. Otherwise, have fun dying...a lot. 20-30 deaths a session unless you start going tank now. And don't even think about making it through ANY of act 2 without resist. The only 2 ways to play Inferno as a Barbarian is to either suck it up and stack the hell out of crit and either survival/offensive and start using a weapon throw only build. (Mass amounts of fury generators make it easy.) But I guarantee you'll die with how specific the gear required is. Tank is a little easier and more flexible if you actually enjoyed being able to swap out runes as the weapon throw build has little real wiggle room. (Jailer, Vortex, Molten, Arcane. Aw yea.)
  9. Good luck on Hell with the Barb, you wont be saying that :V
  10. Not all that different than D2, don't see the problem. Still had to pick your realm :s
  11. In a party with some friends, server is up :D
  12. God dammit I still can't get in. I wanna make my barbarian already :(
  13. Me and Endra got the game, was wondering what time you all usually play :o
  14. Are you on hamachi or something to play it?
  15. I'm amazed you can keep the conversation going that long, at some point I just kinda tune inane bullshit like that out.
  16. Back to earth? Yeah I saw those, thought it was hilarious.
  17. I had no idea there was a US red dwarf...I did watch every episode in the span of like a month though, love the writing behind it. So amazing XD
  18. IT Crowd needed to have at least one more series, that made me so sad. Ffffing brilliant show. Oh well, at least I have more smeging Red Dwarf to look forward to :D
  19. [18:34:02] Aryte Vesperia: And in closing. Happy St. Patrick's Day. :} Sim closed until the morning. Drink hearty and have a wonderful time. I'll be back in an hour or so to run around. Try working at an Irish pub. There is nothing wonderful about this day >:o
  20. The AR isn't all that bad honestly! Little bit of luck and a lot of effort in leading, and you can easily take out a flag carrier from 2500m+ :o
  21. Been playing the beta for a few days so I wanted to post and see if anyone else is. If there is a lot of interest in the game (Free beta keys off facebook last I checked.) then I'll probably go and improve the op. The game has been spectacular thus far, and certainly maintained the feeling from the old games...Spinfuzor pros included.
  22. With how little content they had for the mutiplayer even at this point though? There is no justification in them charging for maps. Compare it to any other arcadey shooter like CoD or Halo and at launch they'll give you at least 8-12 maps. Given it's price tag too, they kinda owe a few free maps.
  23. The multiplayer content for the game is way worth the $20 I spent on my cdkey. The survival mode co-op and spec ops plays well. Really like how it's levels are split from normal MP and all. It's pretty close to what MW2 was, which is a pretty great thing for an FPS imo. It had a fun system before, and had no reason to change it for what it is. Great pace, decently short games for plenty of quick satisifaction, and loads of variety in how you can set up your classes. Loving it personally. <3

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